Sunday, June 23, 2013



                                                     Compiled by Amelia Gora (2013)

Overview of History Past, Present Affecting All in the World Today
by Amelia Gora (2013)

In forming the New World Order/One World Order through the Secret Treaty of Verona of 1822, the following nations participated: Austria, France, Prussia, Russia, England, the U.S. and the Vatican. The Vatican was supported and complemented for maintaining "obedience" among the people.....the Goal of the Christian part/the Vatican was to continue with keeping the lies in place, pacify the people while the moves to Socialism then Communism could be made.....the goals have been in place for a long time with resistance coming from those who question and don't accept what's put with the 'disobedience' the questioning by Christians which makes up a hefty amount of the World's population, the Christians, the Catholics are a threat to the Minority---those who move towards One World Order with England at the head, along with the criminal bankers, the U.S. who began the move against the Law of Nations and created the CFR/ Council on Foreign Relations which helped to develop the League of Nations, then the United Nations who agree to support the New World Order/One World Order. So, the managers, planners see any large military group as a threat - Iraq had the largest military, and recently, the claim that North Korea has one of the largest military who are armed,.... now the turn is towards controlling Christians who have guns who has also become a threat against the goal of New World Order/One World Order........everyone needs to know about the 1822 Secret Treaty of Verona see know about the history, John Nelson's article on Treason of the U.S. Presidents... see and all Americans can fix this mess because the U.S. President is Not someone born in the Hawaiian Islands but a true alien and that is the focus that everyone should remain on....the removal of his person from the Whitehouse through impeachment ...focus on the problem/issue that he is actively promoting One World Order/New World Order and is actively supporting Wars, etc. see yourselves through knowledge, take heed, focus on the illegalities that's being shoved onto the American people by deceptive people such as Obama the Congressmen and women who fail to defend the U.S. Constitution, the Bill of Rights, the Declaration of Independence and promote lies upon lies to control Innocents, Kill Innocents, Imprison Innocents who are a problem to the goal of One World Order/New World Order. aloha.

Reference: In answer to 
Army Ranger & Pastor Insulted That DOD Would Label Christians “Terrorists”
by Kat Posted April 10, 2013

1916 - Congress Record - Sen. Owen Treaty of Verona Because I can find no official online primary source for the 1916 Congressional Record, I have linked to
1916 - Congress Record - Sen. Owen Treaty of Verona Because I can find no official online primary source 
1944 - the beginning of PLUNDERING UPON INNOCENTS
The Dumbarton Oaks Conference was held between August and October 1944. The prin...See More
  • charter
    The Charter of the United Nations was signed on 26 June 1945, in San Francisco,...See More

    Intact for hundreds of years, until the time that Queen Liliuokalani maintained that the United States BREACHED the Law of Nations.

    League of Nations

    Formed in 1817, shortly before Queen Liliuokalani died.

    Only two nation members: United States and Great Britain. Both planned the formation of the United Nations.

    United Nations

    1942. January 2. Fifty nations pledged themselves “to employ full resources against the Axis powers, not to make a separate peace, etc.” in Washington. They signed a charter which was written at theUnited Nations Conference on International Organization. 1944. August 21 – October 7. Representatives of the United States, Great Britain, Russia and China met, planned, proposed and formulated to “deal with world peace and security” through a general international organization. 1945. April 25 - June 26. A conference “United Nations Conference on International Organization was held from April 25 to June 26, 1945 in San Francisco. The charter was based on the proposals of Dumbarton Oaks Conference, a mansion in Washington, D.C.

    1864. A socialist association, International Working-Men’s Association, met and formed a political organization in 1864. Karl Marx was the influence. 1876. The International Working-Men’s Association also known as the First International was dissolved in Philadelphia. 1889. An international, socialist group was formed, which included various countries. They agreed to hold international congresses from time to time. 1919. A communist association was formed in Moscow, uniting various countries radical groups promoting revolutions or violence.
    Christian International Laws/ Papal Bulls of the Vatican

    1493. “Four Papal Bulls were issued by the Vatican Hierarchy in 1493 which legally SANCTIONED COLUMBUS GENOCIDE CAMPAIGN AGAINST INDIGENOUS PEOPLES OF THE Americas. The Bull “InterCaetera” of May 3rd 1493 states, “the Catholic Faith and the Christian religion particularly in our times, shall be exalted and everwhere amplified and spread, (and) that the Salvation of souls may be provided for and barbarous nations subjugated and brought to the very true faith…” 1552. Las Casas, “The colonial spanish affirmed this arrogance claiming “the bulls gave them the right to use just WAR to convert local populations who had refused to immediately accept Christianity.” (Researcher: Steven Newcomb, Shawnee/Lenape (Indian) legal scholar) 1898. Spain, the Arm of the Vatican warred with the United States. President Theodore Roosevelt said, “that was a splendid little war”. 1923. United States Supreme Court ruling Johnson v. mcIntosh 8 Wheat 543 (in 1823/1923) adopted the same principal of subjugation expressed in the InterCeteral Bull. This Papal Bull has been and continues to be, devastating to our religions, our cultures, and the survival of our populations.” (Researcher: Steven Newcomb, Shawnee/Lenape (Indian) legal scholar)
    On November 6, 2002 nefeli posted the following on forums:

    27 countries opinion about USA

    “I am Greek and would like to talk about the American government and its “invasion” in other countries. Since 1945 the United States have been involved in the politics of more than 70 countries, mostly using the threat of “communistic conspiracy” in order to be free to invade any country (the same does the government now, using the terrorists’ threat). The reason this happens is that USA wants a safer world for the American companies, it wants to stop the development of any other society which could be an alternative to the capitalistic globalisation and to expand the political and economical empire of USA in order to always be the “great power”. This is not only my opinion about America, it is the opinion of 27 countries.

    (The source of the following article is the daily newspaper “TA NEA” and it was written by reporter Kostas Betinakis, 29/9/01.)

    1. China 1945-49; USA gets involved in the civil war, supporting Chang Kai Shek against Mao’s communists. Chang Kai Shek flees to Taiwan in 1949. USA recruits Japanese soldiers who were defeated during the war.

    2. Italy, 1947-48: USA interferes with the Italian elections in order to stop the Communist party from being in the government. During the next years, they sponsor the smaller parties with millions of dollars, blocking the Communist party from forming a government.

    3. Greece, 1947-49: USA replaces the UK who supported the fight against Communists. Right wing comes and starts the chasing of the Communists (this ends to a very bloody civil war).

    4. Fillipines, 1945-53: American soldiers fight against left forces (Hooks), during the fights between the Hooks and the Japanese. After the end of the war, fighting against the Hooks goes on, until the regime of Ferdinand Marcos comes into power.

    5. South Korea, 1945-53: After the war, USA suppresses the liberals and supports the convervatives who had collaborated with the Japanese invaders. In the war that followed against North Korea, the “volunteers” from other countries were all allies of USA.

    6. Albania, 1949-53: American and English secret services tried unsuccessfully to overthrow the communistic government and to found a western government, made of collaborators of Italian fascists and German nazis.

    7. Germany, 1950: CIA organizes propaganda and psychological war against East Germany, who is led to the building of the Berlin wall in 1961.

    8. Iran 1953: Elected Prime minister Mosadek is overthrown byan American-English operation. His mist….(message cut off)

    *********** **************** *************** *************** ***********


    MAHALO TO MUTASSDES from the English Forum who messaged the following information:

    this is also relevant, but not a complete list, as it doesn't include Galtieri of Argentina for a start.

    another relevant list of facts:

    Here's a list of the countries that the U.S. has bombed since the end of World War II, compiled by historian William Blum:

    China 1945-46

    Korea 1950-53

    China 1950-53

    Guatemala 1954

    Indonesia 1958

    Cuba 1959-60

    Guatemala 1960

    Congo 1964

    Peru 1965

    Laos 1964-73

    Vietnam 1961-73

    Cambodia 1969-70

    Guatemala 1967-69

    Grenada 1983

    Libya 1986

    El Salvador 1980s
    Nicaragua 1980s
    Panama 1989
    Iraq 1991-99
    Sudan 1998
    Afghanistan 1998
    Yugoslavia 1999
    We publish and sell books, Hawaii history, genealogies, children's books etc.
  •   "70 countries affected" also watch youtube video "UN. - one world government" ; therefore, all moving to join with the UN are actually One World Order/New World Order activists
    Bill Moyers produced a very important documentary in 1987. It was aired once on PBS. Everyone needs to watch this in it's entirety. 
Dec. 2011 

Obama signs Martial Law 8 Legal Holocaust Bill NDAA End of Human Rights By Dr. Steve Pieczenik - Former Naval Captain and Deputy Assistant Secretary of State
By Dr. Steve Pieczenik - Former Naval Captain and Deputy Assistant Secretary of ...See More
  1. New World Order for Dummies By a Former CIA Officer - YouTube

    Dec 1, 2012 - Uploaded by Arabi Souri
    ... sake of your children. If you want to balance your budget andstop taxing Americans you ... ... New World ...
  2. More videos for former cia officer shows how to counter one ... »
July 2012

The U.N. Deception

Presidents Included in video:

John F. Kennedy
George Bush (Sr.)

U.N. "Recognizes No God Above the U.N."

U.N. Recognizes "Decolonization".

Aug 2012

ThThe Perverted Disney Empire (Illuminati Exp


"Most of the bloodlines of the elite are kept hidden, such as Hitler's connections to the Rothschilds, Bushs connection to Crowley and Walt Disney and the Dark Prince"

Disney was a 'sexual pervert and pedophile'

June 2013

U.S. Charges Edward Snowden With Espionage

Federal prosecutors have filed a sealed criminal complaint against the 29-year-old former NSA contractor who leaked documents revealing details of top-secret surveillance programs this month. Officials say the U.S. has asked Hong Kong to detain Snowden on a provisional arrest warrant.
Posted on Jun 21, 2013 READ MORE 

British Spy Agency ‘Masters the Internet’

Britain’s Government Communications Headquarters has secretly gained access to the network of cables that carry the world’s phone calls and Internet traffic and has begun to process vast amounts of personal information that it shares with the U.S. National Security Agency, documents provided by NSA whistle-blower Edward Snowden reveal.
Posted on Jun 21, 2013 READ MORE 

June 17th, 2013
06:00 AM ET
5 days ago

CNN Poll: Obama approval falls amid controversies

Posted by
Washington (CNN) – President Barack Obama's approval rating dropped eight percentage points over the past month, to 45%, the president's lowest rating in more than a year and a half, according to a new national poll.
The CNN/ORC International survey released Monday morning comes as the White House has been reacting to controversies over a massive U.S. government surveillance program; the Internal Revenue Service's targeting of tea party and other conservative groups who applied for tax-exempt status; the administration's handling of last September's attack in Benghazi that left the U.S. ambassador to Libya and three other Americans dead; and the Justice Department's secret collection of journalists' phone records as part of a government investigation into classified leaks.
The poll indicates that for the first time in Obama’s presidency, half of the public says they don't believe he is honest and trustworthy. And Americans are split on the controversial National Security Agency anti-terrorism program to record metadata on U.S. phone calls, but they support the NSA program that targets records of Internet usage by people in other countries. That doesn't mean they necessarily like what is going on: Just over six in 10 believe that government is so large and powerful that it threatens the rights and freedoms of ordinary Americans.
A slight majority of those questioned in the poll, which was conducted Tuesday through Thursday of last week, disapprove of the actions of the man who leaked sensitive information about the NSA program. A similar number say Edward Snowden, who fled to Hong Kong, should be brought back to the United States and prosecuted.
The president's approval rating stands at 45%, down from 53% in mid-May. And 54% say they disapprove of how Obama's handling his job, up nine points from last month. It's the first time in CNN polling since November 2011 that a majority of Americans have had a negative view of the president.
"The drop in Obama's support is fueled by a dramatic 17-point decline over the past month among people under 30, who, along with black Americans, had been the most loyal part of the Obama coalition," says CNN Polling Director Keating Holland.
The president also dropped 10 points among independent voters, from 47% last month to 37% now, with Obama's disapproval among independents jumping 12 points to 61%.
What's behind the drop?
"It is clear that revelations about NSA surveillance programs have damaged Obama's standing with the public, although older controversies like the IRS matter may have begun to take their toll as well," adds Holland.

Details on NSA-thwarted plots coming, lawmaker says
Six in 10 disapprove of how Obama is handling government surveillance of U.S. citizens, which is higher than the 52% who disapproved of George W. Bush on the same issue in 2006, when government surveillance was also in the headlines.
Obama's approval rating on terrorism, although still above 50%, has taken a 13-point hit since mid-May. By contrast, his approval rating on domestic issues such as the economy, immigration and the deficit only dropped by two to four points, within the poll's sampling error.
Views of Obama's personal characteristics have also declined.
The number of Americans who think he is honest has dropped nine points over the past month, to 49%. Fifty-seven percent of those questioned say they disagree with the president's views on the size and power of the federal government, and 53% say he cannot manage the government effectively. Fifty-two percent say the president is a strong and decisive leader. That's still a majority, but it's down six points from last month.
Forty-three percent of the public says that the Obama administration has gone too far in restricting civil liberties to fight terrorism, with 38% saying the administration has been about right and 17% saying it has not gone far enough.
"That's roughly the same reaction that the public had to the Bush administration in 2006 when the details of a similar program to gather phone records were made public," says Holland.
Fifty-one percent say the current NSA program to gather phone records is the right thing to do. By comparison, 54% felt that way about the Bush-era program back in 2006. Two thirds say they feel that the current NSA program on Internet usage is right.
More than six in 10 say the government has collected their phone or Internet data. What is the government doing with all of this information?
Just 8% of all Americans think the government has collected their personal data and is using it to investigate them. Just over half say they think the government has collected their data and stored it somewhere without analyzing it, and one third say they believe that government has not collected and stored any of their personal phone or Internet records.
As for Snowden, 52% disapprove of his actions, with 44% saying they approve of the leaks by the former government contractor. Fifty-four percent say the government should attempt to bring Snowden back to the U.S. and prosecute him for his actions.
Documents Snowden provided to journalists revealed the existence of the secret NSA programs to collect records of domestic telephone calls in the United States and the Internet activity of overseas residents. Snowden, who fled to Hong Kong, was fired from his position at the consulting firm Booz Allen Hamilton earlier this month. The FBI is investigating the leaks.
The poll was conducted for CNN by ORC International June 11 to 13, with 1,014 adults nationwide questioned by telephone. The survey's overall sampling error is plus or minus three percentage points.

– CNN Political Editor Paul Steinhauser contributed to this report.

Filed under: CNN/ORC International poll • Polls • President Obama


The recent exposure of the NSA, etc. by Whistleblower Snowden is currently affecting the   Obama Administration, the Puppet of the New World Order/One World Order.

Obama's effectiveness has dropped, his popularity has dropped, and many of the Sheep are waking up.

If you notice, even England is getting involved by helping the U.S. NSA by collecting phone calls, information as well.

Reminding everyone that it was England, U.S., the bankers/JP Morgan, Bank of England, International bankers who formed the CFR/Council on Foreign Relations who set up the United Nations, an organ supporting the One World Order/New World Order.

Snowden represents the hero similar to that little boy who plugged the hole in the dike with his finger and saved his Nation   THE LITTLE DUTCH BOY WHO SAVED HOLLAND.           in other words, Snowden refused to uphold the lies of the Obama Administration and stepped away from supporting War Criminal Obama based on following War Criminal documented George W. Bush, and similar to the little Dutch Boy, became a hero to All Americans, as well as the Innocents affected by the "elite" who have targeted the extermination of the "needless" "useless eaters" the People of Color and Innocents globally, etc. through the One World Order/New World Order goals.  See: 
  1. Wake up America! - Dr. John Coleman (Illuminati, Committee of 300 ...
    Nov 2, 2012 - Uploaded by MasterpieceConCen4
    Dr. John Coleman, being a historian in intelligence community, researched in full scope the sinister forces ...
  2. More videos for john coleman committee of 300 »
  3. The Conspirators' Hierarchy: The Committee of 300John Coleman ... › Books › Education & Reference
    The Conspirators' Hierarchy: The Committee of 300 [John Coleman] on *FREE* super saver shipping on qualifying offers. Can you imagine an all ...
  4. 21 Goals of the Illuminati and The Committee of 300
    By Dr. John Coleman. F rom: Conspirators' Hierachy: The Story of TheCommittee of 300. 1.

Kudos to a Righteous American Edward Snowden!  May he gain immunities from many nations.....and may War Criminals be tried for Espionage, Spying, Genocide, Lying, Intent to Exterminate Innocents, Plundering Upon Innocents, etc.

Also Kudos to Sheriff Arpaio who is exposing the FRAUDS of a foreign born OBAMA who lied to obtain the Office of the President based on LIES, a FRAUD Birth Certificate and who needs to be impeached, prosecuted as a Impersonator, Treason, War Criminal, War Monger, Espionage, Genocide Activist, etc.  And Note to All, Americans, et. als.  that All Laws/ Executive Orders that he signed his name to are Null and Void, etc.

Kudos to All Americans, et. als. who supports the U.S. Constitution, including those who support the rights to bear arms as accorded in the U.S. Constitution as well.

As an added note, the  1850 Treaty of Friendship, a Perpetual Treaty made with the Sovereign, his descendants/heirs and the U.S.A./U.S. locks in the 1850 U.S. Constitution.  see:  and


Reference from

Scrutinizing the PERPETUAL TREATY(IES) With the U.S./United States of America And Their Constitution

As a result of the recognition of Hawaiian independence since 1842 the Hawaiian Kingdom entered into treaties with the major nations of the world and had established over ninety legations and consulates in multiple seaports and cities.


Treaty signed at Washington December 20, 1849
Senate advice and consent to ratification January 14, 1850
Ratified by the President of the United States February 4, 1850
Ratified by the Hawaiian Islands August 19, 1850
Ratifications exchanged at Honolulu August 24, 1850
Entered into force August 24, 1850
The United States of America and His Majesty the King of the Hawaiian Islands, equally animated with the desire of maintaining the relations of good understanding which have hitherto so happily subsisted between their respective states, and consolidating the commercial intercourse between them, have agreed to enter into negotiations for the conclusion of a Treaty of Friendship, Commerce and Navigation, for which purpose they have appointed plenipotentiaries, that is to say:
The President of the United States of America, John M. Clayton, Secretary of State of the United States; and His Majesty the King of the Hawaiian Islands, James Jackson Jarves, accredited as his Special Commissioner to the Government of the United States; who, after having exchanged their full powers, found in good and due form, have concluded and signed the following articles:

Article I

There shall be perpetual peace and amity between the United States and the King of the Hawaiian Islands, his heirs and his successors.

Note:  The perpetual peace and amity treaty is agreed to by representatives for the U.S. President Zachary Taylor and Jarvis from the Hawaiian Kingdom representing Kauikeouli/Kamehameha III.

This is the Constitution in 1849:




Declaration of Independence:

Article II

There shall be reciprocal liberty of commerce and navigation between the United States of America and the Hawaiian Islands. No duty of customs, or other impost, shall be charged upon any goods, the produce or manufacture of one country, upon importation from such country into the other, other or higher than the duty or impost charged upon goods of the same kind, the produce of manufacture of, or imported from, any other country; and the United States of America and His Majesty the King of the Hawaiian Islands do hereby engage, that the subjects or citizens of any other state shall not enjoy any favor, privilege, or immunity, whatever, in matters of commerce and navigation, which shall not also, at the same time, be extended to the subjects or citizens of the other contracting party, gratuitously, if the concession in favor of that other State shall have been gratuitous, and in return for a compensation, as nearly as possible of proportionate value and effect, to be adjusted by mutual agreement, if the concession shall have been conditional.

Article III

All articles the produce or manufacture of either country which can legally be imported into either country from the other, in ships of that other country, and thence coming, shall, when so imported, be subject to the same duties, and enjoy the same privileges, whether imported in ships of the one country, or in ships of the other; and in like manner, all goods which can legally be exported or re-exported from either country to the other, in ships of that other country, shall, when so exported or reexported, be subject to the same duties, and be entitled to the same privileges, draw backs, bounties, and allowances, whether exported in ships of the one country, or in ships of the other: and all goods and articles, of whatever( description, not being' of the produce of manufacture of the United States, which can be legally imported into the Sandwich Islands shall when so imported In vessels of the United States pay no other or higher duties, imposts, or charges than shall be payable upon the like goods, and articles, when imported in the vessels of the most favored foreign nation other than the nation of which the said goods and articles are the produce or manufacture.

Article IV

No duties of tonnage, harbor, lighthouses, pilotage, quarantine, or other similar duties, of whatever nature, or under whatever denomination, shall be imposed in either country upon the vessels of the other, in respect of voyages between the United States of America and the Hawaiian Islands, if laden, or in respect of any voyage, if in ballast, which shall not be equally imposed in the like cases on national vessels.

Article V

It hereby declared, that the stipulations of the present treaty are not to be understood as applying to the navigation and carrying trade between one port and another situated in the state of either contracting party, such navigation and trade being reserved exclusively to national vessels.

Article VI

Steam vessel of the United States which may be employed by the Government of the said States, in the carrying of their Public Mail across the Pacific Ocean, of from one port in that ocean to another, shall have free access to the ports of the Sandwich Islands, with the privilege of stopping therein to refit, to refresh, to land passengers and their baggage, and for the transaction of any business pertaining to the public Mail service of the United States, and be subject in such ports to no duties of tonnage, harbor, lighthouses, quarantine, or other similar duties of whatever nature of under whatever denomination.


    Permalink Reply by Amelia Gora on Thursday

    Article VII

    The Whaleships of the United States shall have access to the Port of Hilo, Kealakekua and Hanalei in the Sandwich Islands, for the purposes of refitment and refreshment, as well as to the ports of Honolulu and Lahaina which only are ports of entry for all Merchant vessels, and in all the above named ports, they shall be permitted to trade or barter their supplies or goods, excepting spirituous liquors, to the amount of two hundred dollars ad va lorem for each vessel, without paying any charge for tonnage or harbor dues of any description, or any duties or imposts whatever upon the goods or articles so traded or bartered. They shall also be permitted; with the like exemption from all chargers for tonnage and harbor dues, further to trade or barter, with the same exception as to spiritous licquors, to the additional amount of one thousand dollars ad valorum, for each vessel, paying upon the additional goods and articles so traded and bartered, no other or higher duties, than are payable on like goods and articles, when imported in the vessels and by the citizens or subject of the most favored foreign nation.
    They shall so be permitted to pass from port to port of the Sandwich Islands for the purpose of procuring refreshments, but they shall not discharge their seamen or land their passenger in the said Islands, except at Lahaina and Honolulu; and in all the ports named to this article, the whale ships of the United States shall enjoy in all respects, whatsoever, all the rights, privileges and immunities which are enjoyed by, or shall be granted to, the whale ships of the most favored foreign nation. The like privilege of frequenting the three ports of the Sandwich Islands, above named in this article, not being ports of entry for merchant vessels, is also guaranteed to all the public armed vessels of the United States. But nothing in this article shall be construed as authorizing any vessel of the United States, having on board any disease usually regarded as requiring quarantine, to enter during the continuance of such disease on board, any port of the Sandwich Islands, other than Lahaina or Honolulu.

    Article VIII

    The contracting parties engage, in regard to the personal privileges, that the citizens of the United States of America shall enjoy in the dominion of His Majesty the King of the Hawaiian Islands, and the subjects of his said Majesty in the United States of America, that they shall have free and undoubted right to travel and to reside in the states of the two high contracting parties, subject to the same precaution a police which are practiced towards the subjects or citizens of the most favored nations. They shall be entitled to occupy dwellings and warships, and to dispose of their personal property of every kind and description, by sale, gift, exchange, will, or in any other way whatever, without the smallest hindrance or obstacle; and their heir or representatives, being subject or citizens of the other contracting party, shall succeed to their personal goods, whether by testament or ab intestato; and may take possession thereof, either by themselves or by others acting for them, and dispose of same by will, paying to the profit of the respective governments, such dues only as the inhabitants of the country wherein said goods are, shall be subject to pain in like cases. And in case of the absence of the heir and representative, such care shall be taken of said goods as would be taken of the goods of a native of the same country in like case, until the lawful owner may take measures for receiving them.
    And if a question should aarise among several claimants as to which of them aid goods belong, the same shall be decided finally by the laws and judges of the land wherein the said goods are. Where, on the decease of any person holding real estate within the territories of one party, such real estate would, by the laws of the land, descend on a citizen or subject of the other, were he not disqualified by alienage, such citizen or subject shall be allowed a reasonable time to sell the same, and to with draw the proceeds without molestation and exempt from all duties of detraction on the part of the government of the respective states. The citizens or subjects of the contracting parties shall not be obligated to pay, under any pretence whatever, any taxes or impositions other or greater than those which are paid, or may hereafter be paid , by the subjects or citizens of most favored nations, in the respective states of the high contracting parties. They shall be exempt from all military service, whether by land or by sea; from forced loans; and from every extraordinary contribution not general and by law established. Their dwellings, warehouses, and all premises appertaining thereto, destined for the purposes of commerce or residence shall be respected.
    No arbitrary search of , or visit to, their houses, and no arbitrary examination or inspection whatever of the books, papers, or accounts of their trade, shall be made; but such measures shall be executed only in conformity with the legal sentence of a competent tribunal; and each of the two contracting parties engage that the citizens or subjects of the other residing in their respective States shall enjoy their property and personal security, in as full and ample manner of their own citizens or subjects, of the subjects or citizens of the most favored nation, but subject alway to the laws and statutes of the two countries restively.

    Article IX

    The citizen and subjects of each of the two contracting parties shall be free in the state of the other to manage their own affairs themselves, or to commit those affairs to the management of any persons whom they may appoint as their broker, factor or agent; nor shall the citizens and subjects of the two contracting parties be restrained in their choice of person to act in such capacities, nor shall they be called upon to pay and salary or remuneration to any person whom they shall not choose to employ.
    Absolute freedom shall be given in all cases to the buyer and seller to bargain together and to fix the price of any good or merchandise imported into, or to be exported from the state and dominions of the two contracting parties; save and except generally such case wherein the laws and usages of the country may require the intervention of any special agent in the estate and dominion of the contracting parties. But nothing contained in this or any other article of the present Treaty shall be construed to authorize the sale of spirituous liquors to the natives of the Sandwich Islands, further than such sale may be allowed by the Hawaiian laws.

    Article X

    Each of the two contracting parties may have, in the ports of the other, consul, vice consul, and commercial agent, of their own appointment, who shall enjoy the same privileges and power with those of the most favored nations; but if any such consul shall exercise commerce, they shall be subject to the same law and usage to which the private individuals of their nation are subject in the same place. The said Consul, vice consul, and commercial agents are authorized to require the assistance of the local authorities for the search, arrest, detention, and imprisonment of the deserters from the ships of war and merchant vessels of their country. For this purpose, they shall apply to the competent tribunal, judges and officers, and shall in writing demand the said deserters, proving, by the exhibition of the registers of the vessel, the rolls of the crews, or by other official document, that such individual formed part of the crew; and this reclamation being thus substantiated, the offender shall not be refused. Such deserters, when arrested shall be placed at the disposal of the said consul, vice consul, or commercial agents, and may be confined in the public prison, at the request and cost of those who all claim them, in order to be detained until the time when they shall be restored to the vessel to which they belonged, or sent back to their own country by a vessel of the same nation or any other vessel whatsoever.
    The agent, owners or masters of vessels on account of whom the deserters have been apprehended, upon requisition of the local authorities shall be required to take or send away such deserters from the state and dominions of the contracting parties, or give such security for their good conduct as the law may require. But if not sent back nor reclaimed within six months from the day of their arrest, or if all the expenses of such imprisonment are not defrayed by the party causing such arrest and imprisonment, they shall be set at liberty and shall not be again arrested for the same cause. However, if the deserters should be found to have committed any crime or offense, their surrender may be delayed until the tribunal before which their case shall be depending, shall have pronounced its sentence, and such sentence shall have been carried into effect.

    Article XI

    It is agreed that perfect and entire liberty of conscience shall be enjoyed by the citizens and subjects of both the contracting parties, in the countries of the one of the other, without their being liable to be disturbed or molested on account of their religious belief. But nothing contained in this article shall be construed to interfere with the exclusive right of the Hawaiian Government to regulate for itself the schools which it may establish or support within its jurisdiction.

    Article XII

    If any ships of war or other vessels be wrecked on the coasts of the states or territories of either of the contracting parties, such ships or vessels, or any parts thereof, and all furniture and appurtenance belonging thereunto, and all goods and merchandise which shall be stored with the least possible delay to the proprietors, upon being claimed by them or their duly authorized factors; and if there are no such proprietors or factors on the spot, then the said goods and merchandise, or the proceeds thereof, as well as all the papers found on board such wrecked ships or vessels, shall be delivered to the American or Hawaiian consul, or vice consul, in whose district the wreck may have taken place; and such consul, vice consul, proprietors, or factors, shall pay on the expenses incurred in the preservation of the property, together with the rate of salvage, and expenses of quarantine which would have been payable in the like case of a wreck of a national vessel; and the goods and merchandise saved from the wreck shall not be subject to duties unless entered for consumption, it being understood that in case of any legal claim upon such wreck, goods, or merchandise, the same shall be referred for decision of the competent tribunals of the country.

    Article XIII

    The vessels of either of the two contracting parties which may be forced by weather or other cause into one of the ports of the other, shall be exempt from all duties of port or navigation paid for the benefit of the state, if the motives which led to their seeking refuge be real and evident, and if no cargo be discharged or taken on board, save such as may relate to the substinence of the crew, or be necessary for the repair of the vessels, and if they do not stay in port beyond the time necessary, keeping in view the cause which led to their seeking refuge.

    Article XIV

    The contracting parties mutually agree to surrender, upon official requisition, to the authority of each, all persons who, being charged with the crimes of murder, piracy, arson, robbery, forgery or the utterance of forged paper, committed within the jurisdiction of either, shall be found within the territories of the other; provided, that this shall only be done upon such evidence or criminality as, according to the laws of the place where the person so charged shall be found, would justify his apprehension and commitment for trial if the crime had there been committed: and the respective judges and other magistrates of the two Governments, shall have authority, upon complaint made under oath, to issue a warrant for the apprehension of the person do charged, that he may be brought before such judge or other magistrates respectively, to the end that the evidence of criminality may be heard and considered; and if, on such hearing, the evidence be deemed sufficient to sustain the charge, it shall be the duty of the examining judge or magistrate to certify the same to the proper executive authority, that a warrant may issued for the surrender of such fugitive. The expense of such apprehension and delivery shall be borne and defrayed by the party who makes the requisition and receives the fugitive.

    Article XV

    So soon as Steam or other mail packets under the flag of either of the contracting parties, shall have commenced running between their respective ports of entry, the contracting parties agree to receive at the post offices of those ports all mailable matter, and to forward it as directed, the destination being to dome regular post office of either country, charging thereupon the regular postal rate as established by law in the territories of either party receiving said mailable matter, in addition to the original postage of the office whence the mail as sent. Mails for the United States shall be made up at regular intervals at the Hawaiian Post Office, and dispatched to ports of the United States, the postmasters at which ports shall open the same, and forward the enclosed matter as directed, crediting in the Hawaiian Government with their postages as established by law and stamped upon each manuscript or printed sheet.
    All mailable matter destined for the Hawaiian Islands shall be received at the several post office in the United States and forwarded to San Franclsco or other ports on the Pacific coast of the United States, whence the post masters shall despatch it by the regular mail packets to Honolulu, the Hawaiian government agreeing on their part to receive and collect for and credit the Post Office Department of the United State with the United States rates charged thereupon. It shall be optional to prepay the postage on letters in either country, but postage on printed sheets and newspapers shall in all cases be prepaid. The respective post office department of the contracting parties shall in their accounts, which are to be justified annually, be credited with all dead letters returned.

    Article XV

    The present treaty shall be in force from the date of the exchange of the ratification for the term of ten years, and further, until the end of twelve months after either of the contracting parties all have given notice to the other of its intention to terminate the same, each of the said contracting parties reserving to itself the right of giving such notice at the end of the said term of ten years, or at any subsequent term.
    Any citizen or subject of either party infringing the articles of this treaty shall be held responsible for the same and the harmony and good correspondence between the two governments shall not be interrupted thereby, each party engaging in no way to protect the offender or sanction such violation.

    Article XVII

    The present treaty hall be ratified by the President of the United States of America, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate of said States, and by His Majesty the King of the Hawaiian Islands, by and with the advice of his Privy Council of State, and the ratifications shall be exchanged at Honolulu within eighteen months from the date of its signature, or sooner if possible. In witness whereof, the respective plenipotentiaries have signed the same in triplicate, and have thereto affixed their seals. Done at Washington in the English language, the twentieth day of December, in the year one thousand eight hundred and forty nine.


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    Permalink Reply by Amelia Gora on October 13, 2012 at 1:01am
    Thanks to the 1849 Treaty with the Hawaiian Kingdom, the 1849 U.S. Constitution is locked in and NO President, not even OBAMA can change the U.S. about U.S. President Abraham Lincoln's comment....the 1849 U.S. Constitution is based on the 30 States or the majority...what OBAMA is changing is the Newsstates Constitution, the Second Constitution which affects the 20 States which joined AFTER the 30 States - see John Nelson's article at and read my article at or aloha.
    Permalink Reply by Amelia Gora on October 13, 2012 at 1:05am
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    Permalink Reply by Amelia Gora on October 21, 2012 at 1:26am
    Page Top

    Thanks to the 1849 Hawaiian Treaty the 1849 U.S. Constitution LOCKS IN Freedoms for Americans

    by Amelia Gora 
    (Honolulu, Hawaiian Kingdom)
    Hawaiian Kingdom and U.S./United States/

    United States of America
    1849 "Perpetual" Treaty, etc. 

    by Amelia Gora (2012)
    The Hawaiian Kingdom and the U.S./United States/United States of America's Perpetual Friendship Treaty, etc. continues, remains in effect, signed, approved by the parties involved which made up of the President, Secretary of State, approved by the Senate, House of Representatives or Congress and the Sovereign/Kauikeouli - Kamehameha III, His heirs and successors (of the blood/koko) through his Representative because the Hawaiian Kingdom is made up of three branches: 1) Sovereign - heirs and successors (one of the two Permanent branches); 2) House of Nobles - heirs and successors (second of the two Permanent branches) -descendants/heirs who were connected through genealogies with the Sovereign; and the voted in part 3) House of Representatives - this was a temporary group which conspired, were treasonous and moved to begin the Provisional Government, turned Republic of Hawaii, then annexed by the U.S., turned Territory of Hawaii, and State of Hawaii with documented Oppositions from the Sovereign, Queen Liliuokalani and her subjects of the Hawaiian Kingdom who formed a new House of Representatives.
    The Treaty of 1849 locks in the U.S. Constitution which involves only the 30 States who existed at that time.
    Today, the U.S. Constitution along with the Treaty of 1849 remains a Perpetual setup securing the majority of the States, 30 States, called the United States/U.S./U.S.A./United States of America remains in effect.
    The 30 States locked into the Treaty, and the U.S. Constitution:
    Delaware Dec. 7, 1787
    1 st The first of the original 13 colonies.
    Pennsylvania Dec. 12, 1787
    2 nd The second of the original 13 colonies.
    New Jersey Dec. 18, 1787
    3 rd The third of the original 13 colonies.
    Georgia Jan. 2, 1788
    4 th The fourth of the original 13 colonies
    Connecticut Jan. 9, 1788
    5 th The fifth of the original 13 colonies.
    Massachusetts Feb. 6, 1788
    6 th The sixth of the original 13 colonies
    Maryland April 28, 1788
    7 th The seventh of the original 13 colonies.
    South Carolina May 23, 1788
    8 th The eighth of the original 13 colonies.
    New Hampshire June 21, 1788
    9 th The ninth of the original 13 colonies
    Virginia June 25, 1788
    10 th The 10th of the original 13 colonies.
    New York July 26, 1788
    11 th The 11th of the original 13 colonies.
    North Carolina Nov. 21, 1789
    12 th The 12th of the original 13 colonies.
    Rhode Island May 29, 1790
    13 th The 13th of the original 13 colonies.
    Vermont March 4, 1791
    14 th Until statehood, had been a region claimed by both New York and New Hampshire
    Kentucky June 1, 1792
    15 th Never a territory, it was part of Virginia until statehood.
    Tennessee June 1, 1796
    16 th Was Southwest Territory before statehood.
    Ohio March 1, 1803
    17 th Was part of the Northwest Territory until statehood.
    Louisiana April 30, 1812
    18 th With certain boundary changes, had been the Territory of Orleans.
    Indiana Dec. 11, 1816
    19 th There was a residue of Indiana Territory that continued to exist under that name until Dec. 3, 1818, when it was attached to Michigan Territory.
    Mississippi Dec. 10, 1817
    20 th Territory by Act of April 7, 1798, effective May 7, 1798.
    Illinois Dec. 3, 1818
    21 st .
    Alabama Dec. 14, 1819
    22 nd Territory by Act of March 3, 1817, effective Aug. 15, 1817.
    Maine March 15, 1820
    23 rd What is now the state of Maine was, before statehood, called the District of Maine and belonged to Massachusetts.
    Missouri Aug. 10, 1821
    24 th The state was much smaller than the territory. The area to the west and northwest of the state, which had been in the territory, was commonly known as the "Missouri Country" until May 30, 1854, and certain of the post offices in this area show a Missouri abbreviation in the postmark.
    Arkansas June 15, 1836
    25 th The territory was larger than the state. After statehood the leftover area to the west had post offices that continued for some years to use an Arkansas abbreviation in the postmarks, although they were really in the "Indian Country."
    Michigan Jan. 26., 1837
    26 th .
    Florida March 3, 1845
    27 th .
    Texas Dec. 29, 1845
    28 th Was an independent republic before statehood.
    Iowa Dec. 28, 1846
    29 th .
    Wisconsin May 29, 1848
    30 th The state is smaller than the territory and the leftover area continued to be called the Territory of Wisconsin until March 3, 1849.
    The other additional/added 20 new States (including the Republic of Hawaii) were not part of the Treaty. Depending on what was written in their Constitution when their State was formed, they may or may not be included in the perpetual agreement. 
    In the case of the Hawaiian Kingdom and the Republic of Hawaii, both have different authorities, and one is a Nation vs. the other a set up, premeditated State supported by the U.S., England, Morgan bankers (includes Bank of England) based on the 1822 Secret Treaty of Verona pact, 1918 Congressional discussion with the States - 30 with the Perpetual Treaty and the newly added 18 States which remained a minority of States.
    The Republic of Hawaii turned Territory of Hawaii then State of Hawaii with Oppositions every step of the way became the 50 th State by Presidential Executive Order behind of the 49th State of Alaska, both bodies of land being disconnected/disjointed/non-contiguous from the U.S. Nation and cannot normally be called United States/U.S./United States of America based on the failure to be identified as a contiguous land mass associated with States being United, a Nation recognized under the Law of Nations.
    The added 18 States from 1850 through 1912 became the "Newstates" added to the U.S. Constitution. The 18 States were: 
    California Sept. 9, 1850
    31 st Ceded by Mexico by the Treaty of Guadalupe-Hidalgo, concluded Feb. 2, 1848, and proclaimed July 4, 1848. From then until statehood, California had a military government until Dec. 20, 1849, and then a local civil government. It never had a territorial form of government.
    Minnesota May 11, 1858
    32 nd .
    Oregon Feb. 14, 1859
    33 rd .
    Kansas Jan. 29, 1861
    34 th .
    West Virginia June 20, 1863
    35 th Was part of Virginia until statehood.
    Nevada Oct. 31, 1864
    36 th .
    Nebraska March 1, 1867
    37 th .
    Colorado Aug. 1, 1876
    38 th .
    North Dakota Nov. 2, 1889
    39 th or 40 th Was part of Dakota Territory before statehood. Admitted on same day as South Dakota
    South Dakota Nov. 2, 1889
    39 th or 40 th Was part of Dakota Territory before statehood. Admitted on same day as North Dakota
    Montana Nov. 8, 1889
    41 st .
    Washington Nov. 11, 1889
    42 nd .
    Idaho July 3, 1890
    43 rd .
    Wyoming July 10, 1890
    44 th .
    Utah Jan. 4, 1896
    45 th .
    Oklahoma Nov. 16, 1907
    46 th The state was formed from Oklahoma Territory and Indian Territory.
    New Mexico Jan. 6, 1912
    47th .
    Arizona Feb. 14, 1912
    48 th This region was sometimes called Arizona before 1863, although it was still in the Territory of New Mexico.
    In 1916, Congressional Notes records that the issues of the 1822 Secret Treaty of Verona was discussed.
    The momentum or the Plan since 1822 was a "One World Order", "New World Order".

    see and view the video:

    1916 - Congress Record - Sen. Owen Treaty of Verona - YouTube 

    ► 4:32► 4:32
    Jan 16, 2009 - 5 min - Uploaded by ForgottenHistoryUSA
    written in 1919 by Senator Owen, where he again warns of theSecret Treaty of Verona. Senator Robert L ...
    More videos for secret treaty of verona »
    Two More States Added:
    Alaska Jan. 3, 1959
    49 th A district from Oct. 18, 1867, until it became an organized territory Aug. 24, 1912.
    Hawaii Aug. 21, 1959
    50 th The territorial date Aug. 12, 1898 is that of the formal transfer to the United States, with Sanford B. Dole as first Governor.
    Source: Scott Stamp Monthly (April 1998)
    States Under Duress, Stress, Coercion, Usurpation
    Due to the Financial duress that all 50 States bear for Wars, Plundering Upon Innocents, with the goals of One World Order through the 1822 Secret Treaty of Verona, an additional Constitution approved in 1980 by all 50 States Senators and House of Representatives, this Second Constitution is called the “Constitution For the Newstates Of The United States.”
    see: and see Legal Research by John Nelson

    Nevertheless, Kenyan born Obama puts out the "tradition based" Executive Orders from Washington, D.C., an area that is not even part of the United States and upholds the Financial "Constitution For the Newstates Of The United States" while the 1849 Perpetual Treaty with the Hawaiian Kingdom and the U.S. Constitution exists with the majority of the States remains in place to this day.

    The Hawaiian Kingdom exists today because the Sovereigns heirs, descendants of Successors, House of Nobles descendants, heirs of the Permanent branches exists today, which also means that the Crown Lands are owned by the Sovereign, House of Nobles, Heirs/descendants/ Successors whose ancestor Kamehameha did form the Hawaiian Kingdom, and these lands are not the "ceded lands", etc. 

    Additionally, the alodio/ano alodio system remains, which means all kanaka maoli have the true titles to the lands, etc.


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