Guillaume Maman,,,,,,
Office of the Chief of Police,,,
Jeff Lau,,,,
Irish Government,,,,,,,,
U.S. President Obama
U.S. Secretary of State
Many Others
Kingdom of Hawaii/Hawaiian Kingdom Records No. 2016-1122 About Our Alodio Land System; Rent Due; Records Requested For; Office Space, Retail Space, Gallery Space Required as Documented
MisInformation Perpetuated About Our Kingdom of Hawaii Alodio Land System
by Amelia Gora (2016), a Royal person
Conspirators, criminal deviants, pirates, pillagers, racketeers have been in place from the time of Kamehameha III - Kauikeouli's period in the Hawaiian Kingdom.
Premeditation evidence has been found by many researchers, including myself over time.
The following shows the truth, and frauds found affecting all lands in the Hawaiian Islands.
Kamehameha III - Kauikeaouli made our Monarchy government into a Constitutional Monarchy government.
He developed the Mahele and conveyed part of his land to his own people forever, before the permanent, friendship treaty(ies) were made with the illegal U.S. citizens and their U.S. government supporters.
For the purpose of understanding, the timeline has been used below:
MisInformation Perpetuated About Our Kingdom of Hawaii Alodio Land System
by Amelia Gora (2016), a Royal person
Conspirators, criminal deviants, pirates, pillagers, racketeers have been in place from the time of Kamehameha III - Kauikeouli's period in the Hawaiian Kingdom.
Premeditation evidence has been found by many researchers, including myself over time.
The following shows the truth, and frauds found affecting all lands in the Hawaiian Islands.
Kamehameha III - Kauikeaouli made our Monarchy government into a Constitutional Monarchy government.
He developed the Mahele and conveyed part of his land to his own people forever, before the permanent, friendship treaty(ies) were made with the illegal U.S. citizens and their U.S. government supporters.
For the purpose of understanding, the timeline has been used below:
Amelia Gora shared her post.
Amelia Gora added 3 new photos.
found the frauds..."obtain an allodial title in fee simple" vs. Kamehameha Ill "alodio" for kanaka maoli and "fee simple" for ALIENS! refs,..Indices of Land Commission Awards (1929) and Kamehameha III speech of 1851
Amelia Gora added 3 new photos.
found the frauds..."obtain an allodial title in fee simple" vs. Kamehameha Ill "alodio" for kanaka maoli and "fee simple" for ALIENS! refs,..Indices of Land Commission Awards (1929) and Kamehameha III speech of 1851
Maui Court Case - Kahoma
News from the Hawaiian Kingdom: Special Edition - Friday March 11 ...
Kingdom of Hawaii/Hawaiian Kingdom Introduction Notice 2016- 0825 ...
theiolani | A great site
Addressing Pirates, Pillagers.............. - Tribunal Affairs
IOLANI - The Royal Hawk: On Alodio Lands vs. Fee Simple, Freehold ...
Kings and Queens of Hawaii: References
Letters to the U.S. President(s) - Clinton, Bush, and Obama
Kamehameha III - Wikipedia
1843 - posted in 1869 Involving the United States, England, and France ... Kamehameha III - Kauikeaouli's Speech of 1851 which shows that Alodio/Alodial Titles ... Her descendants/ heirs exists including myself, Amelia Gora and many others, ...
1843 - posted in 1869 Involving the United States, England, and France ... Kamehameha III - Kauikeaouli's Speech of 1851 which shows that Alodio/Alodial Titles ... Her descendants/ heirs exists including myself, Amelia Gora and many others, ...News from the Hawaiian Kingdom: Special Edition - Friday March 11 ...
Mar 11, 2016 - 1) Crown Land - personal lands of Kamehameha III - Kauikeaouli, heirs and successors ... I, Amelia Gora, In Propria Persona, a Royal Person, one of the ... Land Deed of Kamehameha III - Kauikeaouli - posted previously; .... alodio as documented in the Speech of 1851 by Kamehameha III – Kauikeaouli.
Mar 11, 2016 - 1) Crown Land - personal lands of Kamehameha III - Kauikeaouli, heirs and successors ... I, Amelia Gora, In Propria Persona, a Royal Person, one of the ... Land Deed of Kamehameha III - Kauikeaouli - posted previously; .... alodio as documented in the Speech of 1851 by Kamehameha III – Kauikeaouli.
Kingdom of Hawaii/Hawaiian Kingdom Introduction Notice 2016- 0825 ...
Aug 25, 2016 - My name is Amelia Gora, the Acting Liaison of Foreign Affairs of the Kingdom ... +booth+case+picture+by+ameli.. . and articles posted by Amelia Gora . .... Kamehameha III - Kauikeaouli's Speech of 1851 shows that he ratified ...
Aug 25, 2016 - My name is Amelia Gora, the Acting Liaison of Foreign Affairs of the Kingdom ... +booth+case+picture+by+ameli.. . and articles posted by Amelia Gora . .... Kamehameha III - Kauikeaouli's Speech of 1851 shows that he ratified ...
theiolani | A great site
Jun 8, 2014 - Kamehameha III – problematic died December 15, 1854 (born 1813) Will printed 1885 or 31 years later, He left 3 ... Posted by Amelia Gora on January 23, 2015 at 5:53pm in Politics .... Note: Kekauonohi/Miriam Kekauonohi died in 1851. ..... His speech closed with a plea for restoration of the bonds of union.
Jun 8, 2014 - Kamehameha III – problematic died December 15, 1854 (born 1813) Will printed 1885 or 31 years later, He left 3 ... Posted by Amelia Gora on January 23, 2015 at 5:53pm in Politics .... Note: Kekauonohi/Miriam Kekauonohi died in 1851. ..... His speech closed with a plea for restoration of the bonds of union.
Addressing Pirates, Pillagers.............. - Tribunal Affairs
Mar 27, 2016 - 1843 - posted in 1869 Involving the United States, England, and France ... Kamehameha III - Kauikeaouli's Speech of 1851 which shows that ... Her descendants/ heirs exists including myself, Amelia Gora and many others, ...
Mar 27, 2016 - 1843 - posted in 1869 Involving the United States, England, and France ... Kamehameha III - Kauikeaouli's Speech of 1851 which shows that ... Her descendants/ heirs exists including myself, Amelia Gora and many others, ...
IOLANI - The Royal Hawk: On Alodio Lands vs. Fee Simple, Freehold ...
Sep 4, 2016 - ... etc. on Kamehameha III - Kauikeaouli's Speech of 1851 which shows that he ... The Alodio/Alodial grants deeded by Kamehameha III - Kauikeaouli is ... I, Amelia Gora, maintain and deny that the State of Hawaii, which .... The Crown Lands and Government lands deeds were found and posted previously .
Sep 4, 2016 - ... etc. on Kamehameha III - Kauikeaouli's Speech of 1851 which shows that he ... The Alodio/Alodial grants deeded by Kamehameha III - Kauikeaouli is ... I, Amelia Gora, maintain and deny that the State of Hawaii, which .... The Crown Lands and Government lands deeds were found and posted previously .
Kings and Queens of Hawaii: References
Aug 16, 2016 - Posted May, 2003 ... Kamehameha III - Kauikeaouli's Speech of 1851: ... Amelia Gora 1 hr · v=fjELyim8q80 ...
Aug 16, 2016 - Posted May, 2003 ... Kamehameha III - Kauikeaouli's Speech of 1851: ... Amelia Gora 1 hr · v=fjELyim8q80 ...
Letters to the U.S. President(s) - Clinton, Bush, and Obama
Greetings,: The following was posted as a Legal Notice: I, Amelia Gora ... I, Amelia Gora, and others are the descendants/heirs of Opunui, Kekuahine (w), Davis Keawe, and Opunui. I, Amelia ..... Kamehameha III - Kauikeaouli's Speech of 1851:.
Greetings,: The following was posted as a Legal Notice: I, Amelia Gora ... I, Amelia Gora, and others are the descendants/heirs of Opunui, Kekuahine (w), Davis Keawe, and Opunui. I, Amelia ..... Kamehameha III - Kauikeaouli's Speech of 1851:.
Kamehameha III - Wikipedia
Kamehameha III (born Kauikeaouli) (1813 – December 15, 1854) was the King of Hawaii from .... Albert Kūnuiākea survived and was later adopted by Kamehameha and his wife Queen Kalama. Kūnuiākea lived to adulthood but died childless (1851–1902).
Note: An article written by former Judge Bailey claimed that the two types of deeds, Alodio and Fee Simple were one and the same. Bailey documented "Alodio in Fee Simple" which merged the two (2) types of deeds and did not document was was written, passed into law by Kamehameha III - Kauikeaouli.
The indoctrination of lies continued by Bailey one of the promoters of lies, deception, fraud, genocide, etc.
Reference: INDICES OF AWARDS (1929) from the Main Library/Archives, Honolulu, Oahu, Hawaiian Islands.
See the following
Kamehameha III (born Kauikeaouli) (1813 – December 15, 1854) was the King of Hawaii from .... Albert Kūnuiākea survived and was later adopted by Kamehameha and his wife Queen Kalama. Kūnuiākea lived to adulthood but died childless (1851–1902).
Note: An article written by former Judge Bailey claimed that the two types of deeds, Alodio and Fee Simple were one and the same. Bailey documented "Alodio in Fee Simple" which merged the two (2) types of deeds and did not document was was written, passed into law by Kamehameha III - Kauikeaouli.
The indoctrination of lies continued by Bailey one of the promoters of lies, deception, fraud, genocide, etc.
Reference: INDICES OF AWARDS (1929) from the Main Library/Archives, Honolulu, Oahu, Hawaiian Islands.
See the following
eVols at University of Hawaii at Manoa: Indices of awards made by the ...
Indices of awards made by the Board of Commissioners to Quiet Land Titles in the Hawaiian Islands ... LC Subject Headings: Land titles--Hawaii--Indexes
Indices of awards made by the Board of Commissioners to Quiet Land Titles in the Hawaiian Islands ... LC Subject Headings: Land titles--Hawaii--Indexes
Land Awards - Indexes - Mahele Records at UHM Library - LibGuides ...
guides.library.manoa.hawaii. edu/mahelerecords
May 6, 2016 - Indices of Awards Made by the Board of Commissioners to Quiet Land Titles in the Hawaiian Islands, by Hawaii, Commission of Public Lands.
guides.library.manoa.hawaii. edu/mahelerecords
May 6, 2016 - Indices of Awards Made by the Board of Commissioners to Quiet Land Titles in the Hawaiian Islands, by Hawaii, Commission of Public Lands.Step 1: Find Land Commission Award Number - Mahele Indexes at ...
guides.library.manoa.hawaii. edu/maheleindexes
Dec 7, 2015 - Indices of Awards Made by the Board of Commissioners to Quiet Land Titles in the Hawaiian Islands, by Hawaii, Commission of Public Lands.
guides.library.manoa.hawaii. edu/maheleindexes
Dec 7, 2015 - Indices of Awards Made by the Board of Commissioners to Quiet Land Titles in the Hawaiian Islands, by Hawaii, Commission of Public Lands.[PDF]Māhele awards - University of Hawaii mahele%20bib.pdf
Indexes. Author: Hawaii. Commission of Public Lands. Title: Indices of awards made by the Board of Commissioners to Quiet Land Titles in the. Hawaiian Islands. mahele%20bib.pdf
Indexes. Author: Hawaii. Commission of Public Lands. Title: Indices of awards made by the Board of Commissioners to Quiet Land Titles in the. Hawaiian Islands.Hawai'i Land Documents -
Hawaiʻi Land Documents. As part of our gift to the ... Our current focus is centered around Land Commission Awards, commonly known as LCAs. Our goal is to ...
Hawaiʻi Land Documents. As part of our gift to the ... Our current focus is centered around Land Commission Awards, commonly known as LCAs. Our goal is to ...
[PDF]downloading the -
Papakilo Database
Historic Sites Database - State Historic Preservation Department's Index of Reports ... Kekahuna Collection of Maps and Articles; Index of Hawaiian Ethnological ... Ahupua'a Maps, Buke Mahele Index, Land Commission Award images and ...
"We own land in fee simple, that is we can buy it, sell it, lease it, and leave it to our heirs when we die. We can use only the land we buy or lease. We have no right to take the products of land which is not ours and no person can take the products of our land. No fee simple ownership existed in old Hawaii. Even the high chief did not own his land in the sense that we can own land. He owned it only as long as he controlled it, and the thing which made the system work was the labor of the common people who themselves owned nothing."
Reference: pages 56 - 58, IN HAWAII A Hundred Years (1939) by Helen Gay Pratt
Note: This book gives credits to Miss Bernice Judd, Librarian of the Hawaiian Mission Children's Society, and to Miss Maude Jones, Custodian of the Archives, for invaluable assistance in locating source materials and references; to Mr. Joseph F. Kunesh, Director of the Hawaii Territorial Planning Board, for preparing all the Hawaiian maps; to Mr. Thomas Maunupau and Mr. Henry Judd for translations from the Hawaiian; to the Pan-Pacific Press, the Navy Air Service, and the Army Air Service for supplying photographs; to Mr. Oren E. Long, Superintendent of Public Instruction and to Mr. Orrin W. Robinson, Deputy Superintendent of Public Instruction;....Mr. Henry Judd of the University of Hawaii; Mr. Edwin H. Bryan Jr., and Mr. Kenneth Emory of the Bishop Museum; and Mr. Hamilton P. Agee, formerly Director of the Hawaiian Sugar Planters' Experimental Station.
Also not that the above aided in the piracy, pillaging, the defrauding of our Ko Hawaii Pae Aina by using lies in the books prepared for the "schools of Hawaii; to the many school people and other friends in Hawaii and on the mainland who read the manuscript as it was being prepared..."
This lie filled book was intended to deceive, defraud, pirate, pillage our Ko Hawaii Pae Aina. Notice that the Army - Army Air Service, the Navy - Navy Air Service, and Federal Officials - Mr. Joseph F. Kunesh, Director of the Hawaii Territorial Planning Board participated in aiding the writer with information.
It was the Army, Navy, and Federal Officials who developed the Territorial Government as documented in the newspaper advertisement printed in 1939 in preparation for the 1940 issue of the 40 year Celebration of the Territory in Hawaii.
Note: Annexation was Illegal. See the following:
Historic Sites Database - State Historic Preservation Department's Index of Reports ... Kekahuna Collection of Maps and Articles; Index of Hawaiian Ethnological ... Ahupua'a Maps, Buke Mahele Index, Land Commission Award images and ...
"We own land in fee simple, that is we can buy it, sell it, lease it, and leave it to our heirs when we die. We can use only the land we buy or lease. We have no right to take the products of land which is not ours and no person can take the products of our land. No fee simple ownership existed in old Hawaii. Even the high chief did not own his land in the sense that we can own land. He owned it only as long as he controlled it, and the thing which made the system work was the labor of the common people who themselves owned nothing."
Reference: pages 56 - 58, IN HAWAII A Hundred Years (1939) by Helen Gay Pratt
Note: This book gives credits to Miss Bernice Judd, Librarian of the Hawaiian Mission Children's Society, and to Miss Maude Jones, Custodian of the Archives, for invaluable assistance in locating source materials and references; to Mr. Joseph F. Kunesh, Director of the Hawaii Territorial Planning Board, for preparing all the Hawaiian maps; to Mr. Thomas Maunupau and Mr. Henry Judd for translations from the Hawaiian; to the Pan-Pacific Press, the Navy Air Service, and the Army Air Service for supplying photographs; to Mr. Oren E. Long, Superintendent of Public Instruction and to Mr. Orrin W. Robinson, Deputy Superintendent of Public Instruction;....Mr. Henry Judd of the University of Hawaii; Mr. Edwin H. Bryan Jr., and Mr. Kenneth Emory of the Bishop Museum; and Mr. Hamilton P. Agee, formerly Director of the Hawaiian Sugar Planters' Experimental Station.
Also not that the above aided in the piracy, pillaging, the defrauding of our Ko Hawaii Pae Aina by using lies in the books prepared for the "schools of Hawaii; to the many school people and other friends in Hawaii and on the mainland who read the manuscript as it was being prepared..."
This lie filled book was intended to deceive, defraud, pirate, pillage our Ko Hawaii Pae Aina. Notice that the Army - Army Air Service, the Navy - Navy Air Service, and Federal Officials - Mr. Joseph F. Kunesh, Director of the Hawaii Territorial Planning Board participated in aiding the writer with information.
It was the Army, Navy, and Federal Officials who developed the Territorial Government as documented in the newspaper advertisement printed in 1939 in preparation for the 1940 issue of the 40 year Celebration of the Territory in Hawaii.
Note: Annexation was Illegal. See the following:
Search Results
Three Failed Attempts of Annexing the Hawaiian Islands - AlohaQuest
1 In violation of treaties and principles of customary international law, the United .... On April 25, 1898, after the failed annexation of the Hawaiian Islands, the ... to the Throne in accordance with Article 22 of the Constitution of 1864, due to the ...
1 In violation of treaties and principles of customary international law, the United .... On April 25, 1898, after the failed annexation of the Hawaiian Islands, the ... to the Throne in accordance with Article 22 of the Constitution of 1864, due to the ...
Overthrow of the Kingdom of Hawaii - Wikipedia
Jump to Republic, American annexation, statehood - Main articles: Provisional Government of Hawaii, Republic of Hawaii, ... The rationale behind annexationincluded a strong ... protesting what they considered an illegal transaction.
Jump to Republic, American annexation, statehood - Main articles: Provisional Government of Hawaii, Republic of Hawaii, ... The rationale behind annexationincluded a strong ... protesting what they considered an illegal transaction.
The Overthrow of the Monarchy - hawaii - independent & sovereign
View this article text only, or just the images with captions .... an Annexation Club, plotting the overthrow of the queen and annexation to the United States. .... Lili`uokalani replied that according to Hawaiian law, the punishment for treason was ...
View this article text only, or just the images with captions .... an Annexation Club, plotting the overthrow of the queen and annexation to the United States. .... Lili`uokalani replied that according to Hawaiian law, the punishment for treason was ...Was the 1898 annexation illegal? - Angelfire
But letters granting full diplomatic recognition to the Republic of Hawaii were ... If the annexation was illegal or never happened, then Hawai'i would legally still be an independent nation. ..... Here's a newspaper article reporting the event.
But letters granting full diplomatic recognition to the Republic of Hawaii were ... If the annexation was illegal or never happened, then Hawai'i would legally still be an independent nation. ..... Here's a newspaper article reporting the event.
Hawaiian Annexation []
By the time the United States got serious about looking beyond its own borders to conquer new lands, much of the world had already been claimed. Only a few ...
By the time the United States got serious about looking beyond its own borders to conquer new lands, much of the world had already been claimed. Only a few ...
Was annexation legal? « Aloha 4 All
Article II, Sec 2, U.S. Constitution. The Newlands Resolution, annexing Hawaii, was approved by 2/3rds or more of those voting in both the Senate and House.
Article II, Sec 2, U.S. Constitution. The Newlands Resolution, annexing Hawaii, was approved by 2/3rds or more of those voting in both the Senate and House.
US Constitutional Law and Customary ... - Hawaiian Kingdom
Apr 26, 2015 - The purpose of this article is to address common misconceptions people have regarding territorial annexation as it relates to the Constitution of ...
Apr 26, 2015 - The purpose of this article is to address common misconceptions people have regarding territorial annexation as it relates to the Constitution of ...
U.S. Department of State's Website: Article on Hawaiian Annexation ...
Sep 16, 2014 - U.S. Department of State's Website: Article on Hawaiian Annexation.... of the War Report on Hawaii's Illegal occupation by the United States.
Sep 16, 2014 - U.S. Department of State's Website: Article on Hawaiian Annexation.... of the War Report on Hawaii's Illegal occupation by the United States.
The 1897 Petition Against the Annexation of Hawaii | National Archives
Aug 15, 2016 - Background When the Hawaiian islands were formally annexed by the United States in 1898, the event ... Resolution," passed Congress and was signed into law by President McKinley on July 7, 1898. ... Article Citation.
Aug 15, 2016 - Background When the Hawaiian islands were formally annexed by the United States in 1898, the event ... Resolution," passed Congress and was signed into law by President McKinley on July 7, 1898. ... Article Citation.
Hawaii is not legally a state! | WHAT REALLY HAPPENED
By the end of this article, you will know for yourself which one you are. ... to annexedterritory, to state, was done in violation of laws and treaties then in effect, .... He wrote the State Department urging annexation, saying, "The Hawaiian pear is ...
Note: This article by Victoria Creed shows that she erroneously interprets the Alodio as Fee Simple.
Political History of the Royal Patents
Political History of the Royal Patents
Society for Hawaiian Archaeology Conference, 12-14 November 2004
Victoria S. Creed, Ph.D
Turning Hawaiian land into a commodity in the mid-19th century was envisioned by King Kamehameha III as a means of protecting the Hawaiian people from a land takeover by invading forces, by foreign businessmen as a means of providing investment incentives, and by the missionaries as a means of improving the tenant farmer/maka‘ainana status. Mining Waihona Aina database for Royal Patents we show how the government has dealt and continues to deal with some of the problems of this policy.
The Royal Patents are the final step in the Land Commission award process (see RP database at Changes in governmental policy, and political attitudes are reflected in 157 years of changed wording. Issued first in 1847, and still being issued in 2004 (as Land Patents) these documents show an array of evolving political positions and even a few fanciful ones. In this paper, I use the term Royal Patents to distinguish this series from the Land Grant Patents (sales of government lands), but, in fact, Royal Patent (or “Palapala Sila Nui”) is wording used for confirmation of both the Land Commission Awards and the Land Grant purchases. The word “Royal” was crossed off or left out in both sets of land transactions shortly after the overthrow of the Kingdom. Thereafter, they were often both titled Land Patents, still causing confusion in surveys and other documents, such as Boundary Commission records. No. 3606 was even entered in this series of Royal Patents by mistake by the government, who created the systems, when it actually belonged with the land grants; it was later transferred to the Land Grants system. The “Royal Patent” series, as I use the word, are the series of patents issued to claimants in the Land Commission records before and after the overthrow.
The 14,456 Land Commission records (30,000+ documents) shown in our records as the Mähele database, were produced within an incredibly short time-span (1846 to 1854) across the island chain and this snap-shot time period makes these documents unique recordings of any kingdom’s or government’s land holdings anywhere in the world. Although political and social reasoning and wide-spread disease and death kept some people from claiming their worked lands at all, and although the government disallowed other lands people had traditionally used and transferred them to others or to the government for a variety of other reasons, and although some residents eschewed the Land Commission process and bought their land outright as grants, nevertheless, the majority of land in the Hawaiian Islands is described with more and less detail in these records. The basic format of the Land Commission awards is a claim for land and a testimony which acts as an affidavit, declaring the claim is correct, or shows what is correct, so it may be awarded. Then the Commission awarded or rejected the claim. The award is either in fee simple (‘alodio), or “Freehold less than Allodial” (kuleana malalo o ke ‘ano ‘alodio). The second of these terms means the government still retains an interest and must be a party to mortgages, sales or exchanges (Indices of Awards, Section 1. Principles Adopted by the Board of Commissioners to Quiet Land Titles in their Adjudication of Claims presented to them, p. 10). Once awarded, the land had to be surveyed, and where boundaries were not obvious, unknown or contested, the Boundary Commissioners took over and tried to settle them. Once the boundaries were settled, the awardee could patent the land, for outright ownership for a fee. Many awards remained for a long time as “Freehold less than Allodial” because there was too much land for too few surveyors to document. At the time of patenting the patentee (or his heirs or assigns) pays the commutation fee or receives a fee waiver.
Distinguishing Significance of Land Commission claims and Royal Patents
The Land Commission awards are the legal title of the land holder, and that claimant, his heirs or assigns (present owners), has/have legal standing in a court of law concerning that piece of land. It also provides informantion about the land and those who occupied it. Even when claims are not awarded, the claimant’s heirs have legal standing in a court of law concerning burials and artifacts uncovered. The importance of the Royal Patent for the land holder, is that the Government (whether Kingdom, Republic, Territory, or State) relinquishes its interest in the property (J. Achiu, 2004 and Jon J. Chinen, 2002) subject to qualifications, Since Statehood these qualifications have multiplied.
For the archaeologist, the importance of the the Land Commission claims is their location, description and cultural content. In the claims we have the land seen from the 1st person perspective, and in the testimony from a 3rd person perspective within the same time period. The importance of the Royal Patents is their finalized land survey (mentioning walls, fish ponds, roads, river beds) and the title history up to the time of patenting. This becomes an official, non-personal perspective which can be linked back to the other two perspectives. As an aside, the Land Grant series (LG database) has only this official perspective.
The Time Period of the Records of the Royal Patents
As I started transcribing the Royal Patents I was astounded to learn that we are still in the process of completing the Land Commission Board work today. I had thought all these land records were history! Through the year 2002, 8,738 of these Patents have been issued on the 8,574 Land Commission Awards. Of these, 208 are non-entries (“No patent issued”), 105 or more are duplicates and cancelled, and about 1500 of them are only portions of original Land Commission Awards. I am not ready to accurately calculate how many more patents could be executed, although it might be in the neighborhood of another thousand.
Form of the Royal Patent
The basic form of the Royal Patent is: a) a number, b) a statement that the Patent is in confirmation of a Land Commission claim, c) a statement that the Board of Commissioners award the land as either “Fee Simple” or as “Freehold less than Allodial;” and generally, the number of the Land Commission award, d) a statement that a commutation fee was due and paid, waived or not due, e) a statement showing the government representative i.e., King, Regent, Queen, Governor, or the State Director of the Department of Land and Natural Resources, grants the land to the patentee in fee simple, f) a statement showing where the land is situated by ‘ili or/and ahupua‘a, district, and island, g) a survey, h) An express exemption for rights of native tenants who have land within an awarded parcel (“Ua koe ke kuleana o na kanaka”), i) a paragraph stating the more or less exact amount of land, quantified by acre, fathom, rods roods, chains or square feet, j) a statement linking the patentee and the land in fee simple, subject to taxes, and as time goes by, to other qualifications. k) the final paragraph gives the date and the signatures of the contract, l) Sometimes there is an attachment overlaid showing fees paid.
The survey is the heart of the document and makes each patent unique.
Following the survey are the two basic qualifications for all patents until the time of the Territory: 1) the specific amount of land “excepting and reserving to the Hawaiian Government all mineral or metallic mines of every description” and 2) “subject to the taxes to be from time to time imposed by the Legislative Council equally, upon all landed property held in Fee Simple.” This wording does not significantly change during the entire monarchy. At the time of the territory, there are several patents with no qualification included (see 8378). Following Statehood, Reserving to the State of Hawaii, its successors and assigns, there is a list of 19 minerals, including coal, gold and silver, which are not geologically possible in our volcanic islands, but does include all geothermal resources, in, on, or under the land, fast or submerged, except for materials used in construction, like sand, gravel and rock.
In 1986 through 1998, reservations to the State include all surface and ground waters, and perhaps of interest to archaeologists “All prehistoric and historic remains found in, on or under said land.” This rule changed after the Historic Preservation Law was enacted. We see the tolerance of national government reflected in the qualifications 1986 up through the year 2000. The “Patentee shall not be in support of any policy which discriminates against anyone based upon race, creed, sex, color, national origin, or a physical handicap.” In 1995 descrimination is forbidden against anyone with the HIV infenction. There are no 1999 patents, and there is a political shift to less tolerance or perhaps lack of care or need to be specific about intolerace, starting in the year 2000. In 2000 the 1986-1998 reservations are dropped, and we again have the reservation only of “all kinds of mines and minerals” of the earliest documents in this series.
Distribution of Patents Over Time
In the eight years after the enactment of the land reform, King Kamehameha III executed 1783 patents (average 222+ a year) . During the 8 ½ years of Kamehameha IV’s regnum he executed 3680 patents (average 433 a year). Kamehameha V processed 979 in 8 years (average 108 a year). One wonders what might have happened if Lunalilo had lived longer for in the one year in office, Lunalilo executed 783 patents. In King Kalakaua’s 17-year reign he executed 1077(?) patents (average 63 a year). Queen Liliu‘okalani executed 271 patents in her two years, as well as others in the name of Kalakaua when he was off visiting foreign lands (average 135 a year). Here is a preliminary analysis table of the entire time period.
Table RPs (Preliminary Analysis)
Signer Regnum No. of years No. of RPs
King Kamehameha III 1825-1854 (1847-1854) 8 1783
King Alexander Liholiho, Kamehameha IV (Jan. 11) 1855-1863 (Nov.30) 8.5 3958
King Lot, Kamehameha V (Nov) 1863-1872 (Dec. 11) 9 270
King W.C. Lunalilo (Jan. 2) 1873-1874 (Feb. 3) 1 783
King David Kalakaua (Feb) 1874-1891 (Jan. 20) 17 1077
Queen Liliu‘okalani (Mar) 1891-1893 (July) 2 271
President Sanford B. Dole (July) 1893-1899 30 104
Governor Sanford B. Dole 1900-1903 (July) 3 64
Governor W. Carter (Sept) 1903-1907 4 31
Governor E. Mott-Smith. Act. Gov. 1907-1908 1 4
Governor W.F. Frear (Feb) 1908-1913 (Sept) 6 111
Governor L. Pinkham (Feb) 1914-1917 4 15
Governor C.J. McCarthy (Jan) 1918-1921 (Mar) 4 23
Governor W.R. Farrington (July) 1921-1927 (Oct) 6 19
R.C. Brown, Act. Gov. (Nov) 1927-1928 (Mar) 1 38
Governor W.R. Farrington (Apr) 1928-1929 (Jun) 1 44
Governor L. Judd (Aug) 1929-1934 6 30
C. Hite, Act. Gov 1934 1 2
Governor J.B. Poindexter 1934-1941 7 44
C. Hite & E.K. Kai, Act. Governors 1942 1 4
Governor I.M. Stainback 1943-1953 10 25
Governor S. King 1853-1957 4 15
Governor W.F. Quinn 1858-1962 5 23
1963 None
BLNR 1964-2000 36 yrs 120
The speed or lack of time during the monarchy may reflect the time required to do surveys and process papers after the initial awards.
There are a number of questions that come up during this work. The copy one receives of the patents is one copied from the original documents by a clerk. They don’t appear to be the original documents. One question is whether a patent is valid without signatures and a date. I’ve found one answer. Two Royal Patents were re-issued many years later with the signatures and dates added, by legal request. There are other patents that still are missing signature and dates and I don’t know whether they too will be submitted for re-issue and whether the originals include this information or not. Another question, is what happens when a patent is issued on a claim that was not awarded? You would think that this too is an illegal situation.
There are occasional pages missing. I checked with BLNR on one of these cases, and they don’t have the page either. Will the missing page exist anywhere?
I would like to factor in political events, such as the reciprocity treaty, the overthrow of the Kingdom and other significant events dealing with land here in Hawaii, but that study is premature until the database is entirely finished, since many consecutive documents exist in various different volumes.
Turning Hawaiian land into a commodity in the mid-19th century was envisioned by King Kamehameha III as a means of protecting the Hawaiian people from a wholesale-land takeover by an overlay culture, by foreign businessmen as a means of providing investment incentives, and by the missionaries as a means of improving the tenant farmer/maka‘ainana status. Today, we are still coming to grips with all of these problems.
1 Chinen, Jon J., The Geat Mahele: Hawaii’s Land division of 1848,” U.H. Press, 1958, p. 9.
2. Achiu, Jason, State Archives, personal comm., 2004, and Chinen Jon J., They cried for Help: The Hawaiian Land Revolution of the 1840s and 1850s, Philadelphia, Xlibris Corporation, 2004.
3. Waihona 'Aina Corp. purchased copies of all executed patents of this series, which are located at the Land Division of the Department of Land and Natural Resources.
4. This figure does not account for the Land Grant Patents which were being done simultaneously and are also still being “executed.”
5. Records of Kalakaua are interspersed throughout other monarchy records.
Kamehameha III's - Kauikeaouli speech of 1851 was re-discovered showing that he granted two (2) kinds of deeds: Alodio to his people forever; and Fee Simple (less than alodio) to Aliens. The deeds were found in the Archives, certified, and now held as evidence against those who criminally claim that our Land System is something other than Alodio, etc. These deeds are now maintained by our Kingdom of Hawaii - Records Office.
Kamehameha III - Kauikeaouli's Legislative Records showing corrections has been found in the Archives, certified, and now held as evidence against those who criminally claim that our Land System is something other than Alodio, etc. These deeds are now maintained by our Kingdom of Hawaii - Records Office.
Kamehameha III - Kauikeaouli's Crown Land Deeds and Government Deeds were also found in the Archives, certified, and held as evidence against those who criminally claim that our Land System is something other than Alodio, etc. These deeds are now maintained by our Kingdom of Hawaii - Records Office.
The following is a repost reminding everyone that the United States Claim to Annexation was Illegal, a conspiracy, piracy, pillaging activity, a fraud, deceit, etc. evidence of Premeditation activity to assume a neutral, friendly, non-violent nation is documented.
- A Celebration of Our Kingdom of Hawaii -
and Not the Identity Thieves State of Hawaii
The November 28, 1843 as RESTORATION - Independence Day - of the Kingdom of Hawaii Guaranteed by Joint Treaty of England, France, and the United States AND NOT JUST THE United States
By the end of this article, you will know for yourself which one you are. ... to annexedterritory, to state, was done in violation of laws and treaties then in effect, .... He wrote the State Department urging annexation, saying, "The Hawaiian pear is ...
Note: This article by Victoria Creed shows that she erroneously interprets the Alodio as Fee Simple.
Political History of the Royal Patents
Political History of the Royal Patents
Society for Hawaiian Archaeology Conference, 12-14 November 2004
Victoria S. Creed, Ph.D
Society for Hawaiian Archaeology Conference, 12-14 November 2004
Victoria S. Creed, Ph.D
Turning Hawaiian land into a commodity in the mid-19th century was envisioned by King Kamehameha III as a means of protecting the Hawaiian people from a land takeover by invading forces, by foreign businessmen as a means of providing investment incentives, and by the missionaries as a means of improving the tenant farmer/maka‘ainana status. Mining Waihona Aina database for Royal Patents we show how the government has dealt and continues to deal with some of the problems of this policy.
The Royal Patents are the final step in the Land Commission award process (see RP database at Changes in governmental policy, and political attitudes are reflected in 157 years of changed wording. Issued first in 1847, and still being issued in 2004 (as Land Patents) these documents show an array of evolving political positions and even a few fanciful ones. In this paper, I use the term Royal Patents to distinguish this series from the Land Grant Patents (sales of government lands), but, in fact, Royal Patent (or “Palapala Sila Nui”) is wording used for confirmation of both the Land Commission Awards and the Land Grant purchases. The word “Royal” was crossed off or left out in both sets of land transactions shortly after the overthrow of the Kingdom. Thereafter, they were often both titled Land Patents, still causing confusion in surveys and other documents, such as Boundary Commission records. No. 3606 was even entered in this series of Royal Patents by mistake by the government, who created the systems, when it actually belonged with the land grants; it was later transferred to the Land Grants system. The “Royal Patent” series, as I use the word, are the series of patents issued to claimants in the Land Commission records before and after the overthrow.
The 14,456 Land Commission records (30,000+ documents) shown in our records as the Mähele database, were produced within an incredibly short time-span (1846 to 1854) across the island chain and this snap-shot time period makes these documents unique recordings of any kingdom’s or government’s land holdings anywhere in the world. Although political and social reasoning and wide-spread disease and death kept some people from claiming their worked lands at all, and although the government disallowed other lands people had traditionally used and transferred them to others or to the government for a variety of other reasons, and although some residents eschewed the Land Commission process and bought their land outright as grants, nevertheless, the majority of land in the Hawaiian Islands is described with more and less detail in these records. The basic format of the Land Commission awards is a claim for land and a testimony which acts as an affidavit, declaring the claim is correct, or shows what is correct, so it may be awarded. Then the Commission awarded or rejected the claim. The award is either in fee simple (‘alodio), or “Freehold less than Allodial” (kuleana malalo o ke ‘ano ‘alodio). The second of these terms means the government still retains an interest and must be a party to mortgages, sales or exchanges (Indices of Awards, Section 1. Principles Adopted by the Board of Commissioners to Quiet Land Titles in their Adjudication of Claims presented to them, p. 10). Once awarded, the land had to be surveyed, and where boundaries were not obvious, unknown or contested, the Boundary Commissioners took over and tried to settle them. Once the boundaries were settled, the awardee could patent the land, for outright ownership for a fee. Many awards remained for a long time as “Freehold less than Allodial” because there was too much land for too few surveyors to document. At the time of patenting the patentee (or his heirs or assigns) pays the commutation fee or receives a fee waiver.
The 14,456 Land Commission records (30,000+ documents) shown in our records as the Mähele database, were produced within an incredibly short time-span (1846 to 1854) across the island chain and this snap-shot time period makes these documents unique recordings of any kingdom’s or government’s land holdings anywhere in the world. Although political and social reasoning and wide-spread disease and death kept some people from claiming their worked lands at all, and although the government disallowed other lands people had traditionally used and transferred them to others or to the government for a variety of other reasons, and although some residents eschewed the Land Commission process and bought their land outright as grants, nevertheless, the majority of land in the Hawaiian Islands is described with more and less detail in these records. The basic format of the Land Commission awards is a claim for land and a testimony which acts as an affidavit, declaring the claim is correct, or shows what is correct, so it may be awarded. Then the Commission awarded or rejected the claim. The award is either in fee simple (‘alodio), or “Freehold less than Allodial” (kuleana malalo o ke ‘ano ‘alodio). The second of these terms means the government still retains an interest and must be a party to mortgages, sales or exchanges (Indices of Awards, Section 1. Principles Adopted by the Board of Commissioners to Quiet Land Titles in their Adjudication of Claims presented to them, p. 10). Once awarded, the land had to be surveyed, and where boundaries were not obvious, unknown or contested, the Boundary Commissioners took over and tried to settle them. Once the boundaries were settled, the awardee could patent the land, for outright ownership for a fee. Many awards remained for a long time as “Freehold less than Allodial” because there was too much land for too few surveyors to document. At the time of patenting the patentee (or his heirs or assigns) pays the commutation fee or receives a fee waiver.
Distinguishing Significance of Land Commission claims and Royal Patents
The Land Commission awards are the legal title of the land holder, and that claimant, his heirs or assigns (present owners), has/have legal standing in a court of law concerning that piece of land. It also provides informantion about the land and those who occupied it. Even when claims are not awarded, the claimant’s heirs have legal standing in a court of law concerning burials and artifacts uncovered. The importance of the Royal Patent for the land holder, is that the Government (whether Kingdom, Republic, Territory, or State) relinquishes its interest in the property (J. Achiu, 2004 and Jon J. Chinen, 2002) subject to qualifications, Since Statehood these qualifications have multiplied.
The Land Commission awards are the legal title of the land holder, and that claimant, his heirs or assigns (present owners), has/have legal standing in a court of law concerning that piece of land. It also provides informantion about the land and those who occupied it. Even when claims are not awarded, the claimant’s heirs have legal standing in a court of law concerning burials and artifacts uncovered. The importance of the Royal Patent for the land holder, is that the Government (whether Kingdom, Republic, Territory, or State) relinquishes its interest in the property (J. Achiu, 2004 and Jon J. Chinen, 2002) subject to qualifications, Since Statehood these qualifications have multiplied.
For the archaeologist, the importance of the the Land Commission claims is their location, description and cultural content. In the claims we have the land seen from the 1st person perspective, and in the testimony from a 3rd person perspective within the same time period. The importance of the Royal Patents is their finalized land survey (mentioning walls, fish ponds, roads, river beds) and the title history up to the time of patenting. This becomes an official, non-personal perspective which can be linked back to the other two perspectives. As an aside, the Land Grant series (LG database) has only this official perspective.
The Time Period of the Records of the Royal Patents
As I started transcribing the Royal Patents I was astounded to learn that we are still in the process of completing the Land Commission Board work today. I had thought all these land records were history! Through the year 2002, 8,738 of these Patents have been issued on the 8,574 Land Commission Awards. Of these, 208 are non-entries (“No patent issued”), 105 or more are duplicates and cancelled, and about 1500 of them are only portions of original Land Commission Awards. I am not ready to accurately calculate how many more patents could be executed, although it might be in the neighborhood of another thousand.
As I started transcribing the Royal Patents I was astounded to learn that we are still in the process of completing the Land Commission Board work today. I had thought all these land records were history! Through the year 2002, 8,738 of these Patents have been issued on the 8,574 Land Commission Awards. Of these, 208 are non-entries (“No patent issued”), 105 or more are duplicates and cancelled, and about 1500 of them are only portions of original Land Commission Awards. I am not ready to accurately calculate how many more patents could be executed, although it might be in the neighborhood of another thousand.
Form of the Royal Patent
The basic form of the Royal Patent is: a) a number, b) a statement that the Patent is in confirmation of a Land Commission claim, c) a statement that the Board of Commissioners award the land as either “Fee Simple” or as “Freehold less than Allodial;” and generally, the number of the Land Commission award, d) a statement that a commutation fee was due and paid, waived or not due, e) a statement showing the government representative i.e., King, Regent, Queen, Governor, or the State Director of the Department of Land and Natural Resources, grants the land to the patentee in fee simple, f) a statement showing where the land is situated by ‘ili or/and ahupua‘a, district, and island, g) a survey, h) An express exemption for rights of native tenants who have land within an awarded parcel (“Ua koe ke kuleana o na kanaka”), i) a paragraph stating the more or less exact amount of land, quantified by acre, fathom, rods roods, chains or square feet, j) a statement linking the patentee and the land in fee simple, subject to taxes, and as time goes by, to other qualifications. k) the final paragraph gives the date and the signatures of the contract, l) Sometimes there is an attachment overlaid showing fees paid.
The basic form of the Royal Patent is: a) a number, b) a statement that the Patent is in confirmation of a Land Commission claim, c) a statement that the Board of Commissioners award the land as either “Fee Simple” or as “Freehold less than Allodial;” and generally, the number of the Land Commission award, d) a statement that a commutation fee was due and paid, waived or not due, e) a statement showing the government representative i.e., King, Regent, Queen, Governor, or the State Director of the Department of Land and Natural Resources, grants the land to the patentee in fee simple, f) a statement showing where the land is situated by ‘ili or/and ahupua‘a, district, and island, g) a survey, h) An express exemption for rights of native tenants who have land within an awarded parcel (“Ua koe ke kuleana o na kanaka”), i) a paragraph stating the more or less exact amount of land, quantified by acre, fathom, rods roods, chains or square feet, j) a statement linking the patentee and the land in fee simple, subject to taxes, and as time goes by, to other qualifications. k) the final paragraph gives the date and the signatures of the contract, l) Sometimes there is an attachment overlaid showing fees paid.
The survey is the heart of the document and makes each patent unique.
Following the survey are the two basic qualifications for all patents until the time of the Territory: 1) the specific amount of land “excepting and reserving to the Hawaiian Government all mineral or metallic mines of every description” and 2) “subject to the taxes to be from time to time imposed by the Legislative Council equally, upon all landed property held in Fee Simple.” This wording does not significantly change during the entire monarchy. At the time of the territory, there are several patents with no qualification included (see 8378). Following Statehood, Reserving to the State of Hawaii, its successors and assigns, there is a list of 19 minerals, including coal, gold and silver, which are not geologically possible in our volcanic islands, but does include all geothermal resources, in, on, or under the land, fast or submerged, except for materials used in construction, like sand, gravel and rock.
In 1986 through 1998, reservations to the State include all surface and ground waters, and perhaps of interest to archaeologists “All prehistoric and historic remains found in, on or under said land.” This rule changed after the Historic Preservation Law was enacted. We see the tolerance of national government reflected in the qualifications 1986 up through the year 2000. The “Patentee shall not be in support of any policy which discriminates against anyone based upon race, creed, sex, color, national origin, or a physical handicap.” In 1995 descrimination is forbidden against anyone with the HIV infenction. There are no 1999 patents, and there is a political shift to less tolerance or perhaps lack of care or need to be specific about intolerace, starting in the year 2000. In 2000 the 1986-1998 reservations are dropped, and we again have the reservation only of “all kinds of mines and minerals” of the earliest documents in this series.
Distribution of Patents Over Time
In the eight years after the enactment of the land reform, King Kamehameha III executed 1783 patents (average 222+ a year) . During the 8 ½ years of Kamehameha IV’s regnum he executed 3680 patents (average 433 a year). Kamehameha V processed 979 in 8 years (average 108 a year). One wonders what might have happened if Lunalilo had lived longer for in the one year in office, Lunalilo executed 783 patents. In King Kalakaua’s 17-year reign he executed 1077(?) patents (average 63 a year). Queen Liliu‘okalani executed 271 patents in her two years, as well as others in the name of Kalakaua when he was off visiting foreign lands (average 135 a year). Here is a preliminary analysis table of the entire time period.
In the eight years after the enactment of the land reform, King Kamehameha III executed 1783 patents (average 222+ a year) . During the 8 ½ years of Kamehameha IV’s regnum he executed 3680 patents (average 433 a year). Kamehameha V processed 979 in 8 years (average 108 a year). One wonders what might have happened if Lunalilo had lived longer for in the one year in office, Lunalilo executed 783 patents. In King Kalakaua’s 17-year reign he executed 1077(?) patents (average 63 a year). Queen Liliu‘okalani executed 271 patents in her two years, as well as others in the name of Kalakaua when he was off visiting foreign lands (average 135 a year). Here is a preliminary analysis table of the entire time period.
Table RPs (Preliminary Analysis)
Signer Regnum No. of years No. of RPs
King Kamehameha III 1825-1854 (1847-1854) 8 1783
King Alexander Liholiho, Kamehameha IV (Jan. 11) 1855-1863 (Nov.30) 8.5 3958
King Lot, Kamehameha V (Nov) 1863-1872 (Dec. 11) 9 270
King W.C. Lunalilo (Jan. 2) 1873-1874 (Feb. 3) 1 783
King David Kalakaua (Feb) 1874-1891 (Jan. 20) 17 1077
Queen Liliu‘okalani (Mar) 1891-1893 (July) 2 271
President Sanford B. Dole (July) 1893-1899 30 104
Governor Sanford B. Dole 1900-1903 (July) 3 64
Governor W. Carter (Sept) 1903-1907 4 31
Governor E. Mott-Smith. Act. Gov. 1907-1908 1 4
Governor W.F. Frear (Feb) 1908-1913 (Sept) 6 111
Governor L. Pinkham (Feb) 1914-1917 4 15
Governor C.J. McCarthy (Jan) 1918-1921 (Mar) 4 23
Governor W.R. Farrington (July) 1921-1927 (Oct) 6 19
R.C. Brown, Act. Gov. (Nov) 1927-1928 (Mar) 1 38
Governor W.R. Farrington (Apr) 1928-1929 (Jun) 1 44
Governor L. Judd (Aug) 1929-1934 6 30
C. Hite, Act. Gov 1934 1 2
Governor J.B. Poindexter 1934-1941 7 44
C. Hite & E.K. Kai, Act. Governors 1942 1 4
Governor I.M. Stainback 1943-1953 10 25
Governor S. King 1853-1957 4 15
Governor W.F. Quinn 1858-1962 5 23
1963 None
BLNR 1964-2000 36 yrs 120
Signer Regnum No. of years No. of RPs
King Kamehameha III 1825-1854 (1847-1854) 8 1783
King Alexander Liholiho, Kamehameha IV (Jan. 11) 1855-1863 (Nov.30) 8.5 3958
King Lot, Kamehameha V (Nov) 1863-1872 (Dec. 11) 9 270
King W.C. Lunalilo (Jan. 2) 1873-1874 (Feb. 3) 1 783
King David Kalakaua (Feb) 1874-1891 (Jan. 20) 17 1077
Queen Liliu‘okalani (Mar) 1891-1893 (July) 2 271
President Sanford B. Dole (July) 1893-1899 30 104
Governor Sanford B. Dole 1900-1903 (July) 3 64
Governor W. Carter (Sept) 1903-1907 4 31
Governor E. Mott-Smith. Act. Gov. 1907-1908 1 4
Governor W.F. Frear (Feb) 1908-1913 (Sept) 6 111
Governor L. Pinkham (Feb) 1914-1917 4 15
Governor C.J. McCarthy (Jan) 1918-1921 (Mar) 4 23
Governor W.R. Farrington (July) 1921-1927 (Oct) 6 19
R.C. Brown, Act. Gov. (Nov) 1927-1928 (Mar) 1 38
Governor W.R. Farrington (Apr) 1928-1929 (Jun) 1 44
Governor L. Judd (Aug) 1929-1934 6 30
C. Hite, Act. Gov 1934 1 2
Governor J.B. Poindexter 1934-1941 7 44
C. Hite & E.K. Kai, Act. Governors 1942 1 4
Governor I.M. Stainback 1943-1953 10 25
Governor S. King 1853-1957 4 15
Governor W.F. Quinn 1858-1962 5 23
1963 None
BLNR 1964-2000 36 yrs 120
The speed or lack of time during the monarchy may reflect the time required to do surveys and process papers after the initial awards.
There are a number of questions that come up during this work. The copy one receives of the patents is one copied from the original documents by a clerk. They don’t appear to be the original documents. One question is whether a patent is valid without signatures and a date. I’ve found one answer. Two Royal Patents were re-issued many years later with the signatures and dates added, by legal request. There are other patents that still are missing signature and dates and I don’t know whether they too will be submitted for re-issue and whether the originals include this information or not. Another question, is what happens when a patent is issued on a claim that was not awarded? You would think that this too is an illegal situation.
There are occasional pages missing. I checked with BLNR on one of these cases, and they don’t have the page either. Will the missing page exist anywhere?
I would like to factor in political events, such as the reciprocity treaty, the overthrow of the Kingdom and other significant events dealing with land here in Hawaii, but that study is premature until the database is entirely finished, since many consecutive documents exist in various different volumes.
Turning Hawaiian land into a commodity in the mid-19th century was envisioned by King Kamehameha III as a means of protecting the Hawaiian people from a wholesale-land takeover by an overlay culture, by foreign businessmen as a means of providing investment incentives, and by the missionaries as a means of improving the tenant farmer/maka‘ainana status. Today, we are still coming to grips with all of these problems.
1 Chinen, Jon J., The Geat Mahele: Hawaii’s Land division of 1848,” U.H. Press, 1958, p. 9.
2. Achiu, Jason, State Archives, personal comm., 2004, and Chinen Jon J., They cried for Help: The Hawaiian Land Revolution of the 1840s and 1850s, Philadelphia, Xlibris Corporation, 2004.
3. Waihona 'Aina Corp. purchased copies of all executed patents of this series, which are located at the Land Division of the Department of Land and Natural Resources.
4. This figure does not account for the Land Grant Patents which were being done simultaneously and are also still being “executed.”
5. Records of Kalakaua are interspersed throughout other monarchy records.
2. Achiu, Jason, State Archives, personal comm., 2004, and Chinen Jon J., They cried for Help: The Hawaiian Land Revolution of the 1840s and 1850s, Philadelphia, Xlibris Corporation, 2004.
3. Waihona 'Aina Corp. purchased copies of all executed patents of this series, which are located at the Land Division of the Department of Land and Natural Resources.
4. This figure does not account for the Land Grant Patents which were being done simultaneously and are also still being “executed.”
5. Records of Kalakaua are interspersed throughout other monarchy records.
Kamehameha III's - Kauikeaouli speech of 1851 was re-discovered showing that he granted two (2) kinds of deeds: Alodio to his people forever; and Fee Simple (less than alodio) to Aliens. The deeds were found in the Archives, certified, and now held as evidence against those who criminally claim that our Land System is something other than Alodio, etc. These deeds are now maintained by our Kingdom of Hawaii - Records Office.
Kamehameha III - Kauikeaouli's Legislative Records showing corrections has been found in the Archives, certified, and now held as evidence against those who criminally claim that our Land System is something other than Alodio, etc. These deeds are now maintained by our Kingdom of Hawaii - Records Office.
Kamehameha III - Kauikeaouli's Crown Land Deeds and Government Deeds were also found in the Archives, certified, and held as evidence against those who criminally claim that our Land System is something other than Alodio, etc. These deeds are now maintained by our Kingdom of Hawaii - Records Office.
The following is a repost reminding everyone that the United States Claim to Annexation was Illegal, a conspiracy, piracy, pillaging activity, a fraud, deceit, etc. evidence of Premeditation activity to assume a neutral, friendly, non-violent nation is documented.
- A Celebration of Our Kingdom of Hawaii -
and Not the Identity Thieves State of Hawaii
The November 28, 1843 as RESTORATION - Independence Day - of the Kingdom of Hawaii Guaranteed by Joint Treaty of England, France, and the United States AND NOT JUST THE United States
November 28, 1843 - Hawaiian Restoration - Independence Day - of the Kingdom of Hawaii recognized by England, France, and the United States, Not Just the United States
Amelia Gora
The real date of November 28, 1843 as RESTORATION - Independence Day - of the Kingdom of Hawaii Guaranteed by Joint Treaty of England, France, and the United States AND NOT JUST THE United States.... as documented in this article for all to keep for their records:http://…/ image_681x648_from_147…/import ant information
The real date of November 28, 1843 as RESTORATION - Independence Day - of the Kingdom of Hawaii Guaranteed by Joint Treaty of England, France, and the United States AND NOT JUST THE United States.... as documented in this article for all to keep for their records:http://…/ image_681x648_from_147…/import ant information
"Hawaii IS NOT Part of the United States" - Williamson Chang
Hawaiian Sovereignty Symposium 2: Williamson Chang
Kingdom of Hawaii/Hawaiian Kingdom No. 2016-1118 Legal Notice: Update-Introducing the Kingdom of Hawaii's House of Nobles
Amelia Gora <hawaiianhistory@gmail. com>
10:08 PM (3 minutes ago)
to president, comments, HLUEnq uiries, Shan.Tsutsui, bozena, clausz, cohmura, consulatehi, Guillaume, fsmconsulatehnl, ga ylord, hawaii, honolulu, honol ulu, honolulupc, Office, info, info, jcdrui, john.maguire, j rumi, kcsiszar, Jeff, kiribati consul, kusuma
10:08 PM (3 minutes ago)
| ||||
Legal Notice - Update: Introducing the House of Nobles
Amelia Gora <>
to president, comments, Irish, Switzerland, john.maguire, Sh an.Tsutsui, info, info,Transna tional, Office, ., mayor,
U.S. President Obama
U.S. Secretary of State
Many Others

The Coat of Arms of the Hawaiian Kingdom, as seen on the gates to ‘Iolani Palace..

"On the coat of arms of the Nation of Hawai‘i,which was drawn up during the time of Kamehameha III, the coat of arms has the two royal kapu twins, Kame‘eiamoku and Kamanawa, who were uncles of Kamehameha the Great and his counselors in the wars to unite the islands. Kame‘eiamoku was the father of Hoapili and Ho‘olulu.
"These two high chiefs were among a group known as the "Five Fierce Warriors of Kona." Kame‘eiamoku and Kamanawa were two of them. And Ke‘eaumoku, who was the father of Ka‘ahumanu. And then there was Kekuhaupi‘o, the warrior chief who taught Kamehameha how to fight lua, spearthrowing, use of the sling, and other Hawaiian cultural ways of fighting wars.
"And then there was Keawe-a-Heulu. Keawe-a-Heulu was a cousin of Kamehameha, but he later became the great-grandfather of King Kalakaua. So there is a blood connection between the Kalakaua family and the Kamehameha family. That’s one of the reasons that King Kalakaua could become a candidate for the throne of Hawai‘i, because of the blood connection, or else they wouldn’t have placed him there.
"The two men on the coat of arms are uncles of Kamehameha the Great, and they were his main supporters. One of them was Kame‘eiamoku and the other was Kamanawa." nuuanu/memories/coatarms.cfm

Introducing the Kingdom of Hawaii's House of Nobles which came together in 2008 with the Goal of 'Moving to Where Queen Liliuokalani left off''.
Recorded by Amelia Gora (2016)
The majority decided that 'we as the lineal chiefs and potential successors to the Crown of Ko Hawaii Nei Pae Aina/Kingdom of Hawaii/Hawaiian Kingdom/Ko Hawaii Pae Aina/He Mokupuni Pae Aina o Hawaii/Hawaiian archipelago/Hawaiian Islands/Hawaii have decided to reinstate the official offices. In absence of an elected Moi, we the heirs have collectively agreed to rule as a council until such time elections could return the Moi to his rightful place atop the Kingdom':
Shane Lee - also Konohiki (Waikoloa, Hilo, Big Island)
Keoua Gora - also Konohiki (Halawa, Alewa Heights, Nuuanu, etc.)
Glenn Ah Nee - also Konohiki (Makakilo, etc.) (dec.)
William Kamana - also Konohiki (Waianae, Nanakuli)
Kimberly Enos - also Konohiki
Robert Enos - also Konohiki
Robert Rego - also Konohiki
Francine Gora - also Konohiki (Alewa Heights, Nuuanu)
Barney Isaacs - also Konohiki (Waianae, Nanakuli)
Matthew Gora - also Konohiki (Alewa Heights, Mililani, etc.)
Ricky Ortiz - also Konohiki (Outer Islands)
Helelani Rabago - also Konohiki (Moanalua) (dec.)
Calvin Santos - also Konohiki (Honouliuli, Downtown, Nuuanu, Waikiki)
John Gora - also Konohiki (Honouliuli, Downtown, Nuuanu, Waikiki)
Daniel Castro - also Konohiki (Honouliuli) (dec.)
Raymond Kamaka - also Konohiki (Honouliuli, Waiahole Waikane) (dec.)
Stanley Kamaka - also Konohiki (Waiahole Waikane)
Alisa Kamaka/Alisa Brown - also Konohiki (Honouliuli - Waiahole Waikane)
Lee Kauhane (Waiahole Waikane)
Dexter Kaiama - joined in 2008
Kupuna Koko
Kilikina Kekumano - also Konohiki
Greg Wongham - also Konohiki (Sand Island, Waikiki, Ala Moana) (dec.)
Mike Lee - also Konohiki (Honouliuli, Outer Islands)
Christine Piilani Kakalia - also Konohiki (Mililani, Koolauloa, Koolaupoko, Outer Islands)
Lei Lopes - also Konohiki (Makiki, etc.)
Wilfred Lopes - also Konohiki (Makiki, etc.)
Charley Kueu - also Konohiki (Kapalama, etc.)
Amelia Gora - also elected Acting Liaison of Foreign Affairs, Konohiki (Honolulu, Outer Islands, etc.)
Note: Most of the above are part of Kalaniopuu's, Kamehameha's, Kamehameha III - Kauikeaouli's, Kaumualii's, Nuuanu's, Kanekapolei's, Kalaimoku/Kalanimoku's, Akahi (w), John Young's, Isaac Davis, Princess Poomaikelani's, Queen Kapiolani's, Queen Liliuokalani's, Kekuanaoa's, Abner Paki's, Ruth Keelikolani's, Bernice Pauahi's, Kalola (w) et. als. Heirs and Successors. It is truly amazing that we came together and are part of the Royal Families Heirs and Successors.
p.s. The identity thieves/imposter government or the non-government sued some of us in Court, over the Crown Lands, which really belongs to Kamehameha III - Kauikeaouli, 'himself, his heirs and successors forever, exclusively' not the developed Territory which turned into a State through Executive Order of U.S. President Eisenhower with documented opposition by one of Kamehameha's descendants, heirs, and successors named Harold Abel Cathcart, first cousin of some of our great grandmother Mele Kauweloa.
Evidence found recently shows that U.S. President Cleveland Gave Hawaii Back to Queen Liliuokalani. See: President Cleveland Gave Hawaii Back to Queen Liliuokalani id= 0B6Gs4av5Se1wN2JkZjMxMzEtMDIyN i0...
Also see at: archive-free/pdf?res=9406E5D61 53AE733A25752C2A9649C946597D6C F
Opposition to Annexation was documented. See: Opposition to Annexation - page 1 (researcher Kiliwehi Kekumano found the true Opposition in Maryland) com/leaf?id=0B6Gs4av5Se1wOGJmZ jg4MmQtNWRjMS00NT...Opposition to Annexation Page 2 ?id=0B6Gs4av5Se1wNWVlMTc0MjEtZ WZiZS00Y2... Opposition to Annexation page 3 ?id=0B6Gs4av5Se1wY2RjYzZmNjQtM jUxYi00Zm...Opposition to Annexation - page 4 ?id=0B6Gs4av5Se1wNmY2Mzk3ZTctZ DEyMy00Yz.
Joint Resolution is Not a Treaty. Annexation by the U.S. was illegal. U.S. is an Occupier, an Illegal Occupier See: ?v=_2dfm7MeXfM and ?v=fjELyim8q80
U.S. President Cleveland left office in 1897 and U.S. President William McKinley became President. McKinley was shot and died from gangrene after the Army, Navy, and Federal personnel "developed the territory".
Identity theft was identified in the PA PELEKANE case of 1912. Reference: HAWAIIAN REPORTS, 1912, Archives/Main Library/Supreme Court Law Library, Honolulu, Oahu, Hawaii.
Other references and other information:
Premeditation to take over Pearl Harbor - Page 1 (found by researcher Shane Lee) eaf?id=0B6Gs4av5Se1wZmFmMWE3Yj EtNTAwMy00ZG... Premeditation to take over Pearl Harbor - page 2 ?id=0B6Gs4av5Se1wN2RlYzdiOWMtN WJkYS00YW... Opposition to Annexation - page 1 (researcher Kiliwehi Kekumano found the true Opposition in Maryland) com/leaf?id=0B6Gs4av5Se1wOGJmZ jg4MmQtNWRjMS00NT...Opposition to Annexation Page 2 ?id=0B6Gs4av5Se1wNWVlMTc0MjEtZ WZiZS00Y2... Opposition to Annexation page 3 ?id=0B6Gs4av5Se1wY2RjYzZmNjQtM jUxYi00Zm...Opposition to Annexation - page 4 ?id=0B6Gs4av5Se1wNmY2Mzk3ZTctZ DEyMy00Yz...
More References: http://amelia-gora.blogspot.c om/2016/11/november-2016-updat e-brief-summary-of.html theio http://
Lastly, the following person was removed from the House of Nobles List and the Konohiki List: Routh Bolomet (2016)

The Coat of Arms of the Hawaiian Kingdom, as seen on the gates to ‘Iolani Palace.. |
"On the coat of arms of the Nation of Hawai‘i,which was drawn up during the time of Kamehameha III, the coat of arms has the two royal kapu twins, Kame‘eiamoku and Kamanawa, who were uncles of Kamehameha the Great and his counselors in the wars to unite the islands. Kame‘eiamoku was the father of Hoapili and Ho‘olulu. "These two high chiefs were among a group known as the "Five Fierce Warriors of Kona." Kame‘eiamoku and Kamanawa were two of them. And Ke‘eaumoku, who was the father of Ka‘ahumanu. And then there was Kekuhaupi‘o, the warrior chief who taught Kamehameha how to fight lua, spearthrowing, use of the sling, and other Hawaiian cultural ways of fighting wars. "And then there was Keawe-a-Heulu. Keawe-a-Heulu was a cousin of Kamehameha, but he later became the great-grandfather of King Kalakaua. So there is a blood connection between the Kalakaua family and the Kamehameha family. That’s one of the reasons that King Kalakaua could become a candidate for the throne of Hawai‘i, because of the blood connection, or else they wouldn’t have placed him there. "The two men on the coat of arms are uncles of Kamehameha the Great, and they were his main supporters. One of them was Kame‘eiamoku and the other was Kamanawa." |
Introducing the Kingdom of Hawaii's House of Nobles which came together in 2008 with the Goal of 'Moving to Where Queen Liliuokalani left off''.
Recorded by Amelia Gora (2016)
The majority decided that 'we as the lineal chiefs and potential successors to the Crown of Ko Hawaii Nei Pae Aina/Kingdom of Hawaii/Hawaiian Kingdom/Ko Hawaii Pae Aina/He Mokupuni Pae Aina o Hawaii/Hawaiian archipelago/Hawaiian Islands/Hawaii have decided to reinstate the official offices. In absence of an elected Moi, we the heirs have collectively agreed to rule as a council until such time elections could return the Moi to his rightful place atop the Kingdom':
Shane Lee - also Konohiki (Waikoloa, Hilo, Big Island)
Keoua Gora - also Konohiki (Halawa, Alewa Heights, Nuuanu, etc.)
Glenn Ah Nee - also Konohiki (Makakilo, etc.) (dec.)
William Kamana - also Konohiki (Waianae, Nanakuli)
Kimberly Enos - also Konohiki
Robert Enos - also Konohiki
Robert Rego - also Konohiki
Francine Gora - also Konohiki (Alewa Heights, Nuuanu)
Barney Isaacs - also Konohiki (Waianae, Nanakuli)
Matthew Gora - also Konohiki (Alewa Heights, Mililani, etc.)
Ricky Ortiz - also Konohiki (Outer Islands)
Helelani Rabago - also Konohiki (Moanalua) (dec.)
Calvin Santos - also Konohiki (Honouliuli, Downtown, Nuuanu, Waikiki)
John Gora - also Konohiki (Honouliuli, Downtown, Nuuanu, Waikiki)
Daniel Castro - also Konohiki (Honouliuli) (dec.)
Raymond Kamaka - also Konohiki (Honouliuli, Waiahole Waikane) (dec.)
Stanley Kamaka - also Konohiki (Waiahole Waikane)
Alisa Kamaka/Alisa Brown - also Konohiki (Honouliuli - Waiahole Waikane)
Lee Kauhane (Waiahole Waikane)
Dexter Kaiama - joined in 2008
Kupuna Koko
Kilikina Kekumano - also Konohiki
Greg Wongham - also Konohiki (Sand Island, Waikiki, Ala Moana) (dec.)
Mike Lee - also Konohiki (Honouliuli, Outer Islands)
Christine Piilani Kakalia - also Konohiki (Mililani, Koolauloa, Koolaupoko, Outer Islands)
Lei Lopes - also Konohiki (Makiki, etc.)
Wilfred Lopes - also Konohiki (Makiki, etc.)
Charley Kueu - also Konohiki (Kapalama, etc.)
Amelia Gora - also elected Acting Liaison of Foreign Affairs, Konohiki (Honolulu, Outer Islands, etc.)
Note: Most of the above are part of Kalaniopuu's, Kamehameha's, Kamehameha III - Kauikeaouli's, Kaumualii's, Nuuanu's, Kanekapolei's, Kalaimoku/Kalanimoku's, Akahi (w), John Young's, Isaac Davis, Princess Poomaikelani's, Queen Kapiolani's, Queen Liliuokalani's, Kekuanaoa's, Abner Paki's, Ruth Keelikolani's, Bernice Pauahi's, Kalola (w) et. als. Heirs and Successors. It is truly amazing that we came together and are part of the Royal Families Heirs and Successors.
p.s. The identity thieves/imposter government or the non-government sued some of us in Court, over the Crown Lands, which really belongs to Kamehameha III - Kauikeaouli, 'himself, his heirs and successors forever, exclusively' not the developed Territory which turned into a State through Executive Order of U.S. President Eisenhower with documented opposition by one of Kamehameha's descendants, heirs, and successors named Harold Abel Cathcart, first cousin of some of our great grandmother Mele Kauweloa.
Evidence found recently shows that U.S. President Cleveland Gave Hawaii Back to Queen Liliuokalani. See: President Cleveland Gave Hawaii Back to Queen Liliuokalani id= 0B6Gs4av5Se1wN2JkZjMxMzEtMDIyN i0...
Also see at: archive-free/pdf?res=9406E5D61 53AE733A25752C2A9649C946597D6C F
Opposition to Annexation was documented. See: Opposition to Annexation - page 1 (researcher Kiliwehi Kekumano found the true Opposition in Maryland) com/leaf?id=0B6Gs4av5Se1wOGJmZ jg4MmQtNWRjMS00NT...Opposition to Annexation Page 2 ?id=0B6Gs4av5Se1wNWVlMTc0MjEtZ WZiZS00Y2... Opposition to Annexation page 3 ?id=0B6Gs4av5Se1wY2RjYzZmNjQtM jUxYi00Zm...Opposition to Annexation - page 4 ?id=0B6Gs4av5Se1wNmY2Mzk3ZTctZ DEyMy00Yz.
Joint Resolution is Not a Treaty. Annexation by the U.S. was illegal. U.S. is an Occupier, an Illegal Occupier See: ?v=_2dfm7MeXfM and ?v=fjELyim8q80
U.S. President Cleveland left office in 1897 and U.S. President William McKinley became President. McKinley was shot and died from gangrene after the Army, Navy, and Federal personnel "developed the territory".
Identity theft was identified in the PA PELEKANE case of 1912. Reference: HAWAIIAN REPORTS, 1912, Archives/Main Library/Supreme Court Law Library, Honolulu, Oahu, Hawaii.
Other references and other information:
Premeditation to take over Pearl Harbor - Page 1 (found by researcher Shane Lee) eaf?id=0B6Gs4av5Se1wZmFmMWE3Yj EtNTAwMy00ZG... Premeditation to take over Pearl Harbor - page 2 ?id=0B6Gs4av5Se1wN2RlYzdiOWMtN WJkYS00YW... Opposition to Annexation - page 1 (researcher Kiliwehi Kekumano found the true Opposition in Maryland) com/leaf?id=0B6Gs4av5Se1wOGJmZ jg4MmQtNWRjMS00NT...Opposition to Annexation Page 2 ?id=0B6Gs4av5Se1wNWVlMTc0MjEtZ WZiZS00Y2... Opposition to Annexation page 3 ?id=0B6Gs4av5Se1wY2RjYzZmNjQtM jUxYi00Zm...Opposition to Annexation - page 4 ?id=0B6Gs4av5Se1wNmY2Mzk3ZTctZ DEyMy00Yz...
More References: http://amelia-gora.blogspot.c om/2016/11/november-2016-updat e-brief-summary-of.html theio http://
Lastly, the following person was removed from the House of Nobles List and the Konohiki List: Routh Bolomet (2016)

Stand By Me | Playing For Change | Song Around the World
Kalani Asam Hawaiian Kingdom Subject 2-21-15
The Prayer
Ohikilolo 00014
Ohikilolo 00015
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Preview YouTube video Stand By Me | Playing For Change | Song Around the World
Preview YouTube video Kalani Asam Hawaiian Kingdom Subject 2-21-15
Kalani Asam Hawaiian Kingdom Subject 2-21-15
Preview YouTube video The Prayer
The Prayer
Preview YouTube video Ohikilolo 00014
Ohikilolo 00014
Preview YouTube video Ohikilolo 00015
Ohikilolo 00015
Attachments area
Preview YouTube video Stand By Me | Playing For Change | Song Around the World
Preview YouTube video Kalani Asam Hawaiian Kingdom Subject 2-21-15
Preview YouTube video The Prayer
Preview YouTube video Ohikilolo 00014
Preview YouTube video Ohikilolo 00015
Preview YouTube video Kalani Asam Hawaiian Kingdom Subject 2-21-15
Kalani Asam Hawaiian Kingdom Subject 2-21-15
The Prayer
Ohikilolo 00014
Ohikilolo 00015
In managing my grain farm, optimizing efficiency for both fieldwork and harvesting is crucial. The John Deere 4020 has proven to be a dependable option, but I’m exploring the John Deere 4430 due to its increased horsepower. Meanwhile, the John Deere 950 is noted for its fuel efficiency, and the John Deere 4640 appears to be well-suited for extensive operations. I’m also considering the John Deere 4100 for its ability to navigate easily between storage areas. Which model do you recommend I purchase?