- Continued Opposition to the Akaka Bill, criminal claims to the Crown Lands, the Trusts of our families remain and documented by Amelia Gora, a Royal person, Acting Liaison of Foreign Affairs, Hawaiian Kingdom, one of the Represenatatives of the Hawaiian Genealogy Society, member of the Royal Families House of Nobles (also known as the hulu manu) Attached, Recorded and posted as Hawaiian Kingdom Records No. 2010-01601 September 6, 2010 and forwarded to U.S. President Obama, entity Governor Linda Lingle, and interested others Amelia Gora, Royal person, a living human being, one of the descendants of Kamehameha, Kalaniopuu, Kahekili, Kaumualii, Nuuanu, Keliimaikai, Kaleiwohi, Kiilaweau, Kalanikaulihiwakama Piipii, John Young, Isaac Davis, et. als. these posts may also be seen at www.ameliagora.wordpress.com and in the upcoming IOLANI - The Royal Hawk issues on Wednesday, September 11, 2010 or at www.theiolani.blogspot.com or www.iolani.blogspot.com
- http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/article26317.htm The Triumph of Evil By Prof. John Kozy September 07, 2010 "Global Research" -- Modern societies have justified their adoption of criminal activities by claiming that such techniques are necessary to combat evil. But the war against evil by the good cannot be won using evil tactics. Evil never yields goodness, and by using these evil practices, the amount of evil in the world increases both in amount and extent. Attempting to save the nation by becoming what you are trying to save the nation from is suicidal. Unless benign techniques such as those developed by primitive societies are put to use, evil will prevail. Then, paraphrasing J. Robert Oppenheimer's comment after the first atomic bomb was successfully tested, We will have become evil, the destroyer of goodness. Some decades ago, while having dinner with a newly elected Attorney General of the State of North Carolina and the Chief Justice of that state's Supreme Court, the jurist told me that everyone involved in the legal system and enforcement had to think like criminals to catch them. He believed the statement to be straight forward and evident until I pointed out that the line between thinking like a criminal and acting like one is very fine and is easily and frequently crossed, which results in increasing the amount of evil in society rather than reducing it. Few apparently notice this consequence and the criminal-like behavior of those charged with enforcing and adjudicating the law has increased so substantially that it has become common practice. YouTube is replete with videos of police brutality. Police have been videoed beating subdued prisoners, tasering people (even little old ladies) indiscriminately, shooting mentally challenged people they have been called upon to help, and killing people caught committing non-capital crimes who try to escape (sometimes by shooting them in the back). Investigations to determine whether those officers should be held accountable rarely result in any punishment. People providing forensic information in trials have been shown to have falsified evidence in ways that facilitate convictions. A recent report claims that "agents of the [N.C.] State Bureau of Investigation repeatedly aided prosecutors in obtaining convictions over a 16-year period, mostly by misrepresenting blood evidence and keeping critical notes from defense attorneys . . . calling into question convictions in 230 criminal cases." Similar problems have been found with other forensic labs. In Dallas, TX, a former prosecutor, Henry Wade, now deceased, has become infamous for having convicted a large number of innocent defendants. Dallas has had more exonerations than any other county in America; yet most requests for the retesting of DNA have been denied by trial court judges on the recommendation of former District Attorney Bill Hill, a protégé of Wade's. Mr. Hill's prosecutors routinely opposed testing. In addition to almost complete reliance on eyewitness testimony, a review of the Dallas County DNA cases shows that 13 of the 19 wrongly convicted men were black, eight were misidentified by victims of another race, investigators, prosecutors, and many of the juries in the cases were all white, police used suggestive lineup procedures and sometimes pressured victims to pick their suspect and then cleared the case once an identification was made, prosecutors frequently went to trial with single-witness identifications and flimsy corroboration and tried to preserve shaky identifications by withholding evidence that pointed to other potential suspects, and judges routinely approved even tainted pretrial identifications. When Bill Hill, who said he was confident his assistants verified the accuracy of all eyewitness identifications was told his office prosecuted one those exonerated, Mr. Hill said the two prosecutors on the case were incompetent holdovers from the previous administration. Terri Moore, the current DA's top assistant and a former federal prosecutor, said, "It's almost like it's the whole system. Everybody drops the ball somewhere, starting with the police investigation. And we just take the case and adopt what the police say." Then there are those prosecutions that rely on the testimony of criminals who have been bribed to act as informants. Bribery is a criminal activity, and if a defense attorney were shown to have bribed a witness, disbarment would be the likely result; yet prosecutors commonly do it. The preceding paragraphs limn an ugly picture, ugly indeed! But the evil is not limited to local law enforcement. When officials realized that they can act with impunity without fear of suffering any personal consequences, the maxim, one must think like criminals to catch them, underwent subtle alterations. Now one must think like bankers to be able to regulate them. The same thing is said of stock brokers, oil men, and every other interest group. Everyone wants to be self-regulated. But self-regulation is nothing but a license to engage in criminal behavior. The whole system of governing becomes an oligarchy of old boys scratching each other's backs. Everyone knows just how well that works out. Federal agencies, including the Supreme Court, are complicit, too. The Court violates the Constitution routinely. Remember the decision validating the incarceration of Japanese Americans during WWII? Other decisions, perhaps not quite so obvious, can easily be cited. The FBI and Homeland Security routinely violate the privacy provisions of both the Constitution and the law, and the courts have failed to intervene. The CIA has become an official version of Murder, Inc., now even advocating the assassination of Americans living abroad who have been labeled "terrorists." The agency has become the dispenser of vigilante justice, while Americans are told to never take the law into their own hands. No one seems to realize that the war against evil by the good cannot be won using evil tactics. Evil never yields goodness, and by using these evil practices on the pretext of fighting evil, the amount of evil in the world increases both in amount and extent. Attempting to save a nation by becoming what you are trying to save the nation from is an act of national self-destruction; it is suicidal. So how can the good be expected to fight evil? Edmund Burke's claim, "All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing," is often cited. Sounds good, doesn't it? But the claim falls into the category of notions that Michael Faraday labeled "favorite ideas," and he warned us to be leery of them. Think about it for just a minute. Are people who do nothing really good? Anyone who has watched network television over the past decade has seen stories about people who have seen crimes taking place without ever intervening and people collapsing in the street without ever stopping to render aid. ABC News currently has a series, titled What Would You Do?, that stages illegal acts in public places to see how unaware bystanders respond. Many do nothing. The implication of these stories is that there's something wrong with such people. In fact, no one knows what the ratio of good to bad people in society is. Perhaps there simply are not enough good people to make a difference no matter what they do. But even supposing, as most people do, that the good outnumber the bad, few realize how hard it is for the good to fight evil. Good people are repelled by it; they can never employ it even with the best of intentions; they know multiple wrongs never make right. So what are they to do? They can, of course, rail against the evil. Some like the ACLU, the Innocence Project, and others file lawsuits, others expose evil by requesting documents through the Freedom of Information act and by becoming whistleblowers. Although all of these actions are worthwhile and often result in combating specific wrongful acts, they have little effect on the systemic evil that has been incorporated into institutional behavior. Good people seem to be limited by their very goodness. Is there then no hope? Can nothing be done to prevent the triumph of evil? Some societies have developed benign and civil ways of dealing with it. Gandhi was able to use passive resistance to expel the evil British RAJ from India, but, unfortunately, the Indians were unable to use it to keep an evil local RAJ from acquiring control. Nevertheless, Gandhi demonstrated that passive resistance can work. The Norwegians during WWII redefined the surname Quisling to mean traitor and thereby vilified Vidkun Quisling who assisted Nazi Germany after it conquered Norway so that he himself could rule. The term was later used to vilify fascist political parties, military and paramilitary forces and other collaborators in occupied Allied countries. If, as some claim, America is becoming a fascist state, "Quisling" can still be used today. Recently, Stephanie Madoff, daughter-in-law of Bernard Madoff, filed court papers asking to change her and her children's last name to Morgan to avoid additional humiliation and harassment. Vilification by associating a person's name with his acts and applying it to others who act likewise is an effective, benign way of attacking evil. In an earlier piece, I suggested that those who advocate war but deliberately avoid serving themselves be called Cheyneys. The French Resistance, during and after WWII, shaved the heads of women caught consorting with German occupiers. These "shaved-heads" exposed their shame until their hair re-grew, and even later, others rarely forgot who they were. (Some would consider forcefully shaving a person's head a battery which is illegal, but even so, it is a rather harmless battery.) Primitive societies developed a whole range of benign ways of confronting evil, some of which are still in use today in isolated places. Ostracism, shunning, anathema, and social rejection have been used successfully. Then there are the more modern practices of boycotting and picketing. But modern technological advances have made even other practices available. Imaginative uses of these tried and proven methods can be very effective. For instance, most computer literate people are familiar with denial of service attacks used by hackers. A denial of service attack is an attempt to make a computer resource unavailable to its intended users. These attacks are a great nuisance, but often cause no real damage. No good person would recommend using such attacks, but consider the following situation: People are routinely asked to write their congressmen to influence their voting on specific issues. These letters are usually delivered to Capitol Hill, perhaps causing congressmen some annoyance, but rarely enough to induce much real change. But what if the letters, written in civil language without threats, were sent to the residences of a congressman's parents, siblings, spouse, and children? What if the letters merely asked the recipient's to urge their relatives to consider changing his/her mind? What if thousands of letters were sent to these people? The annoyance would be enormous. If this were done to enough congressmen often enough, perhaps they would consider acting in more responsible ways or perhaps leaving office altogether. Denying miscreants of the convenient use of the proceeds of their actions could be a powerful tool. This technique can be used against corporate officers and their governing boards, judges who routinely reduce the amounts jurors award plaintiffs, the police who are shown to have acted brutally, Justices of the Supreme Court who issue rulings that cannot be justified by normal readings of the Constitution, in short, anyone acting in an official capacity who has done a great wrong. Furthermore, the U.S. Postal Service needs the money. The establishment does not expect people to act in such ways; it expects them to use the normal established channels to express their disapproval. But those established channels have long ago been shown to be ineffective. All that is required to win the battle against evil is to find ways to make the lives of the miscreants miserable. No laws, not violence, not even punishment is needed. Annoy them, shame them, shun them, ostracize them, turn them into social outcasts, personae non gratae. Even if the good in society constitute only a minority, if the minority is large enough, it can succeed using such benign but annoying techniques. The situation described above is only one of many possibilities. Imaginative people can conceive of others which can be equally effective. Think of ways of using the telephone, twitter, posters, and anything else in similar ways. The governing maxim needed is just make the miscreant's life miserable. Unless such techniques are put to use, evil will prevail. Then, paraphrasing J. Robert Oppenheimer's comment after the first atomic bomb was successfully tested, We will have become evil, the destroyer of goodness.
- John Kozy is a retired professor of philosophy and logic who writes on social, political, and economic issues. After serving in the U.S. Army during the Korean War, he spent 20 years as a university professor and another 20 years working as a writer. He has published a textbook in formal logic commercially, in academic journals and a small number of commercial magazines, and has written a number of guest editorials for newspapers. His on-line pieces can be found on http://www.jkozy.com/ and he can be emailed from that site's homepage. **************************** Sort by: Date Rating Last Activity Loading comments... You are about to flag this comment as being inappropriate. Please explain why you are flagging this comment in the text box below and submit your report. The blog admin will be notified. Thank you for your input. -2 Vote up Vote down Buddhalovesstains's avatar Buddhalovesstains · 5 hours ago I did not read the article I only saw up to the point that said one can not or should not use evil tactics to combat evil. Wroooooong. Of course it is a complex issue. But I will not accept any descent to my ruling! Share/Save/Bookmark Report Reply 1 reply · active less than 1 minute ago +1 Vote up Vote down John S. Hatch's avatar John S. Hatch · 4 hours ago I think the US has disgraced itself, perhaps fatally. You can't have this Jekyll-Hyde mentality whereby (for example) Hilary Clinton shrilly preaches to other nations regarding civil rights etc while America imprisons and tortures children, imprisons without trial, engages in kidnapping, accepts as evidence testimony and 'confessions' obtained under torture, and on and on. Mr. Obama cannot spew cliches about the greatness of America even as he increases troops in an illegal invasion, lies about 'the end of combat' in Iraq while quietly increasing the number of killer mercenaries and 'advisers' , defends the massacre at Fallujah (and elsewhere) and the use of weapons such as depleted uranium and white phosphorous, and continues the use of drones in drowning Pakistan, raining down more misery on innocent civilians. He can't speak of justice and goodness and righteousness while hiding the crimes of Bush/Cheney while continuing to pretend that 9/11 was perpetrated by a few Muslims with box cutters overseen by a guy (a former CIA asset like Obama) on a flying carpet. 'Enemies' aren't destroying America, America is. Share/Save/Bookmark Report Reply 1 reply · active 1 hour ago 0 Vote up Vote down jerrygates7's avatar jerrygates7 · 3 hours ago Thanks to John Kozy for his logic. Anyone who has returned evil for evil knows the penance of such temptations is harsher than of they had logically deduced better means to their ends, vengeance perhaps is God;s, we could say and for a very good reason, human being fail miserably in exacting revenge without blow back consequences more grave than the act one responded to with evil. Examples of the reward for returning evil for evil abound in the war on terror, Donald Rumsfelds shock and awe, two failures at once, responded to the hanging and dragging of mercenaries from Blackwater in Fallujah with horrific firepower that has left Fallujah's newborns as freaks and killed more innocent people than the few who were caught and tortured by Fallujahs residents. The blow back to the war effort was a macabre spate of tortures and murders in the streets of Baghdad and what appears to be a stagnant and dead thing as the resultant governance imposed by US will on Iraqis. While the combat may have subsided, the reputation of America as a defender of rights, liberty and justice has fallen vastly by the wayside, perhaps never to return. Other examples of depravity returned upon the depraved serve as guideposts for those tempted to return evil for evil, one of which is the lashing out from American pulpits at Muslims. How disgraced does the USA feel after such a ranting wild spree of expression, most of it selfishly designed for political effect, Jewish zionist support for Israel and the GOP's fitful start up as the Tea Party, ostensibly throwing Muslims overboard from the ship of fools naive enough to believe that it was and is Islam which destroyed the trade towers and the wing of the Pentagon. The CIA is AlQaida and we are at war with US agents gone nuts as well as their conscripts in arms, Jihad ala CIA and ISI Mossad et al the evil empire did this dirt to itself for the facility of driving their people to fear and loathing of Muslims as a war cry that is returning evil for evil, in many ways. How base and irresponsible of Americans to fear Muslims when it is the lies of their own military secretary of state and Tony Blair's fakeries that drove the US offf this cliff to muck and mire, war for empire under the ruse of liberty is evil returned against evil and the blow back is immense and growing. The next time this evil is returned for preemptive reasoning, how will the ruse be embarked upon without people seeing it for what it is, such as with Iran, our "evil" enemy has not attacked another nation sicne the US forced Saddam Hussein to war against Iran for utterly selfich reasoning, we led them into a state of rebuke of westernization by imposing a western will in an Islamic nation, how has this benefitted the US so far, we should ask? Could we have been less demonstrative, seditionist and openly friendly and not so threatening to the Saudis, Sunnis and their peoples by building a nuclear Iran which threatened Sunnis Arabs. What a mess we have made with so many stupid and short sighted tactics. Logic states that if we do evil to dispel it, we increase our misery theirs and end up as two sides battling with no reason for the combat save for prideful victory shallow, heinous and wasetful.gamesmanship with human lives lost for egotistic pride of braggery, Boast not of ones goodness, for the evil of today is sufficient therefore??? Bragging rights are for braggarts and dullards, intelligent humans find that goodness is rebuke enough to dispel evil, God knows that the tide of whom is evil in world discourse has turned against the US. WHY, we should ask? Return not evil for evil? If you want to be loved, be good and dont hate, the results will amaze you! Share/Save/Bookmark Report Reply 0 replies · active less than 1 minute ago 0 Vote up Vote down c.t.'s avatar c.t. · 2 hours ago Certainly there are times when turning the other cheek can deflect anger or stop an escalation -- BUT There are also times when failing to fight back can be taken as a sign of weakness and embolden a certain type of psychopathic personality to move in for the kill. The trick is to know when to employ each strategy. Though it would be easier to comment if Mr. Kozy had tried to define what he meant by "evil". . Share/Save/Bookmark Report Reply 0 replies · active less than 1 minute ago 0 Vote up Vote down c.t.'s avatar c.t. · 1 hour ago Oh -- Also, being evil will get you more women for some reason. Share/Save/Bookmark Report Reply 0 replies · active less than 1 minute ago 0 Vote up Vote down Diana's avatar Diana · 1 hour ago The blowback from the evil (terrorism) we spread around the world will certainly result in innocents being the victims here at home, not the purpetrators of evil. The blowback that will be created by a 'staged' Quran burning will be enormous. When churches in America begin preaching hate they are turning their backs on the very foundation of their institutions. It is a media sponsored, politically staged event (it certainly could not possibly be a religious event) which showcases evil in its purest form and whatever the motivation for such a display of unmitigated hatred it will not have accomplished anything but increased outrage and possible retaliation. Perhaps a short visit from the Ghosts of Past and Future Events would shed some wisdom on such a folly. Share/Save/Bookmark Report Reply 0 replies · active less than 1 minute ago 0 Vote up Vote down Guide's avatar Guide · 1 hour ago Everyone knows they themselves are capable of both good and evil, but they must hold themselves out as being good. One way to do this is to accuse others of being evil, so that, by contrast, they themselves will seem good. This is most evident with police/offenders, jailers/prisoners, one country/another country, one military force/another military force, one football team/their opponent, one clique of teenage girls/a rival clique of teenage girls, teachers/students, counselors/counselees, theologians/sinners. The curious thing is why people fall for the charade. Share/Save/Bookmark Report Reply 0 replies · active less than 1 minute ago +2 Vote up Vote down Benjamin's avatar Benjamin · 1 hour ago Please, Gandhi only proved that "good cop, bad cop" is an effective bargaining strategy. Gandhi only stayed alive because the British Raj preferred to negotiate with a pacifist than with enraged, bloodthirsty mobs, which did exist and which Gandhi could influence to a degree. Whether Gandhi used violence is in a sense irrelevant. He was protected either way by the implicit threat of violence if non-violent action failed. In other words, if Gandhi's movement was crushed, it would mean all-out bloody war, and the Brits knew it, and the Indians knew it. Non-violence is extremely praiseworthy and has an exalted position as a faction in any movement. But it's never won anything on its own. Ask cows. Cows are nonviolent, and it never saves any of them from the slaughterhouse. Yet, no one tries to farm lions for their meat and milk, for the simple reason that lions are not non-violent. The truth that the professor is missing is that ostracism, shaming, appeals to conscience etc. simply do not work on the about 1% of the population of society which simply has no conscience to appeal to. Non violence and principled action can theoretically strip away the 99% of their followers, but the 1% is immune to this approach. They can only be dealt with as one would a poisonous snake or insect - avoided at all costs if possible and battled to the death if necessary. The theory of non-violence is 99% true, but 1% of poison in a glass of milk can prove fatal. Get your head around the concept that not every being possesses a soul. Share/Save/Bookmark Report Reply 0 replies · active less than 1 minute ago Loading... +1 Vote up Vote down BohemianInfidel's avatar - Go to profile BohemianInfidel 57p · 1 hour ago The sadness I come across quite often is the calloused attitude of men who seem to subscribe to the same train of thought. “To be a man is to kill and let God sort them out”. Corporate news has united their thoughts. We are in a spiritual war and Christians are outnumbered. Politically correct rhetoric by our government has been used as a weapon against us in this war. Power and money have been at the core of all of the deception in our lives, not because they in them selves are evil, but because so many are spiritually bankrupt with no integrity in their decisions and they will lie, steal, kill and either change the laws to make their actions legal or take their chances with enough money and power to give them an edge of beating any possible repercussions. “The me cultural”, has kept us from uniting and taking control, entertainment, sports, and television has kept us passive. The lack of nourishment in GMO foods and tainted tap water has weakened us. We no longer trust our Government and our corporations to regulate them with honesty and integrity. Only with the Christian values this country was founded on can we save our country and its people. Share/Save/Bookmark Report Reply 0 replies · active 1 hour ago 0 Vote up Vote down 's avatar - Go to profile @Kissthiz · 39 minutes ago Hmm...where do souls come from? And as I was thinkin'.....our acts of immoral war gives us a nasty reputation as a nation and it sure ISN'T done for GOD as those evil ones was fingered for in the bible! That's how they lie and slander GOD'S name for doing 'good', don't they? You can't save that soul, just resist the devil and he shall flee! Share/Save/Bookmark Report Reply 0 replies · active less than 1 minute ago 0 Vote up Vote down Amelia Gora's avatar Amelia Gora · 2 minutes ago How do you combat Evil............expose them! in a neutral, non violent, friendly way..........educate them to the Truth..........because Truth hurts... in the long run, God will get them! aloha. p.s. in Immoral wars which benefits a minority, it would be wise to charge them with treason..........see John Nelson's research at http://myweb.ecomplanet.com/GORA8037 which affects U.S. Presidents and Congress from 1933 or President Roosevelt's period, an excerpt posted below: "Senate Report No. 93-549 (Note: If you wish to have a copy of this report, simply call your Senator and request it from him), consisting of 607 pages, which I believe you will find most interesting. The United States went “Bankrupt” in 1933 and was declared so by President Roosevelt by Executive Orders 6073, 6102, 6111 and Executive Order 6260 [See: Senate Report 93-549, pgs 187 & 594 under the “Trading With the Enemy Act” {Sixty-Fifth congress, Sess. I, chs. 105,106, October 6, 1917}, and as codified at 12 U.S.C.A. 95a}. The several States of the Union then pledged the faith and credit thereof to the aid of the National Government, and formed numerous socialist committees, such as the “Council of State Governments”, “Social Security Administration” etc., to purportedly deal with the economic “Emergency”. These Organizations operated under the “Declaration of INTERdependence” of January 22, 1937, and published some of their activities in “The Book Of The States.” The 1937 Edition of The Book Of The States openly declared that the people engaged in such activities as the Farming/Husbandry Industry had been reduced to mere feudal “Tenants” o their Land [Book Of The States, 1937, pg. 155]." The treasonous acts continue to this day and operate on a separate Constitution.... ******************
- Reply by Amelia Gora on Follow the Facts · 5 hours ago ...very unimpressive posts above...as would be expected...the absence of public shame, is what enabled Bush to continue...there was never a "moment of truth"...it didn't happen, because no one wanted to "embarrass him"... …but a moment of truth is coming up shortly – there is going to be a book burning in the US… THIS is good…this is very good, because it will provide clarity and it will exemplify in explicit and easily understandable detail, what the "American character" is really about…no, I'm not saying "all" Americans, it's never that clear cut…but it IS significant enough, for the Supreme Imperial Commander (Petreous) to express opposition to it! – The "Truthfulness" of this "moment" – a "book-burning" – disturbs, by its clarity, the facade the Power seeks to uphold… It is especially important that this confrontation takes place since this "Power" – the American Hegemonic Impetus – COUNTS on the support of this "force" that seeks to express itself through this book-burning event…the book-burning event exposes Truth ABOUT Power. ….I sure hope nothing stops this event from happening…it is VERY symbolic and VERY loaded and very important. It is the exact thing that has defined "evil" in the past…and now will do it again. And the news will spread like wildfire across the globe…(…as P correctly fears…) The "American character" can best be judged based on the totality of what the "American character" expresses spontaneously. …bring it on... Share/Save/Bookmark Report Reply 1 reply · active less than 1 minute ago Replying to Follow the Facts * YouTubeEmbed video * AtDCheck Spelling Post a video comment Enter text right here! Go back and post a text comment Reply as a Guest, or login: * Login to IntenseDebate * Login to WordPress.com * Login to Twitter * Login to OpenID Go back Tweet this comment Twitter Connected as (Logout) Email (optional) Not displayed publicly. Name Email Website (optional) Displayed next to your comments. Not displayed publicly. If you have a website, link to it here. OpenID URL Comment as a Guest or login using OpenID Posting anonymously. Tweet this comment CancelSubmit comment Subscribe to 0 Vote up Vote down Amelia Gora's avatar Amelia Gora · 1 minute ago http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nazi_book_burnings List of authors whose books were burnt (incomplete list) * Isaak Babel * Henri Barbusse * Walter Benjamin * Ernst Bloch * Bertolt Brecht * Max Brod * Otto Dix * Alfred Döblin * Ilja Ehrenburg * Albert Einstein * Friedrich Engels * Lion Feuchtwanger * Marieluise Fleißer * Friedrich Wilhelm Foerster * Leonhard Frank * Sigmund Freud * André Gide * Iwan Goll * Maxim Gorki * George Grosz * Jaroslav Hašek * Heinrich Heine * Ernest Hemingway * Ödön von Horvath * Heinrich Eduard Jacob * Franz Kafka * Georg Kaiser * Erich Kästner * Helen Keller * Alfred Kerr * Egon Erwin Kisch * Karl Kraus * Lenin * Theodor Lessing * Alexander Lernet-Holenia * Karl Liebknecht * Jack London * Georg Lukács * Rosa Luxemburg * Heinrich Mann * Klaus Mann * Thomas Mann * Ludwig Marcuse * Karl Marx * Vladimir Mayakovsky * Ludwig von Mises * Robert Musil * Carl von Ossietzky * John Dos Passos * Erwin Piscator * Alfred Polgar * Marcel Proust * Erich Maria Remarque * Ludwig Renn * Joachim Ringelnatz * Romain Rolland * Joseph Roth * Nelly Sachs * Felix Salten * Anna Seghers * Upton Sinclair * Arthur Schnitzler * Carl Sternheim * Bertha von Suttner * Ernst Toller * Leon Trotsky * Kurt Tucholsky * Jakob Wassermann * Franz Werfel * Grete Weiskopf * H.G. Wells * Émile Zola * Arnold Zweig * Stefan Zweig I wouldn't be surprised John Moody who wrote THE MASTERS OF CAPITA (the history of corporations, etc.)L; Homer Lea who wrote THE VALOR OF IGNORANCE (plans of the U.S. to WAR with Japan, et. als.); and Clifford Gessler who wroteTROPIC LANDFALL (reveals downgraded Secret, Top Secret, and Classified information about the Hawaiian Islands, etc.) would be on the list for book burning, a practice held by the NAZIS (see video). aloha.
- Bill Johnson 's avatar Bill Johnson · 3 hours ago I fully agree with this excellent speech by JFK! For real politics without secrets. http://wspus.org/ Share/Save/Bookmark Report Reply 0 replies · active less than 1 minute ago 0 Vote up Vote down c.t.'s avatar c.t. · 59 minutes ago This is from a review of "The Parable of the Tribes" by Andrew Schmookler: Imagine a group of tribes living within reach of one another. If all choose the way of peace, then all may live in peace. But what if all but one choose peace, and that one is ambitious for expansion and conquest? What can happen to the others when confronted by an ambitious and potent neighbor? Perhaps one tribe is attacked and defeated, its people destroyed and its lands seized for the use of the victors. Another is defeated, but this one is not exterminated; rather, it is subjugated and transformed to serve the conqueror. Share/Save/Bookmark Report Reply 0 replies · active less than 1 minute ago 0 Vote up Vote down c.t.'s avatar c.t. · 59 minutes ago Continued: A third seeking to avoid such disaster flees from the area into some inaccessible (and undesirable) place, and its former homeland becomes part of the growing empire of the power-seeking tribe. Let us suppose that others observing these developments decide to defend themselves in order to preserve themselves and their autonomy. But the irony is that successful defense against a power-maximizing aggressor requires a society to become more like the society that threatens it. Power can be stopped only by power, and if the threatening society has discovered ways to magnify its power through innovations in organization or technology (or whatever), the defensive society will have to transform itself into something more like its foe in order to resist the external force. I have just outlined four possible outcomes for the threatened tribes: destruction, absorption and transformation, withdrawal, and imitation. In every one of these outcomes the ways of power are spread throughout the system. This is the parable of the tribes. . ***************
- The following is one of the Opposition letters pertaining to the AKAKA Bill: From: Amelia Gora Subject: Royal Tidings - Vol 1 No. 67 Sunday July 28, 2008 Continued Opposition to the Akaka Bill, to OHA/Office of Hawaiian Affairs, etc.; Important Information to All of Hawaiiʻs Royal families, kanaka maoli, etals. To: "hawaiianhistory@yahoo.com" Date: Sunday, July 27, 2008, 9:41 AM Continued Opposition to the Akaka Bill/Akaka Bull/Effects of American Occupation on Hawaiiʻs Subjects/kanaka maoli or VALIDATING KANAKA MAOLI RECLAMATION/RE-ENTRY ON YOUR ANCESTORS LANDS by Amelia Kuulei Gora (2008) With evidence of the U.S. premeditation move to assume Hawaii (see New York Times article dated January 9, 1893 about Pearl Harbor) plans that were made included land title deviants, Civil War general(s) positions, big business racketeers making their homes in Hawaii prior to the criminal dethronement of Hawaiiʻs Queen in a neutral non-violent nation. Let us review specific issues affecting all lands in Hawaii through the following: 1) Land Title Deviant(s) HENRY E. COOPER Henry E. Cooper arrived in the Kingdom of Hawaii during King David Kalakauaʻs reign in 1890. Cooper hailed from San Dioego, California. He was working for the San Diego Title and Abstract Company. Cooper petitioned for a Charter as the Hawaiian Abstract and Title Company. His petition was approved. In 1902, Henry E. Cooper became the Acting Governor in Hawaii (March 31, 1902 - June 3, 1902). In 1907 the Land title registration using the Torrens System was authorized in Hawaii. A central Land Court system was operated statewide based on the Massachussetts law. Corporations intially registered large tracts of undeveloped land, agricultural plantations, which was stricken as a compulsory clause in 1907. The Torrens system in Hawaii is one of the few survivign ones in the United States. The BANKS made it a policy for all loans when a CLEAR TITLE WAS LACKING. Observation: The formation of an abstract and title company in Hawaii basing its rules on the United States, a foreign governments application of lands not equivalent to the lands in Hawaii, itʻs system being similar to Englandʻs land laws leads to wrongful and criminal assumptions by foreigners who stole lands by mass killings, wars, invasion, terrorism, greed, immoralities, and criminal malfeasance. Therefore, affiliation to Americans or supporters of the American government, their land definitions/perspectives, etc. undoubtedly meant that Henry E. Cooper was yet another terrorist who came to Hawaii. Perhaps he may have been yet another spy who came to Hawaii. For the purposes of reclaiming ancestral lands, the title companies in place have allowed an insurance for each title research of properties and claim that they will pay up to $200,000+ for erroneous reports. So, that translates to our claims will be moved forward, those on our properties will have to pay rents, leases, or get some of the monies back by visiting their title companies on record. Land title registration using the Torrens System from 1907 also has problematic issues due to the application of foreign claims, including BANKerʻs claims on a friendly, neutral nation owned by Royal families, and subjects of the Hawaiian Kingdom. (see articles in the IOLANI - The Royal Hawk about Royal families existing today and watch youtube.com film about the making of the film Kaiulani presented by Alex Luka, etc. - his point being that the Organic Act of 1900 does not recognize kanaka maoli/Hawaiian subjects as American citizens, etc.) Background: The Great Mahele land information remains under the REGULAR SYSTEM. Those lands that did not have a "clear record title" /lacking are part of the LAND COURT SYSTEM supported by criminal deviants, including the BANKerʻs with their policies of loans. The Bureau of Conveyances maintain both systems in the filing, record systems. With the promotion of the AKAKA Bull/Bill, the intent is to recognize an already recognized nation as a newly formed Indian group with the American title; transfer all Hawaiian lands to the U.S. once and for all; make OHA/Office of Hawaiian Affairs the government under the U.S.; destroy ALL REGULAR SYSTEM and LAND COURT SYSTEM records; imprison the researchers, etc. Continued Opposition to the AKAKA Bull/Bill is also documented here. Use and purpose: It is suggested that all kanaka maoli print up many pages of this article and present it to all those who are occupying your lands as directions/directives for those sitting on your properties. 2) Civil War generals serving in Hawaii as Court Judges, Issues affecting Kingdom of Hawaiiʻs court cases, etc. ALFRED STEDMAN HARTWELL (1836-1912) American - Civil War Brigadier General; Massachussets legislator; Moved here in 1870; Employed as a Justice of the Supreme Court; appointed Attorney General in 1876. Conspirator/TERRORIST/Provisional government ( not government but an entity according to Queen Liliuokalani) supporter in 1893; Supreme Court Justice. Hartwell ruled in many of the Alii Court cases. Background: After the American Civil War ended in 1865, many of the Commanders, officers were assigned abroad. The Southern generals were sought after to be imprisoned or given assignments to prove their United States allegiance by working abroad on various assignments which included working outside of the U.S. (see various articles in the IOLANI - The Royal Hawk at www.theiolani.blogspot.com or at the hawaiian genealogy society at yahoogroups.com Court issues: "Implied acquiescence" "from the very silence of Court and counsel," and "implied acquiescence" were entertained in regards to cases that were in court for years: Out of the Supreme Court Law Library, Hawaii Report Volume 14, page 668-669: "Again the practie of digging up the files of the Circuit Court and referring to them to establish a practice or procedure does not appeal to me very strongly. There is enough difficulty in determining such questions when reference is made to reported cases where the evidence of the question passed upon is supposed to be preserved in practicable form. To search through a lot of files of the trial court and examine the entitling of the papers and the endorsement on the summons is not in any way a satisfactory method to establish a question of procedure let alone to justify an Appelate court in passing by one of its own solemn decisions." Note: This foreign court operated out of jurisdiction, was never granted jurisdiction by Queen Liliuokalani who was under stress, duress, and usurpation. Significantly, these OPINIONS appear to be the base for court cases in Hawaii. 3) Big business racketeers George Macy - became the head of the internal revenue (service) for the U.S. government. The goal was to collect taxes from Hawaiian subjects for the purpose of payment of debts (to the banks) aiding in funding war costs. (See the UNSEEN EMPIRE article in the Hawaii Pacific Magazine). The implementing of taxes upon a friendly, neutral, nation recognized in the Law of Nations was also a part of the charges against the U.S. breach documented by Hawaiiʻs Queen Liliuokalani. See more about George Macy in the "Santa Claus from Hawaii" article at www.myweb.ecomplanet.com/GORA8037 Summary The Land Title Deviants, the Civil War Generals - including the Courts Justices, the Big business racketeers - including Internal Revenue tax upon people shows the tremendous amount of stress, duress, usurpations, coercion issues that our Queen Liliuokalani, families, friends, and subjects of the Hawaiian Kingdom/Kingdom of Hawaii/He Mokupuni Pae Aina o Hawaii/Hawaiian archipelago/Hawaii faced over time. With the tremendous amount of evidence showing racketeering, premeditation on the part of the U.S., criminal deviance, pirating issues, it is with the major purpose to support everyoneʻs/kanaka maoli to further record, reclaim, assert their interests on their families lands, etc. aloha and malama pono. References: CHRONOLOGICAL HISTORY OF HAWAII, ABROAD, AND THE UNITED STATES, PIRATES OF THE PACIFIC: Charles Reed Bishop and Friends, and other books by Amelia Kuulei Gora (2003) Other references by Chris Roses, researcher, etals. Read more: http://blogs.myspace.com/hwn_wahine#ixzz0yvw3X95w *********************************
- CROWN LANDS, ROYAL LANDS NOT CEDED LANDS - More Evidence - By Amelia Kuulei Gora, one of Kamehameha's, Queen Liliuokalani's John Young's, Isaac Davis, etals. Descendant, a Royal person not subject To the laws (2005) Several years ago, on OLELO TV, a TV show called "TRUE CEDED LAND OWNERS" aired. Eric Poohina, descendant of Kaluaipihana (w) etals., and myself, Amelia Kuulei Gora, gave a new history, one that belongs to our families, our Hawaiian aboriginal people, a kanaka maoli history. More evidence has been uncovered since the show. The following are two additional historical facts found in research: 1) Kamehameha IV - Alexander Liholiho - First Circuit Court - Probate 2411 The Crown Lands were treated as his PRIVATE LANDS. 2) KUKINI 'AHA ILONO, Hawaiian Newspaper Translations, 1834-1948 page 53 from KA ELEELE HAWAII, Buke VII, Honolulu, Oahu, Iulai 3, 1852 Pepa 8: List of Crown Lands "To be the private lands of His Majesty Kamehameha III to have and to hold to himself, his heirs, and successors, forever, and said lands shall be regulated and disposed of according to his royal will and pleasure subject only to the rights of tenants." The uncovering of the criminal deviants who had their eyes on Hawaii is being found out. The criminal activities by documented conspirators/Terrorists supported by the United States and Great Britain shows a web of criminal deviants which affects not only Hawaii, but the World as well. Fraud vitiates all claims and contracts. These are only a few of the reasons why Senator Akaka, Senator Inouye, Governor Linda Lingle, U.S. President Clinton, U.S. President Bush, the Hawaiian Homelands, etals. are indeed dishonest people, who are perpetuating fraud, criminal malfeasance, due to a concerted effort by Americans in Hawaii who did conspire, plan with their government the U.S. and supported by Great Britain to criminally, deviously assume a foreign, friendly, neutral nation called Hawaii/Hawaiian Islands/Hawaiian archipelago/Kingdom of Hawaii in 1893. Let everyone be aware, that the following facts found are true, correct due to the facts found pertaining to the Crown Lands: 1) the depression/bankrupt U.S. supported by Great Britain did breach the Law of Nations, 2) Did illegally occupy Hawaii, including the Crown Lands owned by Private 3) owners, Royal persons, and heirs; 3) Oppositions to claims of the Crown lands were made by Kekaaniau Pratt through her husband Franklin Pratt in the San Francisco Chronicles in 1893. 4) The U.S. supported by Great Britain did participate in extortion, had maneuvered FRAUD treaties/conventions defrauding Private owners who happened to be PEOPLE OF COLOR and moved to assume the Crown Lands, Private lands, which belongs to Royal persons -others and myself. 5) The U.S. supported by Great Britain has since documented ADMISSION of wrongdoing over dethroning Hawaii's Queen in Public Law 103-150. 6) Affidavit/Lien/Notice No. 96-177455 filed on 12/17/96 does list Crown Lands issues. 7) OLELO - TV Show made ' TRUE CEDED LANDS OWNERS' 8) Books written with title of the OLELO - TV Show. 9) Affidavit/Lien/Notice with corrections to No. 96-177455 filed on 7/13/2005 with No. 2005-138468 with claims to ancestors, theirs and our genealogies were filed at the Bureau of Conveyances, Honolulu, Oahu, Hawaii. Understandably, intense perusal over the documents are important because there appears to be FRAUD with the 'native tenant rights' issue on CROWN LANDS. Native Tenant Rights were issues affecting all other lands and not lands of Kamehameha III's heirs and successors. All of these matters are issues of our friendly, neutral nation, the Kingdom of Hawaii, and not the terrorist CORPORATE MAFIA nations known as the U.S. and Great Britain. Rents and leases are due to the Private owners of the Crown Lands, Alii Nui/Alii lands, many descendants exist today and not to entity State of Hawaii's organization called OHA/ Office of Hawaiian Affairs. For the purposes of documenting criminal activities, conspiracies, extortion, criminal malfeasance, terrorist activities, breaches of the Law of Nations, legally these are also posted as notices for the World Court, many countries, etc. For the purposes of letting all nations know about the ILL, CRIMINAL, DECEITFUL conduct, criminal activities, participation of fraud, corruption activities, all needs to know about the ILL WILL INTENDED FOR ALL COUNTRIES, especially those owners who happen to be PEOPLE OF COLOR. Research continues. Aloha. References First Circuit Probate 2411 Kamehameha IV - Alexander Liholiho, Archives, Honolulu, Oahu, Hawaii KUKINI 'AHA ILONO, Hawaiian Newspaper Translations, 1834-1948 page 53 from KA ELEELE HAWAII, Buke VII, Honolulu, Oahu, Iulai 3, 1852 Pepa 8 KAMEHAMEHA'S DESCENDANTS, HEIRS, AND ISTS (2001) by Amelia Kuulei Gora, one of Kamehameha's descendants CHRONOLOGICAL HISTORY OF HAWAII, ABROAD, AND THE UNITED STATES (2002) and other books by Amelia Kuulei Gora, one of Kamehameha 'True Ceded Land Owners' OLELO TV, Amelia Kuulei Gora, Assistant Producer, with speakers Eric Poohina, and Amelia Kuulei Gora. Reference: IOLANI - The Royal Hawk Vol I No. 39, published by Amelia Kuulei Gora Additional References: Affidavit/Lien/Notices - LEGAL NOTICE IO-IO-IO-IO-IO-IO-IO-IO-IO-IO-IO-IO-IO-IO-IO-IO-IO-IO-IO-IO-IO-IO-IO- More Pirates MORE PIRATES Hawaiian Gazette, Honolulu, Tuesday, January 3, 1893 (note: Queen Liliuokalani was wrongfully dethroned on Tuesday, January 17, 1893, exactly two (2) weeks later.) THE NEW TEMPLE The Corner-Stone Is Laid With Masonic Honors. Eloquent Oration By Hon. Paul Neumann --- Full Account of the Impressive Ceremony. Tuesday afternoon the cornerstone of the Masonic Temple, on the corner of Alakea and Hotel Streets, was laid with appropriate ceremonies by Hotel Streets, was laid ith appropriate ceremonies by Hawaiian Lodge, No. 21, F. & A.M., for which lodge the new temple is being erected. Everything passed off pleasantly and the impressive Masonic ceremony was witnessed by a vast concourse of people. During the morning a number of carpenters were engaged erecting a platform for the limited guests. The platform was a covered one and seats were provided for 300 people with a special row of chairs for the Royal party. About 2:00 o'clock the procession started from the building at the corner of Fort and Queen streets. A: present occupied by Hawaiian Lodge, and marched up Fort street to King, along King to Alakea and up Alakea to the scene of the ceremony, proceeding in the following order: The Procession Royal Hawaiian Band. Henri Berger, Conductor. Grand Tyler, with a Drawn Sword, Bro. John Morris Angus Two Grand Stewards, with White Rods, Bro. Charles Jerome Campbell, Bro. Archibald Forrest Gilillan. Grand Marshal, Bro. James Anderson King. Entered Apprentices, Fellow Crafts, Master Masons, Stewards, Junior Deacons, Senior Deacons, Secretaries, Treasurers, Junior Wardens, Senior Wardens, Masters, Past Masters, Brother Bearing Golden Vessel of Corp Brother John Harris Soper, Two Brethren Bearing Silver Vessel Of Wine and Oil Bro. Thomas James King, Bro. Robert Catton, Grand Orator and Grand Chaplain, Bro. Paul Neumann, P. .M. ., Alexander Mackintosh. Principal Architect Bearing Working Te(?), P..M..C. Briggs Ripley Grand Secretary P..M..John Philillips, Grand Treasurer. P..M.. James Nelville Monsarrat. Grand Bible Bearer, Bro. Charles Ham(?) Supported by two Stewards with White Rods, Bro. William Francis Love Bro. Abraham Fernandez Grand Junior Warden, P..M.. William M. Graham. Grand Son of Warden, P..M.. Theodore Cunningham Porter. Deputy Grand Master, P..M..John Astair Hasinger. Grand Master, P..M.. William Fessenden Allen, Supported by two Grand Deacons With Rods. Bro. Clarence L. Crabbe, Bro. Milton Nelson Sanders, Grand Sword Bearer, Bro. David Bowers Smith Two Stewards with White Rods, Bro. William George Ashley, Bro. William Lewers Hopper. When the procession reached the new building, thanks to Mr. E. D. Thomas, the contractor of the edifice, everything was in readiness for the ceremony of laying the cornerstone. During the ceremony, odes were sung by the choir of St. Andrew's Catherdral, Mr. Wray Taylor accompanying on the organ. The instrumental music was furnished by the Hawaiian Band under the direction of Professor H. Berger. The Ceremony After a prayer byGrand Chaplain P.M. Rev. Alex. Mackintosh, an ode was sung by the choir, when the ceremony of laying the cornerstone was begun by W. M. Andrew Brown, on behalf of Hawaiian Lodge No. 21, F. and A.M., who invited Grand Master P.M. W. F. Allen to commence the ceremonies. The Grand Master responded as follows: YOUR MAJESTY, LADIES AND GENTLEMEN AND BROTHER MASONS: We are gathered here today by invitation of the Grand Lodge of California, F. & A.M. under authority given me as follows: "You will convene the Grand Lodge of California, F. & A.M., at Honolulu, H. I.. on the 27th day of December, 1892, for the purpose of laying the cornerstone of the new Masonic Temple at that place, performing said ceremony in my place and stead, accepting this as your authority and deputation from me, C. R. Gretman, Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of California."; to witness and assist in the ceremony of laying the cornerstone of this building, which, when complete, will be the Hawaiian Masonic Temple. Hawaiian Lodge No. 21, F. and A. M.. was chartered by the Grand Lodge in California on the 5th day of May, 1872 our sister Lodge Le Progress some years older, and the charter members were: Letanel Lyon, C. W. Vincent, Wm. Wond, Frederick W. Thompson, Andrew C. Mott, John Meek, David P. Penhallow, Jas. G. Saukins, Alexander J. Cartwright, Joseph Irwin, F.M. Stokes. From that time our Lodge has prospered, and today we have one hundred and twenty-seven members, and are able to erect this Temple. Masonry has always held a high position in Honolulu: sovereigns, governors, judges, clergymen, and those most respected in our community have and do belong to the order. I do not say that all good citizens are Masons, but I do say that all good Masons are good citizens. Brother Masons, now that we shall become more prominent, let me ask you to unite with our neighbors the Young Men's Christian Association and the Honolulu Library and Reading Room Association in doing all we can by our good example, to promote good morals, and good citizenship in this our home city. After the Band played a selection Grand Secretary P.M. John Phillips read the contents of the box which was afterwards deposited in the cavity of the lower stone. The box was made of sheet copper and was 14 l/2 inches long, by 9 inches wide by 7 inches high. The following is the official list of the contents: List of Documents. List of contents of receptacle of cornerstone of the new Masonic Temple, corner of Hotel and Alakea Streets laid on St. John's Day, December 27, 1892 at 2:00 P.M. Objects transferred from receptacle of the cornerstone of former Mason building corner of Queen and Fort Streets, (?) not published in the Daily Bulletin of December 16, 1892. Photographs of Her Majesty Queen Liliuokalani. Photograph of H.R.H. Princess Kaiulani. Photograph of Hon. A.S. Cleghorn Photograph of Hon. A.F. Judd, Chief Justice and Chancellor, P.M. Photograph of C. W. F. Alle, P.M., Acting Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of California. Photograph of Andrew Brown, Master Hawaiian Lodge No. 21 F. & A.M. Photograph of J.H. Soper, Senior Warden of Hawaiian Lodge No. 21 F. & A.M. Photograph of the Officers of Lodge le Progres de PO sat le No. 121 F. & A.M. Photographs of prominent men, Masons and officials of this Kingdom. Photographs of prominent public buildings. List of Past Masters, Officers, Members, Trustees, Building Committee and Committee of Arrangements of Hawaiian Lodge No. 21, F& A.M.; Certified copy of the Dispensation of the Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of California, delegating W.F. Allen, P.M. to lay the cornerstone of the new Masonic Temple. List of Meanings of Lodge de Progreess de l'Oceanie No. 121 F. & A.M. List of Members of Kamehameha Lodge of Perfection. Proceedings of Grand Lodge of California of 1881 (?). Hawaiian Almanac and Annual for 1892 and 1893(?) compiled by Thos. G. Thrum. History of the Hawaiian People by W.D. Alexander: Tourist's Guide Through the Hawaiian Islands, by H.M. Whitney Compiled Laws of 1884. Seventh Volume Hawaiian Reports. Report of Chief Justice to Legislature of 1892(?). Constitution of the Hawaiian Kingdom, signed by King Kalakaua in 1887. Report of the Minister of the Interior to the Legislature of 1892. Copy of Catalogue of Library of Supreme Court. Copy of rules of Supreme Court. Session Laws of 1890 (?). Act to Re-organize the Judiciary Department. Report of the President of the Board of Health. Report of the President of the Board of Education. Review of the Honolulu Water Works by J.C. White, Superintendent. Report of the Chief Engineer of the Honolulu Fire Department and of the Superintendent of the Honolulu Water Works to the Legislature of 1891(?). List of the Cabinet: list of the Supreme Court: list of Government officials, Heads of Departments. Daily Bulletin of December 16, 1892, containing a specified list of objects transferred from the cornerstone of former Masonic building to the receptacle of the cornerstone of the new Masonic Temple. Legal English and Hawaiian Papers. Masonic Diploma(?) of King Kalakaua. Complete set of Hawaiian postage stamps, postal cards and envelopes issued since 1878. Hawaiian Silver coins, $1, (?), 25c.,inc.: effigy of King Kalakaua. Planters' Monthly for November, 1892. Programs of the Ceremony of the Laying of the Cornerstone of the new Masonic Temple, December 27, 1892. After an ode was sung by the choir, the architect P.M. Clinton B. Ripley distributed the working tools among the Grand Officers, giving the trowel to Grand Master P.M. William F. Allen; the square tot eh Deputy Grand Master; the level to the Senior Grand Warden, P.M. Theodore F. Porter, and the plumb to the Junior Grand Warden, P.M. William M. Graham. These officers then descended from the platform to the stone and placed themselves around it according to the Masonic ritual. After the cement had been spread on the lower stone, the Grand Master directed the upper stone to be lowered to its place which was done at three separate intervals and at each stoppage the brothers gave the grand honors. When the stone was properly adjusted the Grand Master pointed the cement upon the edges of the stone and the usual ritual was proceeded with until the tools were returned to the architect, after which another ode was sung by the choir. Grand Master Allen then introduced Hon. Paul Neumann, the orator of the day, who delivered the following eloquent oration: The Oration. MOST WORSHIPFUL GRAND MASTER, YOUR MAJESTY, BROTHER AND LADIES AND GENTLEMEN: This is the era of terseness. We desire to waste no time and that which is to be said on any occasion must be said briefly, provided that brevity does not detract from the solemnity of the occasion or mar the purport (?) of the speech. The paragraphs on the newspaper epitomizes the information which he gives us, that we may glean without waste of time what is necessary or interesting to know of the happenings of the day, and he is appreciated. The speaker of the day who says that which he is called upon to say without waste of words or time deserves also appreciation and praise. Let me then, in accepting the honor of addressing this goodly assemblage, make up by the brevity of the discourse for other defects. Not only to the members of the Hawaiian Lodge of Masons, but to our fellow citizens, this ceremony is of interest. With this ceremony is inaugurated further advancement of our town as well as a manifestation of the prosperity of our Order and our Lodge. On the 12th day of January, in the year of our Lord 1852, over forty years ago, an application was made to the Grand Lodge of Freemasons of California for a dispensation to open a lodge of Masons in Honolulu under the name of Hawaiian Lodge. A few months later, on the 5th day of May of that year, a regular charter was granted to that lodge giving it a lawful standing throughout the world. The lodge then began its masonic work and while its meeting place improved in appearance from time to time, and while it could boast of the possession of its own house, many of the members deemed the accomodations insufficient. Hence arose the intention which we are not carrying out, of erecting a place where we find room not only for our masonic work, but also for social converse. For more than forty years our lodge has been in existence, maintaining the rites and principles of the ancient craft without a taint upon the membership or work; without strife, without comity, without ill feeling, but in undisturbed harmony has this lodge done its work during all that length of time. The records of this lodge are but part of the evidence of the good done by it and its situation upon the confines of the world of our European and American bretheren has given additional value and weight to all the charitable acts performed by this lodge and its individual members. In former days when the communication between these Islands and Europe and America was scant and irregular, it must have been a great comfort for the stranger brother landing upon these shores to find a loge of brothers of the mystic tie to welcome him. To find men with whom he could fraternize, and who in a measure lessened, under the shelter of the lodge, that sense of loneliness and dejection of spirit which is so often caused by the absence of relatives and friends. It is one of the boons which masonry grants, that wherever we go, even in the furthest regions of the world, where all whom we meet are strangers, there is usually some one found who is attached to us the by bonds of masonry; with whom we can find a home; whose presence gives us a feeling of security and lifts the weight of loneliness which would otherwise depress us. We as Masons do not ask charity. There is no grinding obligation on the part of a brother mason to assist us by the diminishing his own means. Masons do not trade or speculate upon those obligations which we assume so freely and willingly. Doubtless there are men who have joined our order for purely selfish ends. Doubtless there are men utterly worthless who have gained admission to our house, who have by their subsequent conduct laid bare their worldlessness to the masonic and to the outside world. It is a consoling fact that they are not many in number and it is as a consoling fact that they do not stay with us after they are found out. Such mistakes as the admission of persons of that class are sometimes unavoidable. Let us be warned to exercise the utmost caution in the selection of those who seek admission, and let us hope that when we are installed in this new house no cowans will gain access to our family; that none but those who are found worthy and well qualified will be permitted to join us. Before the institution of our lodge the Order was represented here by our sister lodge Le Progres de l'Oceanie, under the jurisdiction of the Grand Orient of France. If information is correct, this lodge was opened in 1842, ten years before the birthday of Hawaiian Lodge. In those days I am told, they had no lodge room on shore, and the earliest meetings of this venerable lodge were held on board of the ship of Captain Letellier, who was authorized to institute the lodge. From that time on many of our best appreciated fellow citizens because members of Le Progress. Some have joined the silent majority, a goodly number remain and sustain our ocean-born sister. We welcome them to-day in the true masonic spirit, to join with us in this important celebration and hope to see them share in whatever good may be the outcome of our present undertaking. This day, my brethren, is a day of justifiable pride to us. On this, our masonic holiday, is laid the corner stone for the new temple of our lodge. This budding which is to adorn our town by its outward beauty.
- This building wherein the social and moral virtues inculcated by masonry are to be, and will be practiced and maintained. This building, from whose portals will issue messages of fraternal love and deeds of charity, and assurances of good will toward all men. To those of our guests who are not connected with the order, a few historic facts relating to our order may prove interesting. Our association of so called speculative masons is comparatively young in date, in so far as regards his direct influence upon civilization, education and sociality. It is known to have exercised such influence at the beginning of the 10th centry or about four hundred years ago. Free masonry existed centuries before that time. It originated by the formation of a guild of builders and institution of lodges, among whose members were apprentices, fellows of the craft and masters. It had its rules of government, its instructions and its signs and passwords, just as we have now. The grand architectural monument of the middle ages and of the time of the renaissance cathedrals, churches, palaces, bridges and other ornamental and useful structurs were built by the most skillful wormen. Those who followed the vocation of masons and attained masterships traveled from one place to many other places where their skill and services were needed and prized. As a passport recommending them for possessing the requisite skill and stainless character, certain words and signs were imparted to them, by means of which they were sure of being accepted, though they came from foreign lands. These were the operative masons, and their art is called by us operative masonry in contradistinction from speculative masonry, to which we devote ourselves. From the intermingling of operative masons with men, who though not of the craft, were imbued with the love and appreciation of the arts and sciences, and especially of architecture, our modern or speculative masonry took its rise. This latter art and science did not aid in the erection of beautiful edifices and structures, but set for its task to make man better and more perfect, and in him to raise an edifice worthy of acceptance by the Great Builder of the world. In the same manner wherein the benefits mentioned were bestowed upon operative master masons, so in speculative masonry., those members who are sufficiently advanced in worth and knowledge receive tokens and signs by means of which they can make themselves known as masons at home and abroad. Even in foreign parts and where they are unacquainted with the tongue of the land they can by those signs and words gain recognition and claim as a right the assistance and protection of the members of our order. You may think that a keen and shrewd observe could accidentally or surreptitiously obtain those signs and tokens which are simple indeed, but nothing is more difficult than for an imposter to continue his imposition for any length of time. From this by no means lowly source then sprang this institution of Freemasons, and naturally it adopted for its symbols many of the tools of operative masons. For instance the twenty-four inch gauge which is to teach us the proper division of the hours of the day allotting one-third to the service of God and charity, another third to our usual vocations and another third to refreshment and repose. Again the plunder, a symbol to teach us to walk uprightly in the sight of God and man; the square to teach us to practice honestly in all our dealings; the level to remind us of the right of all mankind to equal consideration. We have also our traditions. The outside world derides them as mythical and puerile, but we find in them sublime teaching; we find in them ethics far above any other except the gospel; we find in them thoughts above sublunary aspirations; we find in them a guide and inspiration to the noblest efforts of humaness. If we believe those traditions feeling and knowing that their influence works good, why should the outside world object? In every word, in every legend, in every charge and in every lecture in Masonry nothing is contained except that which makes man purer and better. All our lore teems with admonitions to be charitable, to be just, to be honest, to be temperate, to be loyal, as men and as citizens. Then if we choose to place the beginning of our institution as coeval with the beginning of the world, or with the time of the flood, or with the building of the temple at Jerusalem, or with any time, and accept that as an esoteric fact, whom does it concern? It is only the purposes of Masonry which may concern the world at large. What are those purposes? Essentially these: To command the practice of charity, not in it's narrower, but in its broader application to improve the mind and to preserve the morale of the members. To promote good fellowship and fraternal love among men who are not bound thereto by blood relationship. To remove irritating differences created through diversity of nationality or religion. To having all our fellowmen, as far as possible, to a recognition of the brotherhood of mankind and of the necessity and propriety of goodwill among all men and nations. To enable us by precept and example to curb our passions, repress our selfish aims and learn to practice that consideration toward others which is a distinguishing mark of gentlemen. These aims are noble and high enough to condone but the slight offence of pomp in our traditions, in our rites and it, our regalia. There is a seriousness and solemnity in our work which may well exclude the commonplace from our ceremonies. The site upon which our temple is to stand is connected with some historic reminiscences of the town of Honolulu. Upon this land, where a few months ago, the cow of our good friend Dr. McGrew was want to chew the solitary cud and where now the busy noise of the builders resounds, stood in olden times a Temple of Thespis devoted to the drama and to music. In that house many of the masterpieces of the poets were presented for the instruction of the art-loving citizens of Honolulu; in it were heard beautiful straits of music, ad delightful songs of some of the great artists of the day. In that house were evoked touching memories of homes and of loved ones far away from this ultima thule of Western civilization. What more appropriate site for our Masonic temple could have been chosen? As fellowcrafts we were bidden to cultivate the seven liberal arts, among them grammar, rhetoric and music. And is there not, moreover, in the Master's degree a drama? A drama most closely and intimately connected with the traditions our our order. A tragedy of deepest pathos which calls forth the heartfelt pity in the breast of the initiate, but which bears with it a solemn lesson of resurrection and immortality. A drama whereof the moral is that man may perish, but that his spiritual part and his virtues, that fidelity, truth and love remain imperishable. Our ancient and honorable order has had the reproach laid at its door that it indulges in useless and childish mysticism. Who that understands the deeper import of our legends and the beautiful and comforting lessons which we gain from the, will echo the accusation? Has not the Saviour spoken in parables? Are the poems of the inspired writers without merit and of less value than because the noble thoughts in them appear in attractive disguise? There may be myths and fictions in our ritual, but they detract nothing from the noble aims and aspirations of our institution. Our Order has been accused of fomenting discontent, undermining religious faith and creating dangers for States and Churches. How far from the truth is this. One of our earliest instructions enjoins obedience to the law, loyalty to the country, forbearance with those who differ from us in creed. Henry of Beaufort, the Cardinal of Winchester, suceeded in suppressing the meetings and conventions of Masons daring the minority of Henry the VI, of England. After the King attained his majority he not only caused this order to be repeated, but became a member and a patron of the Freemasons, and his successor, Henry the VII, was one of the Grand Masters of the Order. In 1799, when secret political societies mainly of anarchists, sprung up like mushrooms, a prohibitory law against secret societies was enacted by Parliament, but the Masonic Order was honorably excepted from its provisions, showing pretty clearly that our Order has not favored sedition or lawlessness. The fact that Masonic tenets discountenance bigotry and intolerance has created prejudice against masonry in the minds of bigots and fanatics, and those who weakly follow them. Our Order has been accused of exerting deleterious influence upon us in our public relations and functions. Those who are of us know how groundless those charges are. They know that we are taught to fulfill our duties with unswerving rectitude and impartiality, but always with charity toward the weak and erring. We do not countenance oppression, or cruelty, or crime, or vice in our Order, but in the exercise of that virtue which is the foundation and reason for the existence of Masonry in the exercise of charity, we try to save, to redeem, to console, to encourage the erring brother, without, however, interfering with human justice. This is not a defense against cavilers. In the consciousness of the probity of our aims and deeds, our Order needs no defense. The binding force which unites us as though we were brothers by blood and affinity, is charity, the ever recurring lesson in our Masonic life is to restrain our passions and that to curb that strongest of our impulses—our selfishness. We have been accused of exclusiveness. As in natural relationship, we usually give greater scope to affection and considerateness to our relatives, so it is true that in our Masonic relations we are more strongly inclined to those who are accepted in our brotherhood, than to those who are not bound to us. The reason of this is not only that we expect and know ourselves to be entitled to reciprocal consideration, but because we are assured that those whom we aid, comfort and sustain are generally worthy of it. Mistakes may occur. All human schemes and contrivances are imperfect. Perfection by the grace of the Grand Master of the Universe we may, and hope to attain hereafter—not in this life. But as a system to join in universal brotherhood all free, educated, virtuous and unselfish men regardless of religion, regardless of nationality, regardless of station, regardless of wealth—none other has ever approached Freemasonry in promise or for hope of fruition. No other attempt has ever been made by the civilized part of the human race to smooth the approach of man to man in fraternal affection and loving forbearance, and to carry our Christ's commands of love for our fellow man. The tender solicitude of Masons for unfortunate and sick brothers, and for the widows and orphans of departed members of the order; the ready and gracious help and consideration which they accord to brother Masons who are strangers; the patient forbearance which they show to weak and erring brothers who are not past redemption; the courteous deference to those who are of different creeds, political opinions, or nationality, all these are the result of Masonic teaching. Nor do we confine our charitable acts to our own Masonic family exclusively. Whenever and wherever the cry of distress proclaimed a public calamity, the Masons were in the van with others in procuring and carrying relief to the stricken communities. Whenever and wherever institutions for the advancement of education or the relief of the sick were created by public contribution, the Masons stood side by side with other generous men in promoting the work. If such is the effect of Masonic lessons, we can well overlook the scoffs at our claims for antiquity, at our peculiarities of ritual and language, and at our harmless pomp. Upon the heaven implanted foundation of charity our house is built. Not alone that charity which is prompted by the sight of suffering and misery, not alone that charity which is evoked because we feel that fate has dealt more kindly with us than with those whose misfortune appeals to our generosity, but that higher charity which in the words of the gospel covereth a multitude of sins. That charity which leaves pride behind, and making as conscious of our own transgressions, induces us in an humble spirit to crave forgiveness for our own failures, whilst we hold out a helping hand to those who are weaker and more needful of help than ourselves. That charity which raise up to the level of the angels, and appeals to the all-merciful Creator to take into account our good intent, and not to score against as our short-comings. Then let this house when built become the abode of harmony and virtue, and in its halls and everywhere let sweet charity continue to move us to good and acceptable deeds, that our course as men and Masons may gain approval above and appreciation here. 10:42 PM 0 Comments (Add Comment) | 0 Kudos Translate Powered by Google Translate English Albanian Arabic Bulgarian Catalan Chinese Croatian Czech Danish Dutch Estonian Filipino Finnish French Galician German Greek Hebrew Hindi Hungarian Indonesian Italian Japanese Korean Latvian Lithuanian Maltese Norwegian Polish Portuguese Romanian Russian Serbian Slovak Slovenian Spanish Swedish Thai Turkish Ukrainian Vietnamese Friday, July 11, 2008 IOLANI - The Royal Hawk Vol II No. 191 U.S. Owes Hawaiian Royal Families $500 Trillion per year Category: News and Politics .. .. Author Topic: ..$500 Trillion Owed to Hawaii's Royal families .. .. .. .. .. topic by amelia gora (779 posts) Mililani, Hawaii, Kingdom of Hawaii 7/10/2008 (20:32) .. .. I feel good remove topic edit reply top .. .. ..IO-LANI The Royal Hawk Ka Nupepa Kuauhau, Moolelo, Kanawai o Hawaii Genealogy, History, Laws of Hawaii Newspaper - News on the Web Volume II No. 191 Wednesday Weekly July 9, 2008 IO-IO-IO-IO- IO-IO-IO- IO-IO-IO- IO-IO-IO- IO-IO-IO- IO-IO-IO- IO-IO-IO- Greetings! Education, references, documentation, research possibilities, etc. is part of the purposes of this publication. Empowerment comes with knowledge. Knowledge about issues in these days are very important. It is hoped that this information will assist in helping to resolve issues and meant to document history of our Hawaiian people, which has also affected free nations in the world today. Because we are a genealogy based society, Hawaiian genealogical records are posted for your personal or family files. At times, genealogies of U.S. Presidents, etals. will be added when it pertains to political issues that affect many. Aged articles/ historical information, laws, etc. affecting us today will also be posted. Ordinarily, the information presented are banned/limited/ eliminated from the recognized press or media companies controlled by government or many who perpetuate fraud, deviance, criminal malfeasance in Hawaii, Abroad and the United States. All of IO-LANI - THE ROYAL HAWK - issues will be filed at the yahoogroups. com site, see Hawaiian_Genealogy_ Society-akg. or see www.theiolani. blogspot. com Feel free to download a missed copy(ies), or other articles, messages, information. Questions? Please contact editor at hawaiianhistory@ yahoo.com IO-IO-IO-IO- IO-IO-IO- IO-IO-IO- IO-IO-IO- IO-IO-IO- IO-IO-IO- IO-IO-IO- IO- in QuickListSudden Rush - Ea 04:30 From: islandillusions80 Views: 2,721 in QuickListThe Apology Bill, Public Law 103-150 The Apology Bill, Public Law 103-150 150 ('the Apology Bill')passed by the US Congress in 1993 and music by Sudden Rush/Dezman....apology us congress hawaiians kanaka Added: 6 months ago From:hokulani78Views: 685 04:37More in Nonprofits & Activism Hawaii for the kanaka maoli!IMPORTANT - Please take notes on everything that Alex Luka says....Families, all Kanaka Maoli especially all of you! in QuickListKa'iulani Taping Protest 04:03 From: Moketananda Views: 893 ************ ********* ********* ********* ********* ********* ********* ********* ********* ************ ********* ********* ********* ********* ********* ********* ********* ********* ********* ** in QuickListEdwin Starr - WAR (live in TV Show) Edwin Starr - WAR (live in TV Show) A classic of northern soul...soul edwin starr motown stax tamla Added: 2 years ago Repost: editor's note: hi everyone, please make yourself a cup of coffee and click on Leuren Moret's link........ ...the information can blow everyone away (it truly can)........ .you're welcome to post if you'd like to sound off or suggest something as well....... Leuren Moret, Depleted Uranium Expert speaks out about the GANGSTERS OF THE WORLD! A Repeat post from Leuren Moret.......Important! Dear Amelia - You can post these: 'HAARP: Zionist Science' PART II Interview with Alfred Webre and Leuren Moret to air June 23, 2008 COOP Radio, Vancouver, Canada http://exopolitics.blogs.com/exopolitics_radio/2008/06/coopradioorg... Here is the first one we did (there will be 4): COOPRADIO.ORG: Leuren Moret: HAARP - as a space-based weapon of mass destruction - and Environmental War - PART I | Main http://exopolitics.blogs.com/exopolitics_radio/2008/05/coopradioorg... After you listen to part II if you can give me any info about Bearings Bank and the Singapore connection to Nick Leeson the rogue derivatives trader I would very much appreciate it. There is also a tie to Malaysia. I want to figure out who stole the Queen's bank. I think the rogue wave hitting the British N. Sea platform Jan. 1, 1995, Kobe earthquake Jan. 17, 1995 bankrupting the Queen's City of London merchant bank, and the rogue wave hitting QE2 in 1995 in the N. Sea is significant. They wiped out her bank... and her sovereignty in 1972 with the Treaty of Rome. I absolutely am blowing people away with my info in these interviews putting the HAARP events in the context of who got the economic door prize... They are all gangsters. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=afX6VYn48KE&feature=player_embedded
- ***************************************************** Thank you Leuren for posting! Aloha and Malama Pono! in QuickList'Handlebars' by the Flobots 'Handlebars' by the Flobots . The band just signed with Universal Republic Records and the NEW OFFICIAL MUSIC VIDEO for 'Handlebars' can be found at ... Music video for Denver hip hop band the Flobots. Directed and edited by Iyabo Boyd, Cinematography by Sivan Kaplan, Produced by Nina Misch. The video was made in 2006 to the first version of the song. (You can find this older version on the Flobots E.P. 'Playpus'.) A friend of the band, Iyabo made the video as a class project at film school at New York University. The band just signed with Universal Republic Records and the NEW OFFICIAL MUSIC VIDEO for 'Handlebars' can be found at www.Flobots. com and www.UniversalRepubl ic.com. Check it out!!! For more info on the band, check out www.Flobots. com or www.myspace. com/Flobots Hey Everyone! Thanks so much for all your viewings and comments! Just wanted to clear up one thing- neither I nor this video are racist. Each person should figure out what the song and video mean for themselves, but please dig deeper in your reflections- there's a lot going on out there in the world. 'There's a war going on for your mind. If you are thinking, you are winning.' --Flobots - Iyabo B. ************ ********* ********* ********* ***** Also, I appreciate and encourage critical thinking and conversation via this message board. I do however reserve the right to delete any messages or block any user I believe to have crossed the line of appropriate conversation. Let's try to play nice and keep it clean. Fight With Tools! ************ ********* ********* ********* ***** (more) (less) Added: 2 years ago From:IyaboBViews: 1,684,356 03:29More in Music ************ ********* ********* ********* ********* ********* ********* ********* ********* ********* aloha. *********************************************LEGAL NOTICERegarding the Crown Lands, not ceded lands: IO-IO-IO-IO-IO-IO-IO-IO-IO-IO-IO-IO-IO-IO-IO-IO-IO-IO-IO-IO-IO-IO-IO-IO CROWN LANDS..........OWNERS EXIST! Notice has been served to the entity State of Hawaii, U.S. President, Many interested others, etals. in QuickListPrincess Poomaikelani: Hawaii's Hidden Princess Princess Poomaikelani: Hawaii's Hidden Princess Presentation of Hawaii's Princess Virginia Kapooloku Poomaikelani ...the hidden Princess, daughter of Queen Liliuokalani ... Presentation of Hawaii's Princess Virginia Kapooloku Poomaikelani ...the hidden Princess, daughter of Queen Liliuokalani, heir to The Hawaiian Kingdom, and next in line to the throne after Princess Kaiulani. (more) (less) Added: 1 week ago From:leawaiViews: 143 09:04More in Education Princess Poomaikelani's descendants/heirs exist: in QuickList Princess Poomaikelani: Hawaii's Hidden Princess Princess Poomaikelani: Hawaii's Hidden Princess Presentation of Hawaii's Princess Virginia Kapooloku Poomaikelani ...the hidden Princess, daughter of Queen Liliuokalani ... Presentation of Hawaii's Princess Virginia Kapooloku Poomaikelani ...the hidden Princess, daughter of Queen Liliuokalani, heir to The Hawaiian Kingdom, and next in line to the throne after Princess Kaiulani. (more) (less) Added: 1 week ago From:leawai Views: 143 09:04 More in Education Thursday, July 10, 2008 Crown Lands Owners, Royal Families are KSBE Property Owners Posting Billings for $500 Trillion dollars in gold coins per year (retroactively to 1893!) Public Letter to KSBE/Kamehameha Schools Bishop Estates Trustees, Parens Patriae- Attorney General's Office, Governor Linda Lingle, U.S. President George W. Bush, and all whom it may concern Crown Land Owners Exist! Private Lands of Royal families Exist and have the rights to bill, charge you rents and leases for private properties occupied without consent. The Crown Lands have been erroneously claimed as Ceded lands by treasonous persons, terrorists of a neutral nation with Royal persons in place. Thanks to the Public Law 103-150 signed by President Clinton, and thanks to the recent finding of the standing order by Washington to assume Hawaii seven (7) days before dethroning Hawaii's Queen Liliuokalani because Pearl Harbor's Treaty would have expired shortly after. You are hereby informed of the rental costs owed which amounts to $500 trillion dollars in gold coins (the gold coins of the Realm already belongs to the heirs as well and is aside from the amounts due) per year, retroactive to 1893, for the use, abuse of our private properties, our identities in downtown Honolulu alone which encompasses Kawaiahao thru Pearl Harbor, and the Liliha-Nuuanu areas, some listed below: Pearl Harbor - All of Halawa Valley Lands belongs to John Young's, Isaac Davis's, the hanai/adopted children of Kauikeaouli/Kamehameha III: Keoni Ana/John Young Jr., James Kanehoa Young, Gina Lahilahi, Grace Kamaikui, Fanny Kekela, Hueu Davis, Kale Davis, and Peke Davis, etals. Kawaiahao Lands Also, Lands that the Bishop Estates/KSBE building sits on belongs to the descendants, heirs....specifically A. Hanawai property(ies)thru Abigail/Kapooloku/Princess Poomaikelani's bloodlines, Pehu's property(ies), Pikanele's property(ies) thru Davis Keawe/Pauahi/Kalua's bloodlines. entity State of Hawaii Capitol building and Washington Place Lands that the entity State of Hawaii governor sits on belongs to the descendants, heirs of Princess Poomaikelani, who also happen to be descendants of Peke Davis, descendant of Isaac Davis and John Young, descendants of Davis Keawe/DW Keawe/DW Pauahi/DW Kalua, heir of Akoni/Antonio Sylva/Silva/Silveira....specifically Keoni Ana's lands (the State Capital sits on it), Kalanimoku's property - his oldest brother Hoohio married to Kapolohau were also heirs aside from Kekauonohi the Iolani Palace/the Palace, etc.....am one of the descendants of Kalanimoku's half brother Keoua. There's more..........rents and leases are due and owed to the descendants and heirs of all of the above, which will be placed in a trust for the specific bloodlines documented. Recognizing the facts that the entity created by the entity State of Hawaii called OHA/Office of Hawaiian Affairs are not the descendants or bloodlines of all of the above. Questions? Email: hawaiianhistory@yahoo.com or hawaiianhistory@gmail.com Write: Representative of the Royal families and/or heirs of Davis Keawe/DW Pauahi/DW Kalua aka's, etals. - Amelia Kuulei Gora P.O. Box 861781 Wahiawa, Hawaii 96786 References: I, Amelia Kuulei Gora/Amelia K. Gora did file three Notices/ Affidavits/Liens at the Bureau of Conveyances, Honolulu, Oahu, Hawaii: No. 96-177455 filed on 12/17/96 (281 pages) No. 2005-1328468 filed on 7/13/2005 (38 pages), and No. 2007-041222 More Claims will be submitted upon completion of land research Posted by Amelia Gora at Thursday, July 10, 2008 0 comments LEGAL NOTICE******************************************************************** .. Responses: 1 .... .. .. .. .. .. reply by amelia gora (780 posts) Mililani, Hawaii, Kingdom of Hawaii 7/10/2008 (20:33) .. .. I feel good delete edit reply top .. .. Response to topic written by amelia gora ..CROWN LANDS, ROYAL LANDS NOT CEDED LANDS - More Evidence – By Amelia Kuulei Gora, one of Kamehameha's, Queen Liliuokalani's John Young's, Isaac Davis, etals. Descendant, a Royal person not subject To the laws (2005) Several years ago, on OLELO TV, a TV show called "TRUE CEDED LAND OWNERS" aired. Eric Poohina, descendant of Kaluaipihana (w) etals., and myself, Amelia Kuulei Gora, gave a new history, one that belongs to our families, our Hawaiian aboriginal people, a kanaka maoli history. More evidence has been uncovered since the show. The following are two additional historical facts found in research: 1) Kamehameha IV – Alexander Liholiho – First Circuit Court – Probate 2411 The Crown Lands were treated as his PRIVATE LANDS. 2) KUKINI 'AHA ILONO, Hawaiian Newspaper Translations, 1834-1948 page 53 from KA ELEELE HAWAII, Buke VII, Honolulu, Oahu, Iulai 3, 1852 Pepa 8: List of Crown Lands "To be the private lands of His Majesty Kamehameha III to have and to hold to himself, his heirs, and successors, forever, and said lands shall be regulated and disposed of according to his royal will and pleasure subject only to the rights of tenants." The uncovering of the criminal deviants who had their eyes on Hawaii is being found out. The criminal activities by documented conspirators/Terrorists supported by the United States and Great Britain shows a web of criminal deviants which affects not only Hawaii, but the World as well. Fraud vitiates all claims and contracts. These are only a few of the reasons why Senator Akaka, Senator Inouye, Governor Linda Lingle, U.S. President Clinton, U.S. President Bush, the Hawaiian Homelands, etals. are indeed dishonest people, who are perpetuating fraud, criminal malfeasance, due to a concerted effort by Americans in Hawaii who did conspire, plan with their government the U.S. and supported by Great Britain to criminally, deviously assume a foreign, friendly, neutral nation called Hawaii/Hawaiian Islands/Hawaiian archipelago/Kingdom of Hawaii in 1893. Let everyone be aware, that the following facts found are true, correct due to the facts found pertaining to the Crown Lands: 1) the depression/bankrupt U.S. supported by Great Britain did breach the Law of Nations, 2) Did illegally occupy Hawaii, including the Crown Lands owned by Private 3) owners, Royal persons, and heirs; 3) Oppositions to claims of the Crown lands were made by Kekaaniau Pratt through her husband Franklin Pratt in the San Francisco Chronicles in 1893. 4) The U.S. supported by Great Britain did participate in extortion, had maneuvered FRAUD treaties/conventions defrauding Private owners who happened to be PEOPLE OF COLOR and moved to assume the Crown Lands, Private lands, which belongs to Royal persons –others and myself. 5) The U.S. supported by Great Britain has since documented ADMISSION of wrongdoing over dethroning Hawaii's Queen in Public Law 103-150. 6) Affidavit/Lien/Notice No. 96-177455 filed on 12/17/96 does list Crown Lands issues. 7) OLELO – TV Show made ' TRUE CEDED LANDS OWNERS' 8) Books written with title of the OLELO – TV Show. 9) Affidavit/Lien/Notice with corrections to No. 96-177455 filed on 7/13/2005 with No. 2005-138468 with claims to ancestors, theirs and our genealogies were filed at the Bureau of Conveyances, Honolulu, Oahu, Hawaii. Understandably, intense perusal over the documents are important because there appears to be FRAUD with the 'native tenant rights' issue on CROWN LANDS. Native Tenant Rights were issues affecting all other lands and not lands of Kamehameha III's heirs and successors. All of these matters are issues of our friendly, neutral nation, the Kingdom of Hawaii, and not the terrorist CORPORATE MAFIA nations known as the U.S. and Great Britain. Rents and leases are due to the Private owners of the Crown Lands, Alii Nui/Alii lands, many descendants exist today and not to entity State of Hawaii's organization called OHA/ Office of Hawaiian Affairs. For the purposes of documenting criminal activities, conspiracies, extortion, criminal malfeasance, terrorist activities, breaches of the Law of Nations, legally these are also posted as notices for the World Court, many countries, etc. For the purposes of letting all nations know about the ILL, CRIMINAL, DECEITFUL conduct, criminal activities, participation of fraud, corruption activities, all needs to know about the ILL WILL INTENDED FOR ALL COUNTRIES, especially those owners who happen to be PEOPLE OF COLOR. Research continues. Aloha. References First Circuit Probate 2411 Kamehameha IV – Alexander Liholiho, Archives, Honolulu, Oahu, Hawaii KUKINI 'AHA ILONO, Hawaiian Newspaper Translations, 1834-1948 page 53 from KA ELEELE HAWAII, Buke VII, Honolulu, Oahu, Iulai 3, 1852 Pepa 8 KAMEHAMEHA'S DESCENDANTS, HEIRS, AND ISTS (2001) by Amelia Kuulei Gora, one of Kamehameha's descendants CHRONOLOGICAL HISTORY OF HAWAII, ABROAD, AND THE UNITED STATES (2002) and other books by Amelia Kuulei Gora, one of Kamehameha 'True Ceded Land Owners' OLELO TV, Amelia Kuulei Gora, Assistant Producer, with speakers Eric Poohina, and Amelia Kuulei Gora. Reference: IOLANI - The Royal Hawk Vol I No. 39, published by Amelia Kuulei Gora Additional References: Affidavit/Lien/Notices - LEGAL NOTICEIO-IO-IO-IO-IO-IO-IO-IO-IO-IO-IO-IO-IO-IO-IO-IO-IO-IO-IO-IO-IO-IO-IO- More About the Bankers: Kaminski is back on line: A tale of two lies The Holocaust and 9/11 pull quote: Both are lies, believed by the masses only because of the media blitz that inculcated their fictional credibility in the public mind. This essay is dedicated to the many wonderful Jewish people I have known and loved, most of whom were nicer people than me. I thank you for your love and kindness, and it is with a heavy heart I must apprise you of the result of my lengthy and fair-minded studies. By John Kaminski skylax@comcast.net When I look at Jews, I think of evil alien predators, conscienceless murderers: Israelis who harvest body parts of the Arab children they kill, twisted rabbis who suck the blood from babies' penises, and then are forgiven by Jewish judges, and demonic American politicians like the Jewish terrorist Joe Lieberman and his Hanoi Hilton-brained puppet McCain who are about to take the world into a maelstrom of radioactive fire. All Jews are part of a system that has captured the world's mind in such a clever and thorough way that virtually no one who has not studied world history for decades even suspects something odd has happened. To this very moment the heinous acts of the Jewish moneykings are constantly and perpetually shattering the peace and tranquility we yearn for, and yet their hold on public consciousness has wiped out the higher values that we were all supposed to hold dear. Ultimately, we choose not to see what they're doing because we're terrified of jeopardizing our own money supply, and hence our survival. When I look at Gentiles, who are all the non-Jews of the world, I see an endless sea of dupes of Jewish propaganda. Gentiles mostly have no clue about any of this. They have happily consumed the products tossed their way, almost never realizing that what they have been gifted has been crafted for a purpose, and given to them by Jews. You may yourself conclude what that purpose may be, but one need only look at the hyperbolic curve of moral decay and corruption that overtook world society in the first decade of the 21st century. Throughout the 20th century and to a lesser extent long before, Jewish control of the media has reshaped the human mind. (See my Fragmentation device: Freud, Marx and Einstein: a matrix of nihilistic destabilization). From the Gay 1890s, which masked a major immigration of German and Russian Jews to the U.S., through the takeover of all American corporations and ultimately all the banks (Dupont, Monsanto, Time Warner and Eli Lilly are all Jewish companies). The Rockefellers are Marrano Jews who control all the universities. Every particle of information you have ingested in your entire lifetime has been screened by Jews. The result of all this, throughout American history, has been constant warfare based on lies for profit. George Washington went to notorious Jewish slave trader Aaron Lopez to help fund his revolution. Our Founding Fathers were the Bilderbergers of their day. Rothschild funded both sides of the American Revolution and has done so with every major war down to this very day. It is written in the Bible, of course, but also in the frightened words of Cicero and Tacitus, the great Roman historians, who feared to speak for fear of the Jews, indicating that the string-pulling power of the Jews was every bit as powerful in ancient Rome as it is today in Washington. And the world marches blithely on, in a fluoride coma that blots out the screams. ••• Germany, Russia and the United States have been the countries, over history, who have acted most kindly toward Jews. They gave them their opportunity to fit in. As a result, these nations have been utterly ravaged by Jews. The Germans through media lies became the pariahs of the world. And the Russians were mostly murdered by foreign Jews who took over their country. The United States has been turned into a Jewish monster that condones torture, which we have learned from how the Israelis torture the Palestinians. No rights. The choices are you can be corpse or a slave. Identification of two principal lies are what the world faces if it is to evolve toward a genuine, self-actualizing future. The first is the Holocaust, the claimed deliberate mass murder of six million Jews by Adolf Hitler and the Germans. The second is 9/11, the destruction of the twin towers in New York City by supposedly neophyte pilot Arab terrorists. Both are lies, believed by the masses only because of the media blitz that inculcated their fictional credibility in the public mind. The same effect was achieved with Holocaust propaganda, which began in earnest only after the first Kennedy assassination. The same media blitz in the late 1960s that first imbued the notion of a Jewish holocaust in Germany 1940-45 — with specific notions of gassings, pools of fire, and human soap — made acceptance of this falsified version of history the publicly accepted norm, thanks to the constant bombardment of Jewish media, and the mawkish construction of Holocaust museums throughout the world to venerate Jewish suffering. We are told, in many countries by law, to worship Jewish suffering. How this relates to what Israel does to its neighbors is nothing more than the stories told of Jews throughout the centuries. All of their holidays celebrate slaughter, and world history has shown the kingmakers, powerbrokers, and money launderers, all of whom seem to be Jewish or their lackeys, seem to really like shedding blood on those particular days. One thing is for sure: they are Chosen to test the rest of us. ••• The claim that six million died in World War II is actually an echo of a story that was first seen in the New York Times in the 1920s claiming six million Jews were at risk of death in Europe. This was the fever pitch of Jewish immigration from Russia and Eastern Europe that followed pogroms they staged themselves to gain sympathy, a tactic they have always used back to Roman days. All those emaciated bodies you see in the World War II film clips were actually caused by starvation and typhus after Allied bombings cut off the German supply lines. The gassing story really derives from its invention and use in the Russian gulags by yet another Jewish madman. The Germans didn't gas anyone; they only tried to get their country out of the international Jewish financial crime scheme that was and is choking the life out of the planet. Now hundreds of honest people are in jail for insisting this is the historical truth, yet they are not allowed to present their evidence to the world court of public opinion because of the deafening white noise of Jewish media, always ready to shape the public the way they want us to go, and the corrupt Jewish courts, which in Germany have reached laughably sad abuse of logic and honesty, subhuman, really, decisions controlled by Jews. The parable of Elie Wiesel is perhaps the easiest way to debunk the Holocaust in your mind. The claims he made in his Nobel Prize-winning book Night now all stand thoroughly revealed as hysterical fiction. Yet, thanks to Jewish media, the world marches on, still mostly believing everything he said was true. .. Responses: 2 .... .... .. .. .. .. reply by amelia gora (781 posts) Mililani, Hawaii, Kingdom of Hawaii 7/10/2008 (20:35) .. .. I feel good delete edit reply top .. .. Response to message 1 written by amelia gora ..Similar enforced epiphanies were blasted into the public mind on 9/11: the government published the names of all 19 hijackers in three hours, and yet, eight years later, it has told us nothing more about the actual crime, and managed to murder several million hijab-clad unfortunates while doing so. Do we need to take this description of an utterly and criminally insane society that we in our comas support by our silent complicity ... any further? The very fabric of American society has been completely changed by arbitrary and despotic new laws as a result of this colossal act of staged terror. The hysterical measures implemented by the government after it covered up a proper investigation of 9/11 all have the tendency to funnel acceptable thoughts toward what the government decrees. And when the government is lying, and not telling you what's really going on, you are not free. Do not deceive yourself. Sometime soon, ask yourself, where am I being taken? And you will perceive the sinister presence of the Jew hiding behind whatever ailment is about to enslave or destroy you. Rabbi Michael Chertoff, the one man in America who has ultimate control over whether you have committed a crime or not, is an Israeli citizen, a veteran of the Mossad, and key operative among the Israeli agents who have controlled the administrative staffs of all recent U.S. presidents. As head of Homeland Security, and now that the judiciary has ceased functioning as a legitimate branch of government, Chertoff has the final decision over whether you live or die, and he will make his decisions according to new rules decreed by President Bush II which have removed most of our previous Constitutional protections. Michael Chertoff is controlled by Israel. The United States is controlled by Israel. Failure to deal with the question is going to cost many of us our lives in the very near future. It is written in the Jewish scriptures. Amy Goodman, darling of the Jewish-controlled gatekeeper left, and who never would mention 9/11 until years after the event, is a Jew. Judith Miller, the reporter from the New York Times who made up all those stories of weapons of mass destruction in Iraq that the U.S. GOVERNMENT THEN USED AS EVIDENCE, is a Jew. 'The Jew is to say on Purim Day: ... cursed be all non-Jews, blessed be all Jews.' (Orach Chaim, 660, 16). 'Theft, robbery and rape of a beautiful woman and similar deeds are forbidden to every Gentile toward another Gentile and also toward a Jew. But they are allowed to a Jew against a non-Jew.' (Sanhedrin, 57 a; also Abodah Zara, 13b). 'A heretic Gentile you may kill outright with your own hands.' (Aboda Zara 4b). "The difference between a Jewish soul and the souls of non-Jews—all of them in all different levels—is greater and deeper than the difference between a human soul and the souls of cattle." — Rabbi Kook the Elder, revered father of the messianic tendency in Jewish fundamentalism All these words and thoughts are not anti-Semitic (a term that is a misnomer anyway, meant to scare people from looking at crimes being committed in their names). They are simply evidence of an enormous crime scheme against the entire human species, and concealed from the consciousness of most people by an educational system deliberately designed to hide the fact that people are not free when they are not told the truth about what is really going on. We all yearn for an honest and just world. Our leaders clearly work to prevent that, because of the financial pressures placed upon them by the people who really run the world, who in our case just happen to be Jewish bankers and a worldwide organization of wealth that has been robbing the world for the last 200 years. It's past time to figure out how to detox the poison they spew before the last lifeform on Earth is blotted out. Jews must be disenfranchised as normal human beings. Since their toxic dogma demands they regard themselves as a step above the rest of the species, as evidenced by their complete takeover of modern society, we must regard them as a step below real human beings, who simply realize that love is the answer and you don't have to kill someone to get it. John Kaminski is a writer who lives on the Gulf Coast of Florida whose Internet essays have been seen on hundreds of websites around the world. Kaminski is back on line: *********************************If you're having trouble Read more: http://blogs.myspace.com/hwn_wahine#ixzz0yvxUmAtF'Impeachment is the Constitutional Remedy.... when President, et. als. have done high crimes, usurpation, and other criminal activity.'
- Amelia, It's in the middle of the night a bit tired of the Sept 2, and 5th events. My girlfriend is in the hospital so I've been spending my time there. She was with me on the 5th at the Iolani Palace and went straight to Queens and was operated on a few hours later. I like the part about the 'charity' and there are many parts that connects to things that are fuzzy that is now clearing up. Thanks for all your hard work, it helps to get over the 'academic' claims to fame and miss use. Family is most important at this time because of the many deep cuts to the bone that they have endured by cheap claminants that sign there names to documents and false advertimsements. Malama
- MORE PREMEDITATION EVIDENCE TO DETHRONE QUEEN LILIUOKALANI researcher Amelia Gora (2010)Reference: Liliuokalani/Queen Liliuokalani's files, Archives, Honolulu, Oahu And what's so special about this document you ask? Chronologically speaking: 1892 - Legislative Session approves the $5,000 travel expenses for five (5) men to visit Washington D.C. for Hawaiian Kingdom Commerce issues. 1892 - Masons/Freemasons unite from various nations in Honolulu, Parade, and Commemorate a building, calling Honolulu their "home city". 1893 - January 5. Funds provided for the Travel. 1893 - January 8. Congress and the U.S. President gives a standing order to assume Pearl Harbor, etc. 1893 - January 9. NEW YORK TIMES prints the article PEARL HARBOR COALING STATION - Imperative Necessity that the United States Takes Possession http://query.nytimes.com/gst/abstract.html?res=F00617FD345B1A738DDD... or http://query.nytimes.com/mem/archive-free/pdf?res=F00617FD345B1A738... (also see previous postings) 1893 - January 15. The Military Troops poured off the United States Warship BOSTON (see previous posting). 1893 - January 17. American businessmen, treasonous persons, conspirators supported by the U.S., England, and the Morgan bankers (includes the international bankers) moved to dethrone Queen Liliuokalani. 1893 - February 3. The five (5) Commissioners were: 1) Lorrin Thurston - missionary descendant. He was born in the islands. 2) William C. Wilder - steamship company which does business in the islands. 3) William Castle - owner of the Railway Company which runs thru Pearl River Harbor. "He is a native." 4) Joseph Marsden - sugar planter. 5) Charles L. Carter - lawyer. Archibald Cleghorn 'got lost somewhere between Chicago and Washington'. From Salt Lake City and former resident from Hawaii, William A. Kinney, lawyer met them as an advisor. Dr. Smith/Dr. Mott Smith, a representative from the Hawaiian Islands in Washington, D. C. met the five (5) from Hawaii. Dr. Smith/Dr. Mott Smith's assistant was Thomas Akaka, ancestor of current day Daniel Akaka who moves with the Akaka Bill, with purposes of defrauding all Hawaiian aboriginals/kanaka maoli, etc. Now, to get back to the posted document, $5,000 was made available for five (5) members to travel to Washington D.C. Appears Cleghorn did not want to be directly associated with the treasonous group and happend to have gotten "lost". Cleghorn was the brother-in-law of Queen Liliuokalani due to his marriage to Princess Miriam Likelike and the parents of Princess Kaiulani. Pushing aside the reason for travel at the Hawaiian Kingdom expense for economic plans with the U.S., the travel monies granted in the Legislative Session of 1892, and approved for use on January 5, 1893, was used instead for treasonous activities involved plans to "secure annexation with the United States". The language added "We citizens and representatives of the Hawaiian Islands, organizing and acting for the public safety and the common good, hereby proclaim that a Provisional government for the control and management of public affairs and the protection of the public peace is hereby established. to exist under terms of union with the United States of America have been negotiated and agreed upon." "The terms upon which the annexation shall be made.......................we shall remain here until our object is accomplished or our application is rejected." See: NEW YORK TIMES article "TO PLEAD HAWAII'S CAUSE - The Commissioners Have Arrived in Washington", dated February 4, 1893 at http://query.nytimes.com/mem/archive-free/pdf?res=F00617FD345B1A738... Wicked lot...........The pirates used the Hawaiian Kingdom monies to fund their travel expenses for their own purposes......................this is yet more evidence showing the concerted efforts made, the planning, the documented premeditation of treasonous persons, conspirators, PIRATES OF THE PACIFIC: Charles Reed Bishop and Friends, and the support of the United States, England, the Morgan bankers (and International bankers) who had their eyes on Hawaii since their mercenaries/missionaries set their foot down in the 1820. aloha. p.s. keep with your land files/records or your personal records as support documents.
- Need to get to work, just wanted to say Hi and good posting for an over and over reading when have time.
- Delete
- fyi
- Note to everyone..............this is probably THE MOST IMPORTANT POST EVER POSTED HERE..........AND THIS MESSAGE HAS BEEN SENT OUT TO HUNDREDS, IF NOT THOUSANDS SO FAR................. Hawaii is the CORRUPTION MECCA of the United States, PIRATES ON THE HIGH SEAS, Identity Thieves, Criminals, Racketeering, and then some.................Please pass the message on to your families, friends, friends of friends............ The documents, the special documents can be found at the Bureau of Conveyances, Honolulu, Oahu, Hawaii, the Archives behind the Iolani Palace, Honolulu, Hawaii, the Main Library, the internet, and many of the other Libraries............ Empowerment comes with knowledge, with truth/TRUTH/Truth.............be aware of the tremendous amounts of criminals around looking to assume what does not belong to them........ Questions/comments: hawaiianhistory@yahoo.com or theiolani@blogspot.com aloha. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cP0K6H2QK7A&feature=related