Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Revisiting History of our Hawaiian Kingdom: 1892 - 1917 or Important Documents to Keep With Land Documents

Revisiting History of our Hawaiian Kingdom: 1892 - 1917 or Important Documents to Keep With Land Documents

Compiled by Researchers - Shane Lee, Kiliwehi Kekumano, and Amelia Gora (2009)

The following articles, researched information has been placed in a Chronological Order. The purpose is to expose and explain the problematic issues which affects our aboriginal Hawaiian people today.All Monarchy governments are the target of disruption, breaking down by those who defend the One World Order/New World Order Momentum Today......especially those who signed into the Secret Treaty of Verona of 1822.The nations involved are: Austria, France, Prussia, Russia, the United States, England/Great Britain, and the Vatican - complemented for maintaining "Obedience" amongst the people.There's much more research /evidence gathered which affects all in Hawaii today which has been financed and supported by our families/Royal families descendants of Kamehameha, descendants/heirs of many of the alii, konohiki who are some of the true owners of Hawaiian Lands.Strong birds fly first, then when others such as yourselves pick up, can also move ahead as well.Aloha.

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