Historical and Inbred Anger Influencing Southern U.S. Presidents
and Hawaii Since 1863
Review by Amelia Gora (2017)
Have you noticed how the Southerner's attitude plays a role in Society today and the moves to Plunder Upon Innocents in the U.S., Hawaii, and Abroad?
The following excerpts about the Northern and Southern perspectives from a book REFLECTIONS AND COMMENTS written by Edwin Lawrence Godkin (1877) under the Chapter: The South After the War, brought on curiosities leading to the idea that war losers in this case the American Civil War has been influential in Southern born U.S. Presidents attitudes when interacting with "People of Color":
Godkin wrote: "as one Southerner expressed it to me on my mentioning the change, "Yes, sir, we have been brought into intellectual and moral relations with the rest of the civilized world." All subjects are now open at the South in conversation.
Is this true? it will probably be asked, with regard to the late war. Can you talk freely about that? Not exactly; but then the limitations on your discourse on this point are not peculiar to the South; they are such as would be put upon the discourse of two parties to a bloody contest in any civilized country among well-bred men or women. The events of the war you can discuss freely, but you are hardly at liberty to denounce Southern soldiers or officers, or accuse them of "rebellion," or to assume that they fought for base or wicked motives. Moreover, in a certain sense, all Southerners are still "unrepentant rebels." Doubtless, in view of the result, they will acknowledge that the war was a gigantic mistake; but I found that if I sought for an admission that, if it was all to do over again, they would not fight, I was touching on a very tender point, and I was gently but firmly repelled. The reason is plain enough.
In confessing this, they would, they think, be confessing that their sons and brothers and fathers had perished miserably in a causeless struggle on which they ought never to have entered, and this, of course, would look like a slur on their memory, and their memory is still, after the lapse of twelve years, very sacred and very dear.
I doubt if many people at the North have an adequate notion of the intensity of the emotions with which Southerners look back on the war; and I mean tender and not revengeful or malignant emotions. The losses of the battle-field were deeply felt at the North—in many households down to the very roots of life; but on the whole they fell on a large and prosperous population, on a community which in the very thick of the fray seemed to be rolling up wealth, which revelled as it fought, and came out of the battle triumphant, exultant, and powerful.
At the South they swept through a scanty population with the most searching destructiveness, and when all was over they had to be wept over in ruined homes and in the midst of a society which was wrecked from top to bottom, and in which all relatives and friends had sunk together to common perdition. There has been no other such cataclysm in history.
Great states have been conquered before now, but conquest did not mean a sudden and desolating social revolution; so that to a Southerner the loss of relatives on the battle-field or in the hospital is associated with the loss of everything else.
A gentleman told me of his going, at the close of the war, into a little church in South Carolina on Sunday, and finding it filled with women, who were all in black, and who cried during the singing. It reminded one of the scene in the cathedral at Leyden, when the people got together to chant a Te Deum on hearing that the besieging army was gone; but, the music suddenly dying out, the air was filled with the sounds of sobbing.
The Leydeners, however, were weak and half-starved people, weeping over a great deliverance; these South Carolinians were weeping before endless bereavement and hopeless poverty. I doubt much if any community in the modern world was ever so ruthlessly brought face to face with what is sternest and hardest in human life; and those of them who have looked at it without flinching have something which any of us may envy them.
But then I think it would be a mistake to suppose that Southerners came out of the war simply sorrowful. At the close, and for some time afterward, they undoubtedly felt fiercely and bitterly, and hated while they wept; and this was the primal difficulty of reconstruction. Frequently in conversation I heard some violent speech or act occurring soon after the war mentioned with the parenthetical explanation, "You know, I felt very bitterly at that time." But, then, I have always heard it from persons who are to day good-tempered, conciliatory, and hopeful, and desirous of cultivating good relations with Northerners; from which the inference, which so many Northern politicians find it so hard to swallow, is easy—viz., that time produces on Southerners its usual effects.
What Mr. Boutwell and Mr. Blaine would have us believe is that Southerners are a peculiar breed of men, on whom time produces no effect whatever, and who feel about things that happened twenty years ago just as they feel about things which happened a month ago.
The fact is, however, that they are in this respect like the rest of the human race. Time has done for their hearts and heads what it has done for the old Virginia battle-fields. There was not in 1865 a fence standing between the Potomac and Gordonsville, and but few, if any, undamaged houses. When I passed Manassas Junction the other day there was a hospitable-looking tavern and several houses at the station; the flowers were blooming in the yard, and crowds of young men and women in their Sunday clothes were gathered from the country around to see a base-ball match, and a well-tilled and well-fenced and smiling farming country stretched before my eyes in every direction. The only trace of the old fights was a rude graveyard filled, as a large sign informed us, with "the Confederate dead." All the rest of the way down to the springs the road ran through farms which looked as prosperous and peaceful as if the tide of war had not rolled over them inside a hundred years, and it is impossible to talk with the farmers ten minutes without seeing how thoroughly human and Anglo-Saxon they are.
With them the war is history—tender, touching, and heroic history if you will, but having no sort of connection with the practical life of to-day. Some of us at the North think their minds are occupied with schemes for the assassination and spoliation of negroes, and for a "new rebellion." Their minds are really occupied with making money, and the farms show it, and their designs on the negro are confined to getting him to work for low wages. His wages are low—forty cents a day and rations, which cost ten cents—but he is content with it. I saw negroes seeking employment at this rate, and glad to get it; and in the making of the bargain nothing could be more commercial, apparently, than the relations of the parties. They were evidently laborer and employer to each other, and nothing more."
Highlighted Information or the Dynamics of Southern Attitudes
"Southerners are a peculiar breed of men, on whom time produces no effect whatever, and who feel about things that happened twenty years ago just as they feel about things which happened a month ago."
"Some of us at the North think their minds are occupied with schemes for the assassination and spoliation of negroes, and for a "new rebellion." Their minds are really occupied with making money, and the farms show it, and their designs on the negro are confined to getting him to work for low wages."
"They were evidently laborer and employer to each other, and nothing more."
Add the Southern States:
"Eleven states left the United States in the following order and formed the Confederate States of America: South Carolina, Mississippi, Florida, Alabama, Georgia, Louisiana, Texas, Virginia, Arkansas, North Carolina, and Tennessee."
Add the U.S. Presidents Since 1861 (Confederate States of America formed) through 2017:
Name of President State Born In
15. James Buchanan Pennsylvania
16. Abraham Lincoln Kentucky
17. Andrew Johnson North Carolina Confederate State
18. Ulysses S. Grant Ohio
19. Rutherford B. Hayes Ohio
20. James Garfield Ohio
21. Chester A. Arthur Vermont
22. Grover Cleveland New Jersey
23. Benjamin Harrison Ohio
24. Grover Cleveland New Jersey
25. William McKinley Ohio 20th Century
26. Theodore Roosevelt New York - banking influence
27. William Howard Taft Ohio
28. Woodrow Wilson Virginia Confederate State
29. Warren G. Harding Ohio
30. Calvin Coolidge Vermont
31. Herbert Hoover Iowa
32. Franklin D. Roosevelt New York - banking influence
33. Harry S. Truman Missouri
34. Dwight D. Eisenhower Texas Confederate State
35. John F. Kennedy Massachusetts
36. Lyndon B. Johnson Texas Confederate State
37. Richard M. Nixon California
38. Gerald R. Ford Nebraska
39. James Carter Georgia Confederate State
40. Ronald Reagan Illinois
41. George H. W. Bush Massachusetts-lived in Texas Confederate State
42. William J. Clinton Arkansas Confederate State
21st Century
43. George W. Bush Connecticut -lived in Texas Confederate State
44. Barack Obama Kenya or Kingdom of Hawaii
45. Donald J. Trump New York
16. Abraham Lincoln Kentucky
17. Andrew Johnson North Carolina Confederate State
18. Ulysses S. Grant Ohio
19. Rutherford B. Hayes Ohio
20. James Garfield Ohio
21. Chester A. Arthur Vermont
22. Grover Cleveland New Jersey
23. Benjamin Harrison Ohio
24. Grover Cleveland New Jersey
25. William McKinley Ohio 20th Century
26. Theodore Roosevelt New York - banking influence
27. William Howard Taft Ohio
28. Woodrow Wilson Virginia Confederate State
29. Warren G. Harding Ohio
30. Calvin Coolidge Vermont
31. Herbert Hoover Iowa
32. Franklin D. Roosevelt New York - banking influence
33. Harry S. Truman Missouri
34. Dwight D. Eisenhower Texas Confederate State
35. John F. Kennedy Massachusetts
36. Lyndon B. Johnson Texas Confederate State
37. Richard M. Nixon California
38. Gerald R. Ford Nebraska
39. James Carter Georgia Confederate State
40. Ronald Reagan Illinois
41. George H. W. Bush Massachusetts-lived in Texas Confederate State
42. William J. Clinton Arkansas Confederate State
21st Century
43. George W. Bush Connecticut -lived in Texas Confederate State
44. Barack Obama Kenya or Kingdom of Hawaii
45. Donald J. Trump New York
other researches by Amelia Gora
Hawaii/Kingdom of Hawaii/Hawaiian Kingdom/Hawaiian archipelago
Charles Reed Bishop Born In: New York - banking influence
William Little Lee Born In: New York - banking influence
Governors Appointed by the U.S. President
Sanford B. Dole Born In: Hawaii/Kingdom of Hawaii Status: Usurper
George R. Carter Born In: Hawaii/Kingdom of Hawaii Status: Usurper
Walter F. Frear Born In: California
Lucius E. Pinkham Born In: Massachusetts
Charles J. McCarthy Born In: Massachusetts
Wallace R. Farrington Born In: Maine
Lawrence M. Judd Born In: Hawaii/Kingdom of Hawaii Status: Usurper
Joseph Poindexter Born In: Oregon
Ingram Stainback Born In: Tennessee Confederate State
Oren E. Long Born In: Kansas
Samuel Wilder King Born In: Hawaii/Kingdom of Hawaii Status: Usurper
William F. Quinn Born In: New York
Elected by the People
William F. Quinn Born In: New York
John A. Burns Born In: Montana
George Ariyoshi Born In: Hawaii/Kingdom of Hawaii
John D. Waihee III Born In: Hawaii/Kingdom of Hawaii
William F. Quinn Born In: New York
John A. Burns Born In: Montana
George Ariyoshi Born In: Hawaii/Kingdom of Hawaii
John D. Waihee III Born In: Hawaii/Kingdom of Hawaii
Ben Cayetano Born In: Hawaii/Kingdom of Hawaii
Linda Lingle Born In: Missouri
Neil Abercrombie Born In: New York
David Ige Born In: Hawaii/Kingdom of Hawaii
Note: U.S. President Cleveland Gave Hawaii Back to Queen Liliuokalani Twice: In 1894 and 1897
See: http://iolani-theroyalhawk.blogspot.com/2017/11/overview-of-us-president-cleveland-gave.html
U.S. President McKinley had the Army, Navy, and Federal personnel "develop" the Territory.
U.S. President McKinley "Proclaimed" Hawaii to be a Territory of the U.S.
In 1912, the Territory's Attorney General documented that 'the Territory is the successor of the Kingdom of Hawaii'.
See: Updating the ILLEGAL U.S. Documented in Hawaii -A Review- by Amelia Gora (2016)
Hawaii became infiltrated with People of Color haters.
Kamehameha III passed the anti-slavery law in 1852.
The U.S. passed their anti-slavery law in 1865 or 13 years later.
There were only a few word changes.
The philosophies of the Confederate States were taken on by those arriving in Hawaii.
It was the sugar planters of Hawaii who moved over to the Mexican's territory, then had the U.S. assist in claiming lands of the Mexicans.
The territory was renamed Texas and they were part of the Confederate States who fought the Union Army.
The attitudes taken on in the Hawaiian Islands and the U.S.:
"Southerners are a peculiar breed of men, on whom time produces no effect whatever, and who feel about things that happened twenty years ago just as they feel about things which happened a month ago."
1875 - Reciprocity Treaty for Pearl Harbor was signed. The Treaty was to expire in 1894. The Claim by the U.S. owning Pearl Harbor is a fraud. The Alodio Titles belongs to the Families of Kamaikui/Grace Kamaikui and Mataio Kekuanaoa.
1892 - Premeditation to take over the Kingdom of Hawaii is recorded. See: http://www.opednews.com/Diary/More-Evidence-on-Pearl-Har-by-Amelia-Gora-110607-440.html theiolani.blogspot.com http://myweb.ecomplanet.com/GORA8037
Linda Lingle Born In: Missouri
Neil Abercrombie Born In: New York
David Ige Born In: Hawaii/Kingdom of Hawaii
Note: U.S. President Cleveland Gave Hawaii Back to Queen Liliuokalani Twice: In 1894 and 1897
See: http://iolani-theroyalhawk.blogspot.com/2017/11/overview-of-us-president-cleveland-gave.html
U.S. President McKinley had the Army, Navy, and Federal personnel "develop" the Territory.
U.S. President McKinley "Proclaimed" Hawaii to be a Territory of the U.S.
In 1912, the Territory's Attorney General documented that 'the Territory is the successor of the Kingdom of Hawaii'.
See: Updating the ILLEGAL U.S. Documented in Hawaii -A Review- by Amelia Gora (2016)
Hawaii became infiltrated with People of Color haters.
Kamehameha III passed the anti-slavery law in 1852.
The U.S. passed their anti-slavery law in 1865 or 13 years later.
There were only a few word changes.
The philosophies of the Confederate States were taken on by those arriving in Hawaii.
It was the sugar planters of Hawaii who moved over to the Mexican's territory, then had the U.S. assist in claiming lands of the Mexicans.
The territory was renamed Texas and they were part of the Confederate States who fought the Union Army.
The attitudes taken on in the Hawaiian Islands and the U.S.:
"Southerners are a peculiar breed of men, on whom time produces no effect whatever, and who feel about things that happened twenty years ago just as they feel about things which happened a month ago."
"Some of us at the North think their minds are occupied with schemes for the assassination and spoliation of negroes, and for a "new rebellion." Their minds are really occupied with making money, and the farms show it, and their designs on the negro are confined to getting him to work for low wages."
"They were evidently laborer and employer to each other, and nothing more."
Several Examples are shown below of some of the U.S. Presidents with animosities towards People of Color:
Several Examples are shown below of some of the U.S. Presidents with animosities towards People of Color:
About the U.S. Presidents/the Bully Pulpit, and Updates
U.S. Presidents Unresolved Issues.............and Remembering the HORRORS by Some on President's Day 2/18/2013
Replies to This Discussion
- Reposted 2/18/2013 - Presidents Day fyi----the following letter is on the whitehouse website:also see NRC websites:***********************sent the following/full letter to the Whitehouse - Obama certified, return receipt requested and am still waiting for the return green card:
Remembering July 4 th etc.: "Americans Addicted to A--Holes" --- George Washington, Scum and Scoundrel #1 up to OBAMA...
Truth About George Washington, including his heir Barack OBAMA...... from the Hawaiian Islands/Hawaiian Kingdom/Kingdom of Hawaii and updates.
Remembering July 4 th etc.: "Americans Addicted to A--Holes" --- George Washington, Scum and Scoundrel #1 up to OBAMA...
Posted by Amelia Gora on July 2, 2011 at 6:25am in Politics
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topic by
Email address removed">amelia gora
(515 posts)
Mililani, Hawaii,
Kingdom of Hawaii
3/13/2006 (21:35) remove topic edit reply top Moolelo/history (and how Hawaii's history affects the World today),
Review by Amelia Kuulei Gora, one of
Kamehameha's, Queen Liliuokalani's,
Kahekili of Maui, Kaumualii of Kauai,
John Young, Isaac Davis, Akahi, Nuuanu,
John Kapena, Mataio Kekuanaoa etals.
Descendant, a Royal person not subject
To the laws (2006)
This is the first of a series revealing U.S. Presidents who descended from England's Kings.
This series will also highlight those U.S. Presidents who have limitations on their citizen status due to the clause of Amendment XIV/14 in the U.S. Constitution.
Although George Washington was elected into office on April 30, 1789, there were eight (8) men who held the position before Washington.
One of the eight (8) was John Hanson, born in Charles County, Maryland in 1721.
Hanson was a "prominent leader in the growing discontent and agitation about British rule over the Thirteen Colonies."
Hanson had the "honor of being its first president" by being the head of the Continental Congress for eight years before George Washington.
First President -- 1st - George Washington (1789 -- 1797)
A. Family
"Through his paternal grandmother, Mildred Warner Washington, he descended from King Edward III (1312-1377) of England. His great-great grandfather the Reverend Lawrence Washington (c. 1602-1653) served as rector of All Saints, Purleigh Parish, Essex, England"His great-grandfather John Washington sailed to America in 1656, met Anne Pope" and had Augustine Washington who married Mary Ball who was under the guardianship of lawyer George Eskridge.
Washington's siblings were:
(1) Lawrence Washington, half brother
(2) Augustine "Austin" Washington
(3) Mrs. Betty Lewis
(4) Samuel Washington
(5) John Augustine "Jack" Washington
Washington's children: None.
Adopted his stepchildren:
(1) John Parke Custis -- grandaughter Mary Custis married Robert E. Lee (Confederate General)
(2) Martha Parke Custis
Notes and Comments:
Washington "descended from King Edward III (1312-1377) of England".
U.S. Issues:
U.S. President George Washington's genealogy shows that he was a descendant from KING EDWARD III (1312-1377) of England.
KING EDWARD III's three children were:
(1) Edward, the Black Prince;
(2) John of Gaunt, Duke of Lancaster; and,
(3) Edmund, Duke of York.
* * * * * *
Let us look at U.S. President George Washington's genealogies:
KING EDWARD III (1312-1377 / 1327-1377)
descendant was Reverend Lawrence Washington (1602-1653)
married Anne Pope and had Mildred Warner Washington.
Mildred Warner Washington had Augustine Washington (1694?-1743) who married (1) Jane Butler and (2) Mary Ball and had George Washington.
George Washington married Martha Dandrege Custis who maintained shares in the Bank of England.
Research remains incomplete as to which child of KING EDWARD III was the ancestor of U.S. President George Washington who had no children of his own.
* * * * * *
George Washington as a colonel had lost every fight assigned. He was recognized as a silent member, a farmer, and a wealthy farmer who had opposed the early patriots and backed the King of England stating that he "would fund an army at his expense in behalf of the King".
Notes and Comments:
George Washington was, therefore, a Royal person not subject to the laws due to his genealogies based on being a descendant of a Royal, a Sovereign of England.
To operate as a Royal, it makes sense to utilize his discretionary powers or "executive laws'; however, Royal status is a personal authority and not one that can be transferred to a position such as a President of a democracy government. A Royal person belongs to a Monarchy/Monarchical/ Monarchial/Constitutional Monarchy government, which is not the same as a democratic government with many people in place to maintain a "checks and balances' system of government.
All things of a Monarchy/Monarchical/Monarchial/Constitutional Monarchy cannot be applied to one based on Constitutional authorities made by non Royals or "The People for the People'.
George Washington, if he proclaimed such, was treasonous to the American people. Therefore, he too, breached the Law of Nations.
George Washington made a perpetual treaty with England/Great Britain, which appears to continue till today due to the ongoing affiliation of the two nations, or as a news reporter proclaimed that U.S. was a "colony of Crown (of England)'.
Additionally, George Washington, in maintaining his SLAVES, operated by example. He, therefore, validated human or SLAVES by maintaining more than 300 for his plantation.
The aged history books does not state that George Washington freed his SLAVES. The new history books appears to be changing the early history.
Research incomplete.
* * * * * *
B. Personal Wealth:
Married wealthy Martha Dandrige Custis who inherited a plantation with more than 17,000 acres. They owned and maintained more than 300 slaves. They maintained shares in the Bank of England.
The Washington's raised forty-one relatives who were his heirs at his .
Notes and Comments:
Issues of the Bank of England appeared in a number of the past IOLANI -- The Royal Hawk news on the web. All IOLANI -- The Royal Hawk files are posted at yahoogroups.com under hawaiian_genealogy_society-akg
* * * * * *
C. The President's highlight: Set the pattern for future presidents, described "so sparingly in the Constitution":
(1) In relying on department heads for advice, much as he had used his war council during the Revolution, he set the pattern for future presidents to consult regularly with their cabinet.
(2) "Because Congress did not challenge his appointments, largely out of respect for him personally rather than out of principle, the custom evolved that the chief executive generally has the right to choose his own cabinet. Congress, even when controlled by the opposition party, usually routinely confirms such presidential appointments."
Notes and Comments:
"Customs" are not the same as "laws".
Custom means "A usage or practice of the people, which, by common adoption and acquiescense, and by long and unvarying habit, has become compulsory, and has acquired the force of a law with respect to the place or subject-matter to which it relates. Adams v. Insurance Co., 95 pa. 355, 40 Am.Rep. 662; King v. Shelton, Tex.Civ.App., 252 S.W. 194, 195; Conahan v. Fisher, 233 Mass, 234, 124 N.E. 13, 15; Lawrence v. Portland Ry., Light & Power Co., 91 Or, 559, 179 P. 485, 486; U.S. Shipping Board Emergency Fleet Corporation v. Levensaler, 53 App.D.C. 322, 290 F, 297, 300."
Although "customs" also means "a long-continued habit that is so established that it has the force of law", to have the "force of law" is NOT the same as the "law".
The deceiving, manipulation, convoluting of words appear to be deliberately changed over time to accommodate those who move to validate themselves, their authorities without the agreement from the people.
Congress allowed the "custom" out of politeness, and not of "force of law" which was wrongfully interpreted or confused or maliciously deviating from a democratic form of government. Consent was assumed and NOT given. Congress appears to fail in their positions in refuting the "force of law".
Research incomplete.
* * * * *
(3) Washington "set the two two-term standard that lasted until 1940."
D. Political Affiliation: Federalist
The Federalists said "that the new government would be too strong and would soon be as tyranical as that of England, from which they had just become free. The "president" would be another George III."
E. Religion: Episcopalian
F. Membership: Masonic order -- "large contingent" sent to his funeral.
G. Vice President: John Adams
H. Cabinet
Secretary of State: (1) Thomas Jefferson(Virginia)
(2) Edmund Jennings Randolph(Virginia)
(3) Timothy Pickering (Massachusetts)
Secretary of the Treasury: (1) Alexander Hamilton (New York)
(2) Oliver Wolcott (Connecticut)
Secretary of War: (1) Henry Knox (Massachusetts)
(2) Timothy Pickering (Massachusetts)
Attorney General: (1) Edmund Jennings Randolph (Virginia)
(3) William Bradford (Pennsylvania)
I. Supreme Court Justices:
(1) John Jay -- established court procedure.
In 1794, Washington instructed John Jay, "special minister to Great Britian: "It is the President's wish that the characteristics of an American minister should be marked on the one hand by firmness against improper compliances, and on the other hand by sincerity, candor, truth, and prudence, and by horror of finesse and chicane."
Responses: 4
reply by
Email address removed">amelia gora
(516 posts)
Mililani, Hawaii,
Kingdom of Hawaii
3/13/2006 (21:38) delete edit reply top cont.
(2) John Rutledge -
(3) William Cushing -- he alone continued to wear the British wig
(4) James Wilson -- signed the Declaration of Independence
(5) John Blair
(6) James Iredell -- helped form the basis of the 11th Amendment
(7) Thomas Johnson
(8) William Paterson -- helped draft the Judiciary Act of 1789 creating the federal court system
(9) Samuel Chase -- attacked President Jefferson towards impeachment; Chase was the only Supreme Court Justice to be impeached; he "established the of national treaties over state laws".
(10) Oliver Ellsworth -- "principal architect of the Judiciary Act of 1789, creating the federal court system." He also "spoke for the majority in extending federal authority to all inland rivers and lakes."
J. The State that they were/are from: Virginia (State: 1788)
Note: Washington was born in Westmoreland County, Virginia.
The State status (Union or Confederate): .
K. Slaves held/issues over slaves: Washington maintained more than 300 SLAVES. He instructed that the slaves be released after his wife's .
L. War costs
"The man to whom the credit for financing the war is chiefly due was Robert Morris of Philadelphia. He was of English birth, but had emigrated to this country and become a rich merchant. To him Washington turned in his dire need, and Morris did not fail. He used every device he could find, he worked without stint, and when everything else failed he was not ashamed to beg for his country by going, if need be, from door to door for contributions for the starving soldiers. In 1781 he was placed in control of the financial affairs of the United States government, as Superintendent of Finance."
The following are some of the Europeans who helped:
Pulaski and Kosciusko from Pland.
De Kalb, "a German by birth who had become a general in the French army".
Baron von Steuben, German, who served under Frederick the Great of Prussia.
Lafayette, Frenchman.
M. Loans status
"Congress borrowed whereever it could find a lender, but it got only $54,000,000 from this resource. The foreign loans came mainly from France."
"Between 1775 and 1779 over $241,000,000 of "Continental" paper money was printed. In addition to this, the states issued more than $200,000,000 of their own paper money. So much was issued that it finally came to be almost valueless. People said of a worthless thing, "It is not worth a continental," meaning it was not worth a piece of Continental paper money."
N. Legal Issues of the Confederate States
O. Legal Issues affecting the U.S. Presidents today
The Treaty of Peace, 1783. "In Paris, England and the United States agreed to the following:
1. The United States to be independent of Great Britain, and to be bounded on the north by Canada, o the west by the Mississippi River, and on the south by Florida.
2. The British army and fleet to leave the United States.
3. American fishermen to have the right to fish off the coasts of Canada and Newfoundland.
"In return for these valuable concessions the United States agreed to the following:
1. That Congress would ask the states to let the Loyalists return and regain their property.
2. That British vessels, as well as American vesselsl, should have the right to sail up and down the Mississippi River."
P. Issues affecting Hawaii (since 1852 -- when Hawaii's anti-Slavery law was passed) and the World today
George Washington was a Royal person deceiving the people, operating as a Monarch and from participating in a new Democratic government.
R. Other Important Information: See Letter of Thomas Paine to George Washington, Paris, dated July 30th, 1796 and Comments and Notes in Appendix.
APPENDIX for First President George Washington
KING EDWARD III Descendant -- FIRST PRESIDENT -- George Washington
List of Other Presidents descending from England's (etc.) Royal families
Union or Confederate State:
This is one of the 11 States which seceded from the U.S. in 1861 --
Virginia became known for the "First Battle of Bull Run- July 21, 1861
OVERVIEW OF United States Presidents
By Amelia Kuulei Gora, one of Kamehameha's,
Queen Liliuokalani's, Kahekili of Maui, Kaumualii of
Kauai, John Young, Isaac Davis, Akahi, John Kapena
Mataio Kekuanaoa's etals descendant, a Royal
Person, not subject to the laws (2006)
- Royal status - State - Union or
1789-1797 George Washington Yes Virginia Confederate
1797-1801 John Adams ? Massachusetts Union
1801-1809 Thomas Jefferson Yes Virginia Confederate
1809-1817 James Madison ? Virginia Confederate
1817-1825 James Monroe ? Virginia Confederate
1825-1829 John Quincy Adams Yes Massachusetts Union
1829-1837 Andrew Jackson ? Tennessee Confederate
1837-1841 Martin Van Buren ? New York Union
1841 William Henry Harrison Yes Indiana Union
1841-1845 John Tyler ? Virginia Confederate
1845-1849 James K. Polk ? Tennessee Confederate
1849-1850 Zachary Taylor ? Virginia Confederate
1850-1853 Millard Fillmore ? New York Union
1853-1857 Franklin Pierce ? New Hampshire Union
1857-1861 James Buchanan ? Pennsylvania Union
1861-1865 Abraham Lincoln ? Illinois Union
1865-1869 Andrew Johnson ? *Tennessee Confederate
1869-1877 Ulysses S. Grant ? Ohio Union
1877-1881 Rutherford B. Hayes ? Ohio Union
1881 James A. Garfield ? Ohio Union
1881-1885 Chester Alan Arthur ? Vermont** Union
1885-1889 Grover Cleveland ? New York Union
1889-1893 Benjamin Harrison Yes Indiana Union
1893-1897 Grover Cleveland ? New York Union
1897-1901 William McKinley ? Ohio Union
1901-1909 Theodore Roosevelt ? New York Union
1909-1913 William Howard Taft ? Ohio Union
1913-1921 Woodrow Wilson ? New Jersey Union
1921-1923 Warren G. Harding ? Ohio Union
1923-1929 Calvin Coolidge ? Massachusetts Union
1929-1933 Herbert Hoover ? Iowa Union
1933-1945 Franklin D. Roosevelt ? New York Union
1945-1953 Harry S. Truman ? Missouri Union
1953-1961 Dwight D. Eisenhower ? Texas Confederate
1961-1963 John F. Kennedy ? Massachusetts Union
1963-1969 Lyndon Baines Johnson ? Texas Confederate
1969-1974 Richard M. Nixon Yes California Union
1974-1977 Gerald R. Ford ? Michigan Union
1977-1981 James Earl Carter, Jr. ? Georgia Confederate
1981-1989 Ronald Reagan ? California Union
1989-1993 George H. W. Bush ? Texas Confederate
1993-2001 William J. Clinton ? Arkansas Confederate
2001- George Bush ? Texas Confederate
U.S. Presidents from a UNION State: 28
U.S. Presidents from a CONFEDERATE State: 15
TOTAL U.S. Presidents: 43
U.S. Presidents Union/Confederate Status during Major Conflicts/Wars:
American Civil War:
President Abraham Lincoln -- Union -- Assassinated
Important Note: Abraham Lincoln's son Robert Todd Lincoln, "was present at Ford's Theater in Washington, D.C., on April 14, 1865, when his father was assassinated. He was also nearby on July 2, 1881, when President James Garfield was shot at the Baltimore and Potomac railroad station to Washington. And on September 6, 1901, he just happened to be a few feet away when President William McKinley was shot at the Pan-American Exposition in Buffalo, New York."
This information coincides with some of the Lincoln families in Hawaii who had claimed that their ancestor had to hide his family. So, LINCOLN families, it appears there are truths in your oral history"..hope you connect the dots soon".because after all, the Abraham Lincoln furniture held in the White House, Washington, D.C. has owners! The U.S. Presidents are utilizing the income off the rent/use of his furniture as their own financial income"..isn't it due you?!
1898: Spanish-American War:
President William McKinley -- Ohio -- Union
1899: Philippine-American War:
President William McKinley -- Ohio -- Union
1914 -- 1917 World War I:
President Woodrow Wilson - New Jersey - Union
1919 -- Haitians -1,800 killed by Americans due to occupation conflicts
President Woodrow Wilson -- New Jersey -- Union
1939 -- 1945 World War II:
President Franklin D. Roosevelt -- New York -- Union
Vietnam War:
President John F. Kennedy -- Union -- Assassinated
President Lyndon B. Johnson - Confederate
Civil Rights Conflicts -- Unrest in the U.S.:
President John F. Kennedy's brother -- Robert Kennedy Assassinated.
Civil rights leader: Black Leader Martin Luther King, Jr. -- Assassinated
Civil rights: Black Panther -- Malcolm X, etals. -- Assasinated
1964 -- Cuban Conflict occurred.
Note: Cuba is made up of sugar plantations slaves. The races include African Americans, Spanish, American Indians, and others. They were moved over from the U.S. It appears the desire to return to their home countries include the U.S. or the America's the origin of their ancestors, the aboriginal Americans, etc.
Note: The Cuban conflicts, and the above assasinations occurred when Confederate President Lyndon B. Johnson was in office.
1990 - Liberian Conflict occurred.
President George H. Bush -- Texas -- Confederate in position.
Note: The Liberians were set in place, a transferred group from the U.S. who hoped to reestablish their roots. The Americans appeared to have claimed the properties based on "protection of the lives and property of their citizens'. The Liberians were former slaves given an opportunity to move. Their backgrounds appear to be very similar to the Cubans.
Middleeast Conflicts:
President G. Bush -- Texas -- Confederate State
2001 Japanese Conflict -- Sinking of the EHIME MARU
President William Clinton -- Arkansas -- Confederate State
2002 911 TWIN TOWERS AND MOVE TO PLUNDER UPON IRAQ, and the Middle East for EXXON OIL Corporation, etc.
President G.W. Bush -- Confederate - Texas
See: article "The Brown Stuff' at www.gregpalast.com
Due to the issues of Confederate states being less than a regular state, the U.S. Presidents operating from such a state appears to be operating as if they were from a state with normal, accepted status. Realistically, the law books shows otherwise.
Due to the issues of the Confederate Presidents being at the helm of operations during War Times, it appears that the Confederate Presidents are WARMONGERS documented.
Confederates were not, have not been in the business of the "rights of man' but FOR SLAVERY!
Note that there are also Problematic issues in Royal persons, descendants of England's Royalty who have not divulged their connections to a Monarchy/Constitutional Monarchy. Rightfully, legally, those Presidents are/were actually deceptive, criminal in nature. Their backgrounds, genealogies, rights were not properly checked in the past.
If the current President and recent past living Presidents are connected to the Royal families of England, etc. then, they must be charged for deceit, etc.
In the event, the current President is connected to the Royal families, etc. then, it is right and just that he be removed, impeached, and put on trial for having the citizens be positioned, killed, sacrificed for their own financial gains, their pockets, their own interests, their own Royal families interests. It is known that finances were conducted by the John Morgan bankers who assisted the U.S. and England since the American Civil War. The Morgan bankers deposits/ work with the International banks with Reserves, Trusts for the few who maintain animosities towards all people of color.
Hawaii /the Kingdom of Hawaii passed Anti-Slavery laws in 1852. The U.S. passed a similar law in 1865"..the difference being that the U.S. moves to maintain SLAVES at EVERYONES expense. See John Nelson's research athttp://myweb.ecomplanet.com/GORA8037
It appears that the entire basis of One World Order/New World Order are based on issues of England's Royal families, and the assistance of those Confederates who continue to suppress, oppress those who have more than they""especially the PEOPLE OF COLOR.
See article: UNSEEN EMPIRE in the Pacific Magazine and earlier issues of the IOLANI -- THE ROYAL HAWK.
*Tennessee "Military Governor" of Tennessee.
** President background questioned due to his birth being in Canada.
Article, "A Small World" in FACTS AND FALLACIES (1988) page 328 edited and designed by Dorling Kindersley Ltd, Readers Digest Association, Inc.
THE COMPLETE BOOK OF U.S. PRESIDENTS (1993) by William A. De Gregorio, Barricade Books Inc.
* * * * *
List of Other Presidents related to George Washington
Letter of Thomas Paine dated, Paris, July 30th, 1796 to George Washington
Thomas Paine was an early writer who influenced Thomas Jefferson in writing the DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE. Thomas Paine was known for his writings: COMMON SENSE -- best seller "with half a million copies distributed in short order. Jefferson, Washington, and John Adams read this pamphlet; Congress voted him $3000 for his pampheteering services, and the state of New York awarded him three hundred acres of land. The propaganda caught fire throughout the land; the militant phrases did their work, and wer reflected almost immediately in the Declaration of Independence. Paine wrote THE RIGHTS OF MAN and THE AGE OF REASON.
Responses: 2
reply by
Email address removed">amelia gora
(517 posts)
Mililani, Hawaii,
Kingdom of Hawaii
3/13/2006 (21:42) delete edit reply top Response to message 1 written by amelia gora
part 3 of 3:
Thomas Paine was an early writer who influenced Thomas Jefferson in writing the DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE. Thomas Paine was known for his writings: COMMON SENSE -- best seller "with half a million copies distributed in short order. Jefferson, Washington, and John Adams read this pamphlet; Congress voted him $3000 for his pampheteering services, and the state of New York awarded him three hundred acres of land. The propaganda caught fire throughout the land; the militant phrases did their work, and wer reflected almost immediately in the Declaration of Independence. Paine wrote THE RIGHTS OF MAN and THE AGE OF REASON.
Paris, July 30th, 1796.
As censure is but awkwardly softened by apology, I shall offer you no apology for this letter. The eventful crisis to which your double politics have conducted the affairs of your country, requires an investigation uncramped by ceremony.
There was a time when the fame of America, moral and political, stood fair and high in the world. The re of her revolution extended itself to every individual, and to be a citizen of America gave a title to respect in Europe"The Washington of politics had not then appeared"I declare myself opposed to several matters in the constitution, particularly to the manner in which, what is called the Executive, is formed".I also declare myself opposed to almost the whole of your administration; for I know it to have been deceitful, if not even perfidious"
It was very well said"that "thirteen staves and never a hoop will not make a barrel," and as any kind of hooping the barrel, however defectively executed, would be better than none, it was scarcely possible but that considerable advantages must arise from the federal hooping of the States. It was with pleasure that every sincere friend to America beheld as the natural effect of union, her rising prosperity, and it was with grief they saw that prosperity mixed, even in blossom, with the germ of corruption. Monopolies of every kind marked your adminstration almost in the moment of its commencement. The lands obtained by the revolution were lavished upon partizans; injustice was acted under pretence of faith; and the chief of the army became the patron of the fraud. From such a beginning what else could be expected, than what has happened? A mean and servile submission to the insults of one nation; treachery and ingratitude to another. The fugitives have found protection in you"
As the federal constitution is a copy, though not quite so base as the original, of the form of the British Government, an imitation of its vices was naturally to be expected.
The part I acted in the American Revolution is well known; I shall not here repeat it. I know also that had it not been for the aid received from France in men, money and ships, that your cold and unmilitary conduct, as I shall show in the course of this letter, would, in all probability have lost America; at least she would not have been the independent nation she now is. You slept away your time in the field till the finances of the country were exhausted, and you have but little share in the glory of the final event. It is time, sir, to speak the undisguised language of historical truth.
Elevated to the Presidency you assumed the merit of every thing to yourself, and the natural ingratitude of your constitution began to appear. You commenced your Presidential career by encouraging and swallowing the grossest adulation, and you travelled America from one end to the other, to put yourself in the way of receiving it. You have as many addresses in your chest as James the II. As to what were your views, for if you are not great enough to have ambition you are little enough to have vanity, they cannot be directly inferred from expressions of your own; but the partizans of your politics have divulged the secret.
John Adams has said, (and John it is known was always a speller after places and offices, and never thought his little services were highly enough paid) -- John has said, that as Mr. Washington had no child, the Presidency should be made hereditary in the family of Lund Washington. John might then have counted upon some sinecure for himself, and a provision for his descendants. He did not go so far as to say, also, that the Vice Presidency should be made hereditary in the family of John Adams. He prudently left that to stand, on the ground that one good turn deserves another....The right to set up and establish hereditary government...is of a degree beyond treason; it is a sin against nature. The equal rights of every generation is a fixed right in the nature of things; it belongs to the son when of age, as it belonged to the father before him"
John Jay has said, (and this John was always the sycophant of every thing in power, from Mr. Girard in America to Grenville in Englalnd) --John Jay has said, that the Senate should have been appointed for life. He would then have been sure of never wanting a lucrative appointment for himself, and have had no fears about impeachment"
I began to find that I was not the only one who had conceived an unfavorable opinion of Mr. Washington; it was evident that his character was on the decline as well among Americans, as among foreigners of different nations. From being the chief of the government, he had made himself the chief of a party"The mission of Mr. Jay to London"was beginning to be talked of".
In the year 1790, or about that time, Mr. Washington, as President, had sent Gouverneur Morris to London, as his secret agent"If, while Morris was minister in France, he was not an emissary of the British ministry and the coalesced powers, he gave strong reason to suspect him of it"Morris still loiters in Europe, chiefly in England; and Mr. Washington is still in correspondence with him. Mr. Washington ought, therefore, to expect, especially since his conduct in the affairs of Jay's treaty, that France must consider Morris and Washington as men of the same description. The chief difference, however, between the two is, (for in politics there is none) that one is profligate enough to profess an indifference about moral principles, and the other is prudent enough to conceal the want of them"Errors, or caprices of the temper, can be pardoned and forgotten; but a cold, deliberate crime of the heart, such as Mr. Washington is capable of acting, is not to be washed away"
The character which Mr. Washington has attempted to act in this world, is a sort of non-describable, camelion-colored thing, called prudence. It is, in many cases, a substitute for principle, and is so nearly allied to hypocrisy, that it easily slides into it"
The first account that arrived in Paris of a treaty being negotiated by Mr. Jay, (for nobody suspected any) came in an English newspaper, which announced that a treaty, offensive ad defensive had been concluded between the United States of America and England. This was immediately denied"but at length the treaty itself arrived"The party papers of that imbecile adminstration were on this occasion filled with paragraphs about sovereignty. A paltroon may boast of his sovereign right to let another kick him, and this is the only kind of sovereignty shown in the treaty with England"
The Washington administration shows great desire that the treaty between France and the United States be preserved. Nobody can doubt its sincerity upon this matter. There is not a British minister, a British merchant, or a British agent, or factor, in America, that does not anxiously wish the same thing. The treaty with France serves now as a passport to supply England with naval stores, and other articles of American produce; whilst the same articles, when coming to France, are made contraband, or seizable, by Jay's treaty with England....It is too paltry to talk of faith, of national honor, and of the preservation of treaties, whilst such a barefaced treachery as this stares the world in the face.
The Washington administration may save itself the trouble of proving to the French government its most faithful intentions of preserving the treaty with France; for France has now no desire that it should be preserved; she had nominated an envoy extraordinary to America, to make Mr. Washington and his government a present of the treaty, and to have no more to do with that, or with him. It was at the same time officially declared to the American minister at Paris, that the French Republic had rather have the American government for an open enemy than a treacherous friend. This, sir, with the internal distractions caused in America, and the loss of character in the world, is the eventful crisis alluded to in the beginning of this letter"
A stranger might be led to suppose, from the egotism with which Mr. Washington speaks, that himself, and himself only, had generated, conducted, completed, established, the revolution. In fine, that it was all his own doing"Mr. Washington's merit consisted in constancy"
But when we speak of military character, something more is to be understood than constancy; and something more ought to be understood than the Fabian system of doing nothing. --The nothing part can be done by any body. Old Mrs. Thompson, the house-keeper of head quarters (who threatened to make the sun and the wind shine through Rivington of New York) could have done as well as Mr. Washington. Deborah would have been as good as Barak.
Mr. Washington had the nominal rank of Commander in Chief; but he was not so in fact"He had no control over, or direction of, the army to the northward, under Gates, that captured Burgoyne, nor of that of the south, under Green, that recovered the southern States. The nominal rank, however, of Commander in Chief, served to throw upon him the re of those actions, and to make him appear as the soul and centre of all the military operations in America".
It appears that the intent of the new U.S. government was to be one following England:
"the Presidency should be made hereditary in the family of Lund Washington. John might then have counted upon some sinecure for himself, and a provision for his descendants. He did not go so far as to say, also, that the Vice Presidency should be made hereditary in the family of John Adams. He prudently left that to stand, on the ground that one good turn deserves another....The right to set up and establish hereditary government...is of a degree beyond treason; it is a sin against nature. The equal rights of every generation is a fixed right in the nature of things; it belongs to the son when of age, as it belonged to the father before him""
Perhaps if Washington had children, the above would have been set in place. Washington had many relatives living with him, owned Bank of England's shares which appears to have been assumed by his relatives who were also descendants of George III of England.
When the revolution of America was finally established"the minister penitentiary, (as some of the British prints called him) Mr. Jay, was sent on a pilgrimage to London, to make all up by penance and petition".The commerce of America, so far as it had been established, by all the treaties that had been formed prior to that by Jay, was free"The commerce of America is, by Jay's treaty, put under foreign dominion. There never was such a base and servile treaty of surrender, since treaties began to exist".
And as to you, sir, treacherous to private friendship (for so you have been to me, and that in the day of danger) and a hypocrite in public life, the world will be puzzled to decide whether you are an apostate or an impostor, whether you have abandoned good principles, or whether you ever had any?
Thomas Paine
Notes and Comments:
George Washington's dual roles appear to have been recognized by Thomas Paine in the following about "double politics':
"The eventful crisis to which your double politics have conducted the affairs of your country, requires an investigation uncramped by ceremony."
Washington played the role of a "Royal person not subject to the laws in a country based on another government unlike a Monarchy':
Elevated to the Presidency you assumed the merit of every thing to yourself, and the natural ingratitude of your constitution began to appear. You commenced your Presidential career by encouraging and swallowing the grossest adulation, and you travelled America from one end to the other, to put yourself in the way of receiving it. You have as many addresses in your chest as James the II.
James the II was the King of England, Scotland, and Ireland (1685-88).
James the II was succeeded by William of Orange, his brother-in- Law.
William of Orange, after the 1689 revolution, "signed the Bill of Rights which reaffirmed ancient rights of people and Parliament."
William of Orange's son became William III (1689-1702).
James II's daughter Anne ruled (1702-1714)
George I (1714-1727)
George I "left the affairs of the government in the hands of the ministers", because he could not "easily speak English".
George II (1727-1760)
George II "left the affairs of the government in the hands of the minsters",
Because he could not "easily speak English".
George III (1760-1820)
George IV (1820-1830)
* * * * *
George Washington's ancestor was Edward III (1327-1377). Edward III had three children Edward, the Black Prince; John Gaunt, Duke of Lancaster and Edmund, Duke of York.
It was the line of John of Gaunt, Duke of Lancaster that ruled England till today.
All three lines (3 children of Edward III) were Royal persons.
* * * * *
It appears that Thomas Paine knew a bit of genealogy when commenting about Washington and comparing him to James II.
It appears that the U.S. was maneuvered to be under England by Washington's imbecile administration:
The party papers of that imbecile adminstration were on this occasion filled with paragraphs about sovereignty. A paltroon may boast of his sovereign right to let another kick him, and this is the only kind of sovereignty shown in the treaty with England"
Washington operating under a dual role was:
" treacherous to private friendship (for so you have been to me, and that in the day of danger) and a hypocrite in public life, the world will be puzzled to decide whether you are an apostate or an impostor, whether you have abandoned good principles, or whether you ever had any?"
Thomas Paine was not popular with "politicians for denouncing Washington".
A hundred years later, Warmonger Theodore Roosevelt, U.S. President "denounced Thomas Paine as "a filthy little atheist."
Warmonger's the TRUTH.
* * * * *
Laws based on Presidential Executive Order/Discretion/Executive Privilege
Washington defended the Presidential privilege. However, this privilege appears to be a Royal issue and has no place in the Democratic government.
It appears that he turned his Royal decree/issue and ran with it unopposed. This in turn became one of a "custom" which has the "force of law', but the reality is that it is NOT LAW.
A Monarchy government has a King. "The King reigns but does not rule. He represents to the people of England the continuing presence of their own power in the constitution; by his very permanence he is the symbol of the impermanence of politicians, and by his stability the reminder to them that their business is not their own power but the well-being of his people."
THE MONARCHS OF ENGLAND (1975) by Jean Morris, Charterhouse, New York, Reference 923.142M Hawaii Kai Library, Honolulu, Oahu, Hawaii
A Democratic government has a President, who is NOT A KING. It is a government that is not in alignment with a Monarchy government.
In 1822, the Secret Treaty of Verona was agreed to by France, Austria, Prussia, Russia, the Vatican, U.S., and England. The purpose was to break down/block the formation of Monarchy governments.
The Masons/Freemasons were also set up to break down Monarchy governments as well.
Finally, there is a saying "One lie makes a hundred."
"All countries have passed through periods when someone who should not rule has made the attempt to rule over them, but a strong instinct forced them at once to concentrate their energies and to crush that irregular claim to exercise power. They rejected the passing irregularity and thus reconstituted their morale as a people".There can be no elastic vigour for the difficult task of retaining a worthy position in history in a society whose State, whose authority, is of its very nature a fraud."
Therefore, many lies are hereby documented from the dishonest teachings that George Washington was the first President, he operating as a Royal person and a citizen of a Democracy, LIES to his people/deceit/fraud, operating with two incompatible governments, a scoundrel as documented by Thomas Paine, utilizing private interests in funding WARS/Business of Wars, etc.
Other References:
THE REVOLT OF THE MASSES (1957) by Jose Ortega Y Gasset, W. W. Norton & Company Inc, New York
HERE'S ENGLAND (1955) by Ruth McKenney Bransten and Richard Bransten, Harper & Row, Publishers, Incorporated
THE AMERICAN NATION YESTERDAY AND TODAY (1942) by Rolla M. Tryon and Frances Morehouse, The Athenaum Press, Ginn and Company, Proprietors, Boston, U.S.A.
(posted in the IOLANI-The Royal Hawk Vol 1 No. 68 or see at
http://groups.yahoo.com/group/Hawaiian_Genealogy_Society-akg/?tab=S or
http://groups.yahoo.com/group/Hawaiian_Genealogy_Society-akg/files )
Responses: 3
reply by
Email address removed">amelia gora
(518 posts)
Mililani, Hawaii,
Kingdom of Hawaii
3/13/2006 (21:56) delete edit reply top Response to message 2 written by amelia gora
appears that words are eliminated....
such as 'WARMONGERS F* e AR* the TRUTH'
other words such as con S*PI ra tors also appear to be eliminated in the posts...interesting....
reply by
(1344 posts)
Pacific Palms,
3/16/2006 (04:19) delete edit reply top
Response to topic written by amelia gora
Hi Amelia,
A look back into history that has never been taught in our schools.
The newspaper 'American Aurora' from 1790 through 1800 kept America's founding fathers true to their original mission. Our political elite have from then on assisted in the control of any free press by legislative and other pressures to suit the interests of the ruling class. The editors of this newspaper were subjected to much vilification from the ranks of this early elite political class that is now dominant in the US. Is it any wonder that we now have a rogue press that have prostituted their morals to the elite.(GJ)
Thomas Paine wrote a letter to Washington then President of the US on affairs Public and Private. (Aurora 1796)
'Had it not been for the aid received from France in men, money and ships, your cold and unmilitary conduct , as I shall show in the course of this letter, would in all probability have lost America; at least she would have not been the independent nation she now is. You slept away your time in the field till the finances of the country were completely exhausted, and you have little share in the glory of the final event. it is time, sir, to speak the undisguised language of historical truth.'
Washington was an absolute disaster as General Washington, Commander in Chief, and it seems that he was a disaster as America's first President. Records show us this revered man in American history was a coward and a murderer.(GJ)
Philadelphia Aurora accused George Washington of a heinous crime back in 1754.
'The accusation in question is no less than of having, while commanding a party of American troops, fired on a flag of truce; killing the officer in the act of reading a summons under the sanction of such a flag; of having attempted to vindicate the act, and yet of having signed a capitulation, in which the killing of that officer and his men was acknowledged as an act of assassination.'
By this act Washington catalyzed a war with France once again paid for by the taxpayers. (GJ)
'By the following year (1756) Britain and France were fully at war in America and abroard. As Horace Walpole, a member of the British Parliament, explained, 'the volly fired by a young Virginian in the backwoods of America set the world on fire.... TA Lewis, 'For King and Country'. NY. Harper Collins, 1993.
The young Virginian was George Washington who admitted to this murder and for that was given the Presidency of the US. Nothing has changed! (GJ)
We had GW (George Washington) and we now have GW but instead of Washington we have a Bush. Both are related via the ruling class bloodlines that go way back and now to our Queen Lizzie and her Black nobility shadow Princely Philip who, evidently, has had to control his royal ego and walk behind Lizzie for the duration of her majestic stay. Must be tough for for old Phil but it has it compensations. (GJ)
'The American War of Independence broke out officially in 1775, triggered by the imposition by the British Crown of higher taxation on the Colonies to meet the huge costs of the Seven Years War between Britain and France. The Seven Years War itself began after George Washington, then a young military leader in the British Colonial Army, had apparently ordered the killing of French troops in Ohio. David Icke, 'The Biggest Secret'.
David Icke, in this book, has a lot to say about George Washington, his inner sanctum of secret societies, black magic and his associates. We must remind ourselves 'Washington DC, the District of Columbia that was structural in the privatization of the US currency by the elite owned Federal Reserve that is bleeding the people dry. Go get a copy of 'The Biggest Secret' and then try and fault Icke's claims! (GJ)
So it seems that the majority of peoples anywhere just can't get along without the aid of absolute arsole's controlling and abusing them. It also seems that they are addicted to this transient power source and reelect these same arsole's giving them more power each time they request it. Someone said once that pain was good for the soul and if this is so then it is a pity that ignorance isn't painful!..... GJ
"The country is run by evil............" Aaron Russo........ (Note: Barack Obama is a descendant of Robert E. Lee, Confederate General, and one of the heirs of GEORGE WASHINGTON..............." aloha.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SpwSxHiiNSw&feature=related**************************Observations and CommentsConfederate States or American Civil War Losers are Problematic,and breeds animosities against People of Color. Their positions in Society have strong influences affecting innocents.Warmongering promoted by the Confederate States history influences U.S. Presidents, Judges,et. als. who unknowingly move towards the influences because of theirancestral backgrounds in operating large plantations, animosities towards all people of color,The move to terminate the lives of the 'useless, and needless eaters' promotes the Genocide activities of the One World Order/New World Order objectives.Although many U.S. Presidents are descendants of England's Royal Families, they are part of the American Government which began because the People created the Government.The people have the power to change their government.Unlike the Constitutional Monarchy governments such as Hawaii/Kingdom of Hawaii/ Hawaiian Kingdom, we help in reminding others of the Rule of Law, Treaties are Contractual agreements, and we are Not the ones who did wrong.Reminders that Genocide activities engaged in to eliminate the masses by Depleted Uranium use, Rat Poison drops, Radiation spread in the Hawaiian archipelago, Contaminating Water via Jet fuel storage in Halawa, etc., Telescope buildings erected for military purposes, including laser use, etc. is Not O.K.Respect for life is important for all, and the lack of shows in the Confederate approach with destruction intended on innoccents.This kind of attitude is supported by those who move to Rule the World without law, and expect to survive under God's watchful eyes.All people needs to be vigilant, maintain peace, and take back your governments with rules of law or operate in a good way aligning with the Union (not Confederate) mentality.May God help all Innocents who have not done wrong.Research incomplete.aloha.
Updated: ILLEGAL U.S. Documented in Hawaii - A Review-
by Amelia Gora (2016)
by Amelia Gora (2016)
HAWAII REPORTS, Volume 11 - IN RE AH HO, et. al. shows on page 665 "In the exercise of the power conferred by the first of these two provisions, the President of the United States, on August 12, 1898, directed by proclamation, that "the civil, judicial and military powers in question shall be exercised by the officers of the Republic of Hawaii, as it existed just prior to the transfer of sovereignty, subject to his power to remove such officers and to fil vacancies," and after reiterating the second of these and other provisions of the Resolution, further directed that, "under these various provisions, the Government of the islands will proceed without interruption." The intention of Congress was to continue the existing government of the islands in operation without interruption, except in so far as it might be inconsistent with the Constitution or treaties of the United States or with the terms of the Resolution. Subject to this limitation only, the judicial power was to continue as it existed just prior to the transfer of sovereignty."
"Article 82 of the Constitution of Hawaii vested the judicial power of the Republic in one Supreme Court and in such inferior Courts as the Legislature might, from time to time, establish; and Article 85 provided: "The Judicial power shall extend to all cases in law and equity, arising under the Constitution and Laws of the Republic, and Treaties; to all cases affecting Public Ministers and Consuls, and to all cases of Admiralty and Maritime Jurisdiction."....
HAWAII REPORTS, Volume 11, RH 345.4 H31 v.11 (date of the case is January 1899)
1215 - Kamehameha III - Kauikeaouli secured our lands through the Magna Carta under English Common law, the oldest binding law.
1791 - Our lands put in perpetuity by Kamehameha III - Kauikeaouli, and the United States recognized it. Reference: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MO6zyAoG-QM
1826 - Biernes, Switzerland maintains info that we are a neutral Kingdom with no standing Army and we are Hawaii Ko Pae Aina.
1840 - First Constitution of Kamehameha III - Kauikeaouli.
1848 - Total perpetuity of lands "omau mau" was made by Kamehameha III - Kauikeaouli through the Alodio lands conveyed to our people and to aliens, they were conveyed only Fee Simple - 30 years.
The Alodio lands were the highest Alodio patents in the World. All Titles are preserved in Kingdom of Hawaii laws.
Our commerce is locked in by the gold standard.
Reference: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2xIDqh4gvUo
1849/1850 - Kamehameha III - Kauikeaouli had metes and bounds recognized in the Treaty of the Kingdom of Hawaii and the United States of America. Kamehameha III - Kauikeaouli documented our metes and bounds in this Treaty.
1860 - United States has no laws that affect Hawaii.
1871 - United States Corporation did not want us to be here in 2000.
The bankers made a Secret U.S. Constitution. See:
World Banker Karen Hudes Reveals Act of 1871 Secret US Constitution
Oct 6, 2015 - Uploaded by Actof1871
Dont own video Educational purposes Trans Pacific Partnership that Congress will sign in two months will give ...World Banker Karen Hudes Reveals Secret US Constitution - YouTube
Apr 1, 2014 - Uploaded by The Next News Network
World Bank Whistle blower Karen Hudes joins Gary Franchi in studio to reveal the truth about the secret US ...
1875 - Reciprocity Treaty for Pearl Harbor was signed. The Treaty was to expire in 1894. The Claim by the U.S. owning Pearl Harbor is a fraud. The Alodio Titles belongs to the Families of Kamaikui/Grace Kamaikui and Mataio Kekuanaoa.
1883 - Gold Standard, commerce locked in by Kamehameha V.
Postal Union important.
1893 - Researcher Shane Lee found the Pearl Harbor Coaling Station article revealing Premeditation on the part of the U.S. in the New YorkTimes newspapers dated 1893 - January 9, 1893 posted - he found it in 1997 thereabouts.
Reference: http://www.opednews.com/Diary/More-Evidence-on-Pearl-Har-by-Amelia-Gora-110607-440.html
Criminal invasion and dethronement of Hawaii's Queen Liliuokalani. We were invaded by the USS BOSTON with gatling guns, Horitzer cannons. The U.S. military surrounded her and held her at gunpoint.
Evidence of Genocide against our Hawaiian people posted showing that Tongues of our people were pulled, cut off. 800 subjects were beheaded according to oral history. See: http://iolani-theroyalhawk.blogspot.com/2016/11/genocide-repost-hawaiians-got-their.html
150+ were recorded to have been beheaded by guillotine on the Big Island. Other articles posted at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PkUxPlwombA
1897 - Queen Liliuokalani took Hawaii back 4 million acres of Kingdom of Hawaii land, documented through the Red Ribbon document. See references below.
President Cleveland Gave Hawaii Back to Queen Liliuokalani.http://query.nytimes.com/mem/archive-free/pdf…
1898 - United States Senate violated our Neutrality. See: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MO6zyAoG-QM
Joint Resolution does not apply to us. It is a domestic law of the 48 States - the contiguous states.
1899 - The United States of America became two nations: (1) United States and (2) American Empire.
Reference: PEACOCK vs. Republic of Hawaii Case (1899), HAWAII REPORTS, Archives, Main Library, and Supreme Court Law Library, Honolulu, Oahu.
President McKinley "directed" and "proclaimed" Hawaii to be a Territory
1900 - Organic Act - there's no metes and bounds.
1903 - Sanford B. Dole took away the Hawaiian language - Genocide.
1904 - U.S. President Cleveland Gave Hawaii Back to Queen Liliuokalani before he left office
see: Important Read: http://query.nytimes.com/mem/archive-free/pdf…
1912 - PA PELEKANE Case shows Identity Theft.(HAWAII REPORTS)
1915 - Queen Liliuokalani was placed on the throne for one day. (Paradise of thePacific Magazine)
1921 - Hawaiian Homelands illegal. Kuhio was only a Prince Regent
1933 - "The United States went “Bankrupt” in 1933 and was declared so by President Roosevelt by Executive Orders 6073, 6102, 6111 and Executive Order 6260 [See: Senate Report 93-549, pgs 187 & 594 under the “Trading With the Enemy Act” {Sixty-Fifth congress, Sess. I, chs. 105,106, October 6, 1917}, and as codified at 12 U.S.C.A. 95a}. The several States of the Union then pledged the faith and credit thereof to the aid of the National Government, and formed numerous socialist committees, such as the “Council of State Governments”, “Social Security Administration” etc., to purportedly deal with the economic “Emergency”. These Organizations operated under the “Declaration of INTERdependence” of January 22, 1937, and published some of their activities in “The Book Of The States.” The 1937 Edition of The Book Of The States openly declared that the people engaged in such activities as the Farming/Husbandry Industry had been reduced to mere feudal “Tenants” on their Land [Book Of The States, 1937, pg. 155]." Reference: http://myweb.ecomplanet.com/GORA8037/ article by John Nelson, Legal Researcher.
1939 - Army Navy and Federal officials developed the Territory - celebration of 40 years newspaper
1988 - President Reagan's era, it was found that there is no treaty that holds the Kingdom of Hawaii to the United States....they are making the Archipelago as a National Park - they have no treaty. Oct. 4 - they could not find the laws.
There is no treaty of cession, there was no war. Queen Liliuokalani acquiesced.
Researcher Kilikina Kekumano https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_2dfm7MeXfM
1997 - Governor Cayetano began to sell Magnesium to China by allowing them to mine our minerals.
1998 - Williamson Chang began his legal research on the Joint Resolution, etc. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PkUxPlwombA https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6ZWO0you8JM
2001 - Kilikina Kekumano began her research in Maryland.
2007 - Evil Christmas Gift from the U.S. - Bombs dropped on the Big Island. Reference: https://www.scribd.com/document/26194014/President-Obama-Obaaaama-Open-Letter-from-a-true-Hawaiian-Rents-Leases-Due-Military-Eviction-Notice-Served
2010+ - Williamson Chang Reveals the Illegal Joint Resolution of July 7, 1898. See: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6ZWO0you8JM https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PkUxPlwombA
Kilikina Kekumano found Queen Liliuokalani's Opposition to Annexation "red ribbon documents" - it is a lien. She maintains that we are Hawaii Ko Pae Aina.
2015 - Misprison of Treason/Treason committed by Nai Aupuni/Na'i Aupuni, et. als. - Kilikina Kekumano.
Nai Aupuni /Na'i Aupuni is there to steal Everything that you have, committing a crime, Misprison of Felony, Treason/Misprison of Treason, Genocide, Misprison of Felony is committed by the Department of Interior. See: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MO6zyAoG-QM
2016 - http://amelia-gora.blogspot.com/ update - Rents sent to the State, Federal....Rents becomes Land Lord Liens, etc.
Nai Aupuni/Na'i Aupuni, the Military et. als. are Not our Friends.
President McKinley "directed" and "proclaimed" Hawaii to be a Territory. Too late though because President Cleveland Gave Hawaii back to Queen Liliuokalani years earlier.
Identity Theft documented in the 1912 Pa Pelekane Case.
Research proves that the U.S. is illegal in the Kingdom of Hawaii.
more references:
p.s. The identity thieves/imposter government or the non-government sued some of us in Court, over the Crown Lands, which really belongs to Kamehameha III - Kauikeaouli, 'himself, his heirs and successors forever, exclusively' not the developed Territory which turned into a State through Executive Order of U.S. President Eisenhower with documented opposition by one of Kamehameha's descendants, heirs, and successors named Harold Abel Cathcart, first cousin of some of our great grandmother Mele Kauweloa.
Evidence found recently shows that U.S. President Cleveland Gave Hawaii Back to Queen Liliuokalani. See: President Cleveland Gave Hawaii Back to Queen Liliuokalani https://docs.google.com/leaf? id= 0B6Gs4av5Se1wN2JkZjMxMzEtMDIyN i0...
Also see at: http://query.nytimes.com/mem/archive-free/pdf…
Opposition to Annexation was documented. See: Opposition to Annexation - page 1 (researcher Kiliwehi Kekumano found the true Opposition in Maryland) https://docs.google.com/leaf… to Annexation Page 2 https://docs.google.com/leaf…... Opposition to Annexation page 3 https://docs.google.com/leaf… to Annexation - page 4 https://docs.google.com/leaf….
Joint Resolution is Not a Treaty. Annexation by the U.S. was illegal. U.S. is an Occupier, an Illegal Occupier See: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_2dfm7MeXfM and https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fjELyim8q80
U.S. President Cleveland left office in 1897 and U.S. President William McKinley became President. McKinley was shot and died from gangrene after the Army, Navy, and Federal personnel "developed the territory".
Identity theft was identified in the PA PELEKANE case of 1912. Reference: HAWAIIAN REPORTS, 1912, Archives/Main Library/Supreme Court Law Library, Honolulu, Oahu, Hawaii.
Other references and other information:
Premeditation to take over Pearl Harbor - Page 1 (found by researcher Shane Lee) https://docs.google.com/leaf…... Premeditation to take over Pearl Harbor - page 2 https://docs.google.com/leaf…... Opposition to Annexation - page 1 (researcher Kiliwehi Kekumano found the true Opposition in Maryland) https://docs.google.com/leaf… to Annexation Page 2 https://docs.google.com/leaf…... Opposition to Annexation page 3 https://docs.google.com/leaf… to Annexation - page 4 https://docs.google.com/leaf…...
More References: http://amelia-gora.blogspot.com/…/november-2016-update-brie… theiolani.blogspot.com http://myweb.ecomplanet.com/GORA8037
SAYS GOVERNMENT SUPPORTS TRUSTS; Mr. Hitchcock Condemns System of Army and Navy Contracts. ARMOR PLATE AS EXAMPLE Beef Trust, Shipbuilding Trust, and Railroads Cited -- Bates Calls Cleveland a Receptive Candidate.
WASHINGTON, Feb. 20. -- That the Federal Government, which is supposed to be after the trusts, is making large contracts with them and paying them the people's money, was charged by Representative Hitchcock (Dem., Neb.) in the course of a vigorous criticism of the army and navy expenditures in the H...
WASHINGTON, Feb. 20. -- That the Federal Government, which is supposed to be after the trusts, is making large contracts with them and paying them the people's money, was charged by Representative Hitchcock (Dem., Neb.) in the course of a vigorous criticism of the army and navy expenditures in the H...
Articles on Hawaii and the American Civil War
The Civil War and Hawaii

Disunion follows the Civil War as it unfolded.
Almost 5,000 miles and half an ocean away from the killing fields of Gettysburg, Chickamauga, or Spotsylvania, Hawaii and Hawaiians might be assumed to have not played a role in the Civil War. Yet regardless of proud protestations of neutrality by the Hawaiian monarchy – the islands were not American territory at the time – many of the islands’ residents participated in the conflict, on both sides. And for good reason: though they lived on one of the most geographically isolated island chains in the world, Hawaiians kept abreast of international events, knowing that the outcome of the war could greatly affect Hawaii as well.
The presidential election of Abraham Lincoln received a positive response in Hawaii, with the Hawaiian-language newspaper Ka Hoku Loa writing that America was “blessed” to have him at such a problematic time. Nevertheless, the Lincoln administration was worried about Hawaiian neutrality and what it saw to be growing British influence in the islands. Understandably preoccupied with more pressing domestic matters, Lincoln and Secretary of State William H. Seward did what they could. Seward replaced the boorish and tactless American commissioner to Hawaii, Thomas Dyer, with the more capable James McBride, and promoted McBride to minister, making him the highest-ranking foreign official in the kingdom.
Later, after the passing of King Kamehameha IV Alexander Liholiho in 1863, Lincoln sent a personal four-page letter to the new monarch, Kamehameha V Lot Kapuāiwa, professing Lincoln’s sorrow, while congratulating the king and extending offers of support from “Your Majesty’s Good Friend.”

However, the Hawaiian monarchy had its own reasons to improve relations with the United States, as it wanted a new trade treaty. To that end, Kamehameha V sent an emissary, Chief Justice E. H. Allen, to Washington in 1864. In June, Allen met with Lincoln, Seward and other politicians to discuss the prospects for a new treaty. He returned to Hawaii frustrated yet optimistic, without a treaty in hand but reporting that Lincoln and Seward were receptive to the idea. The only problem, Seward told Allen, was that the “civil war renders such negotiation inconvenient and inexpedient.” Still, the secretary of state promised, “at no very distant period … the subject will be resumed with pleasure.” Private correspondence revealed that Seward planned to request a “port, sufficient for a wharf and buildings for a naval depot” in what appeared to be a forebear of Pearl Harbor.
Similar geopolitical wrangling played out in the newspapers. Mid-19th-century newspapers were unabashedly slanted, and the Hawaiian press was no different. Many papers were published in Hawaiian, English or a combination of the two. The Hawaiian-language press was to varying degrees anti-monarchy and quasi-independent, but over all it was pro-Union. The Polynesian was one of the biggest and the self-proclaimed “official organ of the Hawaiian government.” It was a curious combination of abolitionism and states’ rights advocacy that liked to reprint articles from England in favor of neutrality. Engaging in a bit of yellow journalism, The Polynesian used the Civil War as a proxy fight against The Pacific Commercial Advertiser, its main rival and voice of American business interests in Hawaii. For example, in January 1863, The Polynesian claimed that The Pacific Commercial Advertiser had “never approved” of Lincoln’s removal of Gen. George B. McClellan, unlike The Polynesian, and now Lincoln and The Polynesian had been vindicated by Union advances on the battlefield.
Hawaiians themselves decidedly favored the North. Union victories were celebrated, and a Honolulu bookstore sold red, white and blue envelopes that read “Union must be preserved” alongside copies of “Uncle Tom’s Cabin.” Neighbors of a Southern-born woman living in Honolulu ripped up a Confederate flag she had hung from her veranda. In fact, support for Lincoln in Hawaii was greater than in the United States – he did better in 1860 and 1864 mock elections with American expats in Hawaii than among the Northern voting public. American residents on Hawaii island threw a grand Fourth of July celebration in 1861, complete with bands, the firing of guns, and toasts to Lincoln and the Union.
Perhaps too caught up in the revelry, a Hilo merchant named Thomas Spencer organized about 40 Hawaiians into a volunteer auxiliary corps that pledged its support should Lincoln call upon them. The group was later dubbed “Spencer’s Invincibles” and drilled in military tactics. The Pacific Commercial Advertiser reported that “all the company now wants is a chance of a shot at Jeff Davis’ bloodhounds,” and that the men hoped that Hawaii’s proclamation of neutrality “will not spoil the fun.” The Hawaiian government did in fact disband the group, but the monarchy could not stop others from joining the fray.
More than 100 people from Hawaii fought on both sides of the Civil War. Arguably the most famous was the Union general Samuel C. Armstrong. Born on Maui to missionary parents who ran a school for Hawaiian children, after the war Armstrong used that educational experience as the inspiration for his founding and running of the Hampton Institute, which trained African-Americans as teachers and engineers. It was at the Hampton Institute that Booker T. Washington received his education, and he used his alma mater as a model for his Tuskegee Institute.
However, unlike the white Armstrong, native Hawaiians who fought for the Union risked segregation because of their skin color. One volunteer, Prince Romerson, served in the Fifth Massachusetts Volunteer Cavalry, an all-black regiment, and mustered out as a sergeant. Exceptions did occur, though: Henry Hoolulu Pitman, son of the Hawaiian Chiefess Kinoole O Liliha, was a private in the 22nd Massachusetts Volunteer Infantry, a white regiment, who was captured and died in Richmond’s Libby Prison.
A few Hawaiians also found themselves fighting for the South. Probably more for employment than the Southern cause, about 10 Hawaiian seamen joined the crew of the Shenandoah, a Confederate raider that wrought havoc throughout the Pacific. Interestingly, the saga of the Shenandoah played an important part in the larger story of the later overthrow of the Hawaiian monarchy. Indiscriminate in sinking both American and Hawaiian whaling vessels, the Shenandoah did not directly cause the demise of the whaling industry in the Pacific, but it did hasten it. With whaling ships becoming scarcer and voyages to find whales longer and more cost-prohibitive, commercial agricultural plantations came into their own in Hawaii. After dabbling in cotton, rice and other products, planters found sugar to be the cash crop of choice. Commercially active in Hawaii since the 1830s, the Hawaiian sugar industry saw one of its greatest expansions during the Civil War era. As a result of the Union boycott of Southern sugar, Hawaiian sugar exports to the United States rose 175 percent a year from 1860 to 1866, while prices jumped over 500 percent.
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However, the rise in sugar profits sowed the seeds for the overthrow of the Hawaiian monarchy. Eerily prophetic, The Pacific Commercial Advertiser reported that the Lahina Sugar Company paid more in taxes on sugar than the Hawaiian king’s salary, which caused the paper to speculate, “We don’t advise the Lahina Sugar Company to purchase his sovereignty – that would be treason or treachery, we don’t know exactly which.” Either way, the sugar industry in Hawaii gradually gained political and economic power in the kingdom, eventually instituting a form of contract labor that verged on slavery.
The consolidation of wealth and power generated on these plantations proved fertile ground for white businessmen and their ilk, some of whom were Civil War veterans, who favored American annexation of the islands and ultimately overthrew the kingdom of Hawaii in a coup d’état on Jan. 17, 1893. The war that strengthened the United States as a country laid the foundation for the destruction of the kingdom of Hawaii, and inextricably bound the two for centuries yet to come.
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Jeffrey Allen Smith is an assistant professor of history at the University of Hawaii, Hilo. Research assistance for this article was provided by Robert Franklin, Scott Hampe and Noah Gomes.
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