Sunday, June 16, 2013

PIRATES AND PARASITES IN PARADISE - Includes Exposing America the lands of 10% - Part 2

> Lastly,
> Queen Liliuokalani documented that the U.S. breached the Law of
Nations. The League of Nations was formed, the CFR/Council on
Foreign Relations which departed from the Law of Nations.
> PLUNDERING UPON INNOCENTS -III addresses another area showing
conspiracies, criminal deviance affecting Hawaii and the World today:
> A Brief History of the Laws of Nations, U.S. Bonds, the
> League of Nations, CFR , the United Nations,
> and One World Order
> Compiled by Amelia Kuulei Gora (2003)
> One of Kamehameha’s descendants, a Royal Person not subject to the
> laws
> Introduction:
> In the continuing move against WAR, violence, killing of INNOCENTS
> nuclear weapons, fallout, germ warfare, the following information
> been prepared for the INNOCENTS ¡V men, women, and children, people
> all countries: Hawaii, Abroad, and the United States.
> Brief History Since the Civil War: Laws of Nations
> The Laws of Nations were a set of laws recognized by Nations in the
> world. Adherence to respect of sovereigns, individual Nations were
> agreed upon. The Laws were based on hundreds of years development.
> Hawaii’s Queen Liliuokalani studied the Laws of Nations and stated
> that the United States was IN BREACH OF THE LAWS OF NATIONS.
> Under the Laws of Nations, bankrupt countries could NOT TREATY.
> Nations cannot take over a peaceful, neutral country.
> The move away from the Laws of Nations by the United States began in
> 1919 through the League of Nations, then the United Nations in 1945.
> Brief History Since the Civil War: Bonds Issues
> 1861 – Civil War began.
> U.S. President Abraham Lincoln, 16th President (1807-1865) desired
> limit Slavery within boundaries. Lincoln insisted that saving the
> Union was necessary and not destroying Slavery. Contrary to the
> advice of his Cabinet, Lincoln provisioned and defended Fort Sumter;
> Seward asked him to step down; Fort Sumter surrendered; Lincoln
> called for 75,000 volunteers; Union army routed at Bull Run; Second
> defeat at Bull Run; and Antietam victory.
> The Confederates of the South formed their own government with
> Jefferson Davis as their President: A. H. Stephens, Vice-President.
> “During the Civil War period, English capital as a whole had not
> flowed very freely to the Northern States. Tied to the South by the
> long established bonds of her cotton trade, the English were at
> more inclined to buy Confederate than Union bonds.”
> “The Germans, however, as a whole were more sympathetic towards the
> North, as the great body of German immigrants following the uprising
> of 1848 were Northerners and strong supporters of the Union. And
> the six per cent Union bonds had fallen to sixty cents on the dollar
> in gold, the Germans, and especially the rich South German Jews,
> began to sell their own and invest in American securities. To the
> German Jews, America became the “land of ten per cent.”

1862 – In the U.S., Congress passed an act to prevent polygamy in
> Territories. (Not applicable to Hawaii.)
> 1863 – In the United States, National Banks had their origin during
> the Civil War, in the Acts of February 25, 1863 and June 3, 1864.
> Union Government had money problems due to the enormous expenses of
> the Civil War; the gold rate was discounted since December 30, 1861.
> The currency, gold and silver were nearly out of circulation
> excepting the Pacific Coast. The U.S. notes (greenbacks) became
> depreciated and a national banking system became necessary to
> and stabilize the currency. A certain proportion of each bank’s
> capital was required to be invested in U.S. Bonds, secured in $100
> portions. Bank notes would be issued for $90. (This requirement
> remained until 1914 when changes were made due to the Federal
> Act.)
> President Lincoln stated that the Civil War was a noble cause for
> North and that they would look good in the “eyes of the world.” The
> Emancipation Proclamation document of 1863 was announced and it did
> NOT free Slaves. Moves to amend the Thirteenth amendment was made
> was not ratified until after Lincoln’s assasination.
> Lincoln was re-elected, inaugurated; gave his last speech; was shot
> during intermission while talking about future plans with his wife
> Mary and stated that, “There is No Place I Should Like So Much To
> As JERUSALEM.” These were his last words.
> 1865 ¡V The United States Civil War of 1861 ¡V 1865, costs were
> great,
> the national debt was $2,756,431,570. The debt was enhanced since
> 1860 the national debt stood at $60,000,000. In other words, the
> United States Civil War cost $2,696,431,570. The debt was finally
> paid off in 1934.
> The English funded the Confederates and lost monies.
> The Germans, German Jews, funded the Union and gained 10%.
> Note: Six million Jews in Germany were exterminated in World War II.
> Research incomplete.
> 1869 ¡V House of Jay Cooke and Company “estimated that by 1869 at
> least a billion dollars’ worth of U.S. bonds were held abroad, of
> which a large proportion were held in South Germany. This large
> investment had established a new and powerful business interest in
> America ¡Vthe Jewish bond dealers, with foreign connections in the
> great European money center of Frankfort. With this new group of
> financial merchants Cooke had naturally allied himself, since the
> greatest source of English capital was only to be tapped through the
> Drexel-Morgan interests.”
> Rothschilds “offered themselves as Cooke’s associates in future
> enterprises. “
> 1870 ¡V J.S. Morgan and Company “had taken a French loan of
> 250,000,000 francs. It was a syndicate operation and one of the
> largest and boldest ever known.”
> “¡Kthe Germans had crushed the French army at Sedan, had taken the
> Emperor Louis Napoleon prisoner, and had besieged Paris.” A loan,
> taken under the authority of Tours provisional government with bonds
> offered to the public at risk by the Morgan firm. “¡Kthe syndicate
> believed to have cleared $5,000,000 by the transaction. “
> “The house of Morgan, was thus well established among European
> bankers¡K”
> 1873 ¡V A U.S. financial panic occurred.
> Morgan helped finance the American railroads: The Northern Pacific,
> Union Pacific. Investors (Great Britain citizens, on the Continent,
> and in the eastern parts of the U.S.) securities for the railroads
> dwindled away and they looked to Morgan to rescue them.
> House of Dabney, Morgan and Company was connected with London’s firm
> J.S. Morgan and Company.” The name had changed to Drexel, Morgan and
> Company.
> The Morgan combined with Levi P. Morton, “secured a half interest
> In the government refunding operation involving a sale of
> $300,000,000 of bonds.
> The company changed their name to Drexel-Morgan- Morton associates.
> 1875 ¡V January 30: a Convention was held. The subject of Commercial
> Reciprocity with the U.S. became of issue. Ratifications were
> exchanged at Washington on June 3. The Senate’s ratifications were
> secured by President Grant and the “trade treaty” appeared to have
> the American sphere of influence on the Hawaiian Islands.
> 1876 – England, Germany, and France held U.S. Bonds.
> A Fraud deed to lands including PEARL HARBOR was made by Hawaii’s
> King David Kalakaua and presented as EXHIBIT D in the Halawa
> Condemnation Case No. 92-2435-07 State of Hawaii by its Atoorney
> General v. Robert Kalani Uichi Kihune, Ronald Dale Libkuman,
> Constance Hee Lau, David Paul C o o n, and Francis ahloy Keala,
> Interim Trustees under the Will of the Estate of Bernice Pauahi
> Bishop etals. The TRUST claiming Bernice Pauahi “the last of the
> Kamehameha’s” , a FRAUD issue.
> Therefore, the claims to PEARL HARBOR, Kingdom of Hawaii, by the
> United States IS BASED ON FRAUD¡K..thousands/ millions of
> A United States representative approached the Kingdom of Hawaii -
> Hawaii’s House of Nobles and asked for a loan, a bond (See
> explanation of the bonds/U.S.Bonds) would be given and only interest
> would be payable. The loan could go on for thousands of years and
> agreement to not demand for payments other than the interest was
> unacceptable and not approved.
> A debt chart of the following countries were found in King
> films documented at the Archives and Honolulu’s main Library:
> Hawaii
> Wurtemburg ¡V former S.W. Germany
> Saxony ¡V former S. East Germany
> Baden ¡V former S.W. Germany
> Hesse ¡V State in E. West Germany
> Mauritius ¡V Island in the Indian Ocean, formerly French, English,
> then self
> Hawaii had a 6 figure debt vs. the others with 7-9 figure debts.
> “Drexel, Morgan and Company¡Kadded greatly to American prestige
> abroad. For more than 40 years the U.S. had been a burial ground for
> British capital.”
> 1889 ¡V The Pacific Cable Company was formed in Hawaii whose members
> embraced nearly all of the principal businessmen and sugar agents,
> including:
> William G. Irwin/William G. Irwin ¡V Claus sprekels and Co. bank
> partner; Bank of Honolulu;p merged with Bishop & Co. bank, sugar
> planter and property investor; King David Kalakaua’s close friend;
> 1887 Privy Council member.
> H. F. Glade
> P.C. Jones/Peter Cushman Jones ¡V C.L. Richards shipping company
> partner; C. Brewer & Co. partner; president; Hawaiian Trust Co.
> founder with son Edwin Austin Jones. He was instrumental in the
> wrongful dethronement of Kingdom of Hawaii’s Queen Liliuokalani.
> H.A. Widemann
> James Campbell ¡V Harry Turton, partner; Pioneer Mill founder;
> Plantation owner; Honouliuli rancher; telephone and electric-light
> company owner; land investor.
> C.R. Bishop/Charles Reed Bishop ¡V Aldrich & Bishop mercantile
> business; Bank of Bishop/Bishop & Co. Ltd/First Hawaiian Bank;
> Attorney; married Bernice Pauahi; Noble (1860); Legislature life
> member; Privy Council member during the time of Kamehameha IV;
> Kamehameha V; King William Lunalilo; King David Kalakaua; and Queen
> Liliuokalani; plantation owner.
> He defrauded Queen Liliuokalani, defrauded Kamehameha’s families. He
> left for San Francisco and continued to work for the banks.
> He is the topic of several books: PIRATES OF THE PACIFIC: Charles
> Reed Bishop and Friends, and KAMEHAMEHA SCHOOLS: The Lair of
> Conspiracies.
> S.N. Castle/Samuel Northrup Castle ¡V Missionary; Castle & Cooke
> co-
> founder; Privy Councillor-20 years; Punahous School Treasurer and
> Trustee; Legislature; House of Nobles (3 sessions).
> J.T. Waterhouse/John Thomas Waterhouse ¡V Waterhouse Investment Co.
> W.W. Dimond;. H. May & Co.; Waterhouse Trust Co.; Kaumakapili
> preacher (10 years) Kawaiahao Sunday School supt.; Central Union
> Church officer; First Methodist Church founder and trustee; Trustee
> of Sailor’s Home; Unity Home; Lunalilo Home and Queen’s Hospital
> treasurer.
> Unnamed others.
> It was estimated “that the expense from Honolulu to San Francisco”
> would be “$1,500,000 to $2,000,000. There has already been
> in Honolulu the sum of $750,000 of the Capital Stock.”
> “The Company proposed to get further stock subscribed for in San
> Francisco, and issue bonds for what further capital they may
> require¡K”
> Notes: The Pacific Cable Company was a planned company appearing to
> be conceived in August 1878. It was based on the fear of the United
> States that the Japanese would infiltrate San Francisco, Seattle,
> Portland and Los Angeles. It was estimated that it would take more
> than 10 years to get them out.
> A comparative study of Japanese Military (how many persons could fit
> a ship vs. Americans based on height, weight, etc.) is detailed in
> THE VALOR OF IGNORANCE (1906) by Homer Lea. Surveillance charts,
> detailed travel charts and the circled strategic areas, Hawaii,
> and Antarctica, with miles to California is included in the book.
> Affidavit/lien No. 96-177455 (281 pages) filed on 12/17/1996 at the
> Bureau of Conveyances, Honolulu, Hawaii, include some of these
> along with CLAIMS, GENEALOGIES, FRAUD, GENOCIDE, etc. issues.
> The United States, Great Britain and Germany devised a three-way
> protectorate over the “islands”, Hawaii and Samoa. Reference: THE
> Johnson (1950) Ginn and Company.
> “Anticipated annexation” as an American policy towards Hawaii and
> Samoa was planned. The executive move to acquire and control both
> Hawaii and Samoa were reluctantly backed by the Senate until the
> Spanish- American War in 1898.
> 1890 ¡V U.S. Sherman Act “aimed particularly at combinations in
> restraint of trade, had frightened investors away from ¡Kindustrial
> trusts.”
> Banking and investment prejudices were against the reorganized
> industrial trusts: Standard Oil Trust, the Cordage Trust, the Sugar
> Trust and the Whiskey Trust.
> 1891 – Lorrin A. Thurston, conspirator documented by Queen
> Liliuokalani, offered to purchase the Hawaiian Islands for
> approximately $60,000.
> A U.S. agent through the Annexation Club offered Queen Liliuokalani
> $250,000 to purchase the Hawaiian Islands.
> United States Secretary of the Navy, B.F. Tracy, met with Makua
> Valley rancher, Samuel Andrews nephew, Lorrin A. thurston during
> the “preliminary contemplation¡ Kof overthrowing the Monarchy”, and
> talked about annexation.
> In the United States: Grover Cleveland of New York, won the popular
> vote for Presidency, Grover Cleveland was the first cousin of a New
> York banker whose family resided in Hawaii. The New York banker’s
> (bank was known s the City & County Savings Bank) son was John
> Scott
> Boyd Pratt who married Charles Hastings Judd’s twin sister Sarah.
> Sarah, Charles, and Albert Francis Judd were the children of early
> Genocide leader Gerritt Parmele Judd.
> Hawaii’s Minister to Washington HAP Carter, wrote to Banker Pratt in
> New York asking him to interest President Cleveland in the
> of Hawaii. Due to too many political reasons, the action was opposed
> at that time.
> 1893 ¡V U.S. was in a Depression. Financial panic was recorded.
> Panic of 1893, President Cleveland made a loan from the J.P. Morgan
> N.M. Rothchilds Syndicate, which was formed in 1870. Suspicion was
> President Cleveland due to his allowance of the Nation’s money being
> in absolute control by private interests, Morgan, Belmont, and the
> Rothschilds. The country was shocked by the huge profit that was
> rendered to the private interests.
> Important Note: President Cleveland’s first cousin was a banker from
> a large bank, which became the City & County Savings Bank in
> Albany,
> New York. His first cousin was James Hyde Pratt whose Hawaii
> son John Scott Boyd Pratt married Sarah Dickson, daughter of Charles
> Hastings Judd’s twin sister Laura Fish Judd II, whose brother was
> Albert Francis Judd, Supreme Court Justice of the Provisional entity
> in Hawaii. They were the children of Gerritt Parmele Judd, early
> Genocide leader, documented thief of the Kingdom of Hawaii.
> Queen Liliuokalani, Sovereign of the Kindom of Hawaii, was
> dethroned by American businessmen backed by the United States.
> Queen Liliuokalani stated that the United States was in BREACH of
> Laws of Nations.
> Loans made by banker Charles Reed Bishop for millions of dollars
> the Kingdom of Hawaii was due.
> Treasury funds documented at $279,291.53, gold bullions, gold coins,
> shipping fees, rents, leases, jewelry, artifacts, buildings, taxes
> were wrongfully assumed by American businessmen who owed loans due
> their investments in the Pacific Cable Company for the main purpose
> of informing the U.S. that the Japanese were heading towards the
> Continent.
> Criminal removal and theft of valuables from the Iolani Palace
> occurred after the wrongful dethronement of Queen Liliuokalani.
> Furniture, jewelry, carpets, etc. were put up on the auction block.
> Unscrupulous, immoral creatures made purchases.
> Books, important documents, artifacts, personal belongings were
> removed from the Iolani Palace and thrown into a landfill on the Ewa
> Plains. The exact location is known by a few because King David
> Kalakaua’s jeweled laden belt buckle was uncovered along with other
> things.
> Four (5) United States Civil War Generals or their families
> documented in Hawaii prior to the wrongful, illegal dethronement of
> Queen Liliuokalani. They were:
> (1) Walter Gresham
> (2) Lfred Hartwell
> (3) Carl Schurz
> (4) Samuel Armstrong
> (5) Robert E. Lee – current U.S. President Barack Obama’s ancestor
> Queen Liliuokalani was surrounded by Masons, a secret society of
> bankers, businessmen whose goal was to break down Monarchial
> governments. See: WARGAMES by Thomas B. Allen and ¡KTHE TRUTH SHALL
> SET YOU FREE by David Icke.
> The Masons included: Charles Reed Bishop married to Bernice Pauahi
> her hanai/adopted sister; Archibald Cleghorn, head of the Mess
> British Club turned Pacific Club married to her sister Miriam
> Likelike; her brother King David Kalakaua was also a member. Earlier
> members included Kamehameha IV, Kamehameha V.
> Congress called Queen Liliuokalani and her 40,000 subjects NIGGERS.
> Congressional notes document the facts. Political cartoons, and
> editorials further document the prejudice labeling of the time also.
> 1894 ¡V The Reciprocity Treaty of the Kingdom of Hawaii expired.
1895-1896 U.S. President Cleveland was on record for giving Hawaii back to Queen Liliuokalani.

SAYS GOVERNMENT SUPPORTS TRUSTS; Mr. Hitchcock Condemns System of Army and Navy Contracts. ARMOR PLATE AS EXAMPLE Beef Trust, Shipbuilding Trust, and Railroads Cited — Bates Calls Cleveland a Receptive Candidate.

WASHINGTON, Feb. 20. — That the Federal Government, which is supposed to be after the trusts, is making large contracts with them and paying them the people’s money, was charged by Representative Hitchcock (Dem., Neb.) in the course of a vigorous criticism of the army and navy expenditures in the House to-day.
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Note:  In Queen Liliuokalani’s book HAWAII’S STORY BY HAWAII’S QUEEN she stated that she was not able to send dispatches out….which means, she was not able to receive anything either.

Queen Liliuokalani along with her subjects have been lied to all along.  Everything pertaining to Annexation, Statehood, which was made a State thru Executive Orders, are all based on criminal deviance, piracy(ies), piracy on the high seas, racketeering, etc.
> 1897 – Standard Oil, others, and “the American Sugar Refining
> and the American Tobacco Company” reorganized to conform to the law
> after the Republican party returned to power. Holding companies were
> formed instead of placing the control in “trustees”.
> Industrial promoters sought “banking support in Wall Street.” The
> following companies obtained financing:
> „« American Tobacco Company ¡V Allen and Ginter of Richmond, W.
> Duke, =
> Sons and company of Durham, North Carolina
> „« Amalgamated Copper Company ¡VHenry H. Rogers
> „« American Smelting and Refining Company
> „« American Woolen Company
> „« American Car and Foundry Company
> „« American Hide and Leather Company
> „« International Paper Company
> „« Federal Steel Company holder of the following stocks of:
> „« Illinois Steel Company
> „« Minnesota Iron Company
> „« Lorain Steel Company
> „« Elgin
> „« Joliet
> „« Eastern Railway
> „« American Steel and Wire Company
> „« American Tin Plate Company
> „« American Steel Hoop Company
> „« National Steel Company
> „« National Tube Company
> „« American Bridge Company
> Others
> 1898 – Spanish ¡V American War financed at the expense of the
> of Hawaii’s monies. Food, drinks, etc. were supplied to American
> military stopping over to fight the Spanish. Spain’s consulate had
> approached the entity Provisional government and was told they were
> not neutral and sided with the United States.
> NOTES: Queen Liliuokalani of the Kingdom of Hawaii maintained
> NEUTRALITY. She also maintained that the United States had BREACHED
> the Law of Nations by the wrongful dethronement.
> The issue of the entity Provisional government was neither de facto
> nor de jure was another matter of the BREACH of the Law of Nations.
> The failure to maintain the postion of NEUTRALITY by the Entity made
> the record with the Third issue of BREACH against the Law of
> Japan and Germany questioned the dethronement, further making the
> United States and the entity backed with at least five (5) charges
> BREACH against the Law of Nations.
The primary nations who questioned the U.S. and were warred with follows:
1)  Spain – Spanish American War 1898
2)  Germany – World War I
3)  Japan – World War II
4)  Iraq – continued Plundering among Innocents
5)  Hawaii/Hawaiian Kingdom citizens by the U.S., England, Morgan bankers (including the International bankers) through the military who have used, and move to continue to use depleted uranium, and other toxic bombs, weapons, etc. in our environment.  They are truly belligerent occupiers who have been discovered.
They have been given Eviction Notices/Notices to Vacate Makua, Schofield, Pohakuloa etc. because of Private Properties, lands belonging to the Royal families who still exist, and are the legal owners of the Crown Lands dubbed Ceded lands by the Pirates in Hawaii.
Research incomplete.
> 1899 ¡V All the lighting companies in New York City were merged with
> the Edison Illuminating Company of New York.
> 1906 ¡V “The wild speculation caused a steadily increasing strain on
> credit¡Kthe New York banks reported a deficit in reserves and
> to the U.S. Treasury for surplus gold.”
> 1907 ¡V The Sherman Act invoked by President Roosevelt was “invoked
> against the Northern Securities Company, and that gigantic product
> the spirit of consolidation had been dissolved by decree of court.
> The Panic of 1907 caused Washington “to take action against the
> trusts”. Suits were taken out “against the Steel Trust, the
> Trust, and a great many others”.
> 1911 ¡V “The Supreme Court ordered the dissolution of Standard Oil
> Tobacco and of a large number of smaller trusts as well.”
> The Government regulated the large industries by “prohibiting
> interlocking directorates¡ K”.
> 1914 ¡V Europe’s Stock Exchanges closed their doors due to the
> The Bank of England had a run by citizens removing their monies.
> The New York Stock Exchange also closed its’ doors.
> “¡Kthe United States was still the financial dependent of Europe.”
> England purchased U.S. government and South American countries
> government and municipal bonds.
> 1915 – “The British Government vetoed all operations of this kind
> informed the bankers that their resources must be used exclusively
> for war purposes.”
> Great Britain “had not only met her own expenditures, but had made
> advances on a huge scale to France, Italy, Russia, Belgium, Serbia,
> and the other Entente combatants.”
> Wall Street, for a while limited activities to lending Great Britain
> $200,000,000 at the time of the South African War.
> Wall Street loaned Japan $50,000,000 at the time of the Russian War.
> France and England were requested to pay for their purchases with
> government bonds, instead of cash.
> Credit was extended “floated” for foreign government loans. After
> $500,000,000 amount, Wall Street allowed “pledging American
> securities.”
> 1916 – Wall Street became a international money market:
> – “more than a third of all the gold in the world soon found its way
> to New York.
> – U.S. “discovered that Europe owed her far more money than she had
> ever owed Europe.”
> – Under the pressure of War, American armies, American mines,
> American steel mills, American farms, and American money became
> powerful elements in war.
> 1917 ¡V Queen Liliuokalani died. Oppositions to the criminal
> conspiracies over the Kingdom of Hawaii remains. She stated in her
> documents that the claimed government which claimed itself a
> Provisional government, was neither a de facto nor a de jure
> government. It was an entity. It was American conspirators, updated
> term TERRORISTS, backed by the United States government.
> The United States “besides spending enormous sums on its own
> preparations, was able to lend nearly $10,000,000, 000 to European
> Governments in little less than two years.
> The United States had been a neutral nation, however, power in
> financing developed during the period.
> The U.S. government bonds for the Civil War, 5-20 bonds of 1863 sold
> for nearly $400,000,000 using solicitors visiting door to door in
> U.S., promotions through handbills, posters, brass bands, and
> parades.”
> Creator of the German mercantile marine, Albert Ballin stated, “we
> are mad, we have done a disastrouds thing, a thing which will throw
> its shadow over our economic life for a generation.”
> April 6. United States entered World War I against Germany.
> 1918 ¡V Wall Street “emerged from the war with greatly enhanced
> prestige. Without the financial support which it placed at the
> Government’s disposal, without the mammoth industrial organization
> which America had developed since 1865, the U.S. would have counted
> for little in the struggle.”
> November 11. World War I ended. The United States reported the
> estimated gross cost as $30,177,000, 000.
> Brief History of the League of Nations
> 1919 ¡V Versailles Peace Conference ¡V A permanent Court of Justice
> and
> a network of Organizations developed. Controlling of Worldwide
> began with the Global Elite structures recruiting and supporting the
> New World Order. Britain’s, Lord Milner’s Round Table members, and
> the United States, President Woodrow Wilson, Colonel
> House’s `Inquiry’ group attended. Wilson worked to establish the
> LEAGUE OF NATIONS with “America’s allies in World War I ¡V Great
> Britain, France, Italy, and Japan.”
> The U.S. Senate rejected the plan, leaving the U.S. out and without
> membership.
> The League of Nations, headquartered in the Palace of Nations in
> Geneva, Switzerland. The assembly, council and secretariat were the
> three main bodies. The Permanent Court of International Justice, the
> Permanent Mandates Commission, the International Labor Organisation,
> health, communications and child welfare sections were added.
> The United States became transformed “into a nation of investors”.
> United States Bonds
> “In addition to raising funds by the various forms of taxation ¡K
> Congress is authorized, when the present resources of the Nation are
> insufficient, to borrow on its credit¡Xthat is, to raise money upon
> the RESOURCES and paying power of FUTURE years. Even if sufficient
> funds could be raised at once for a WAR or OTHER GREAT EMERGENCY, it
> would not be fair to lay the burden wholly upon the present
> generation. Therefore Congress raises part of needed funds by heavy
> income taxes, by stamp taxes on many kinds of sales and other
> transactions, and by various sorts of special taxes devised for the
> emergency and removed when it ha passed. But it transfers a part of
> the burden to future generations by the issue of bonds, which are
> like the promissory note of a person, a simple statement that at a
> time named the United States will pay to the bearer a specified
> amount of money, with interest paid twice a year in the meanwhile.
> The people at large buy those bonds as an investment, but the taxes
> out of which the Nation finally pays the holder of the bond or note
> are collected in later years and generally from a later generation.”
> 1921 ¡V Council of Foreign Relations (CFR) was formed.
> “¡Kevery President of the United States has been a member except for
> Ronald Reagan.”
> The Council of Foreign Relations (CFR) with England’s input, formed
> the United Nations, the successor of the League of Nations.
> 1933 – “The United States went “Bankrupt” in 1933 and was declared
> by President Roosevelt by Executive Orders 6073, 6102, 6111 and
> Executive Order 6260 (See: Senate Report 93-549, pgs 187 & 594
> under
> the “Trading With the Enemy Act” (Sixty-Fifth Congress, Sess. I,
> 105, 106, October 6, 1917), and as codified at 12 U.S.C.A. 95a).”
> Emergency agencies were put in place, such as: Social Security
> Administration, Council of State Governments etc.
> The Emergency agencies operated under the “Declaration of
> INTERdependence” .
> “The Constitution of the united States of AMERICA has been in
> suspension by “emergency and war powers” without Congressional and
> Presidential termination, from March 7, 1933 to the present day,”
> said Gene Schroder author of EMERGENCY AND WAR POWERS.
> Note: “The contrived “emergency” has created numerous abuses and
> usurpation’s, and abridgments of delegated Powers and Authority. As
> stated in Senate Report 93-549:
> “These proclamations give force to 470 provisions of Federal law.
> These hundreds of statutes delegate to the President extraordinary
> powers, ordinarily exercised by the Congress, which affect the lives
> of American citizens in a host of all-encompassing manners. Thi vast
> range of powers, taken together, confer enough authority to rule the
> country without reference to normal constitutional process.”
> “Under the powers delegated by these statutes, the President may
> seize property, organize and control the means of production; seize
> commodities; assign military forces abroad; institute martial law;
> seize and control all transportation and communication; regulate the
> operation of private enterprise; restrict travel; and in a plethora
> of particular ways, control the lives of all American citizens”
> Foreword, pg. III)
> Important Note: John B. Nelson’s research in 16 American
> Jurisprudence, 2nd Edition, Sections 71 and 82, “no “emergency”
> justifies a violation of any Constitutional provision. Abridgment
> occurred in Senate Report No. 93-549 under Arguendo, “Supremacy
> Clause” and “Separation of Powers”.
> (Note: The current U.S. President appears to be exercising his
> position based on the Powers granted in the paragraphs above.)
> 1934 – The Civil War debts (1861-1865) which paid for weaponry for
> approximately 4,000,000 men was paid off ¡V 69 years later.
> 1937 ¡V The criminal use of Lot Kamehameha’s signature/Kamehameh a
> signature was used in the Kohala Sugar Company’s documents, approved
> by U.S. President appointed Governor in Hawaii, J.B. Poindexter. The
> document authorized the ongoing use of Crown lands, government
> water, etc. It was rationalized and validated by
> Conspirator/ TERRORIST Clarence W. Ashford and allowed to be
> Note: Lot Kamehameha/Kamehame ha V died in 1863 or 65 years before.
> Genealogies uncover the facts that heirs existed then and exist
IMPORTANT NOTE:  German Jews LOANED America monies and America was known as the "Land of 10%" --- in reason to believe that all Nations who gave LOANS to America were turned on, WARRED with/POUNDED, etc.
> 1939 ¡V World War II ¡V (1939-1945)
> Nearly 30 million people were killed.
> “The United States¡Kentered the second World War during which time
> the “League of Nations was re instituted under the pretense of
> the “United Nations” and the “Bretton Woods Agreement” (See: 60
> 1401). The United States as a corporate body politic (artificial) ,
> came out of the World War II in worse economic shape than when it
> entered¡K”
> 1945 – The United States debt for World War II is placed at around
> $275,000,000, 000.
> 1950 – The U.S. declared Bankruptcy and “Reorganization” . The
> Reorganization is located in Title 5 of the United States Codes
> Annotated¡KThe “Secretary of the Treasury” was appointed as
> the “Receiver” in Bankruptcy. (See. Reorganization Plan No. 26, USCA
> 903, Public Law 94-564, Legislative History, pg. 5967)¡Ketc.
> 1966- “Congress being severely compromised” due to the unlawful and
> unauthorized moves resulting in “governmental, social, industrial
> economic change” in the “de jure” States and in U.S.A. moved “under
> the delusion that they can do both directly and indirectly what they
> were absolutely prohibited from doing”.
> 1976 ¡V “On January 19, 1976, Marjorie S. Holt notes for the
record, a
> second “Declaration of INTERdependence” and clearly identified the
> as a “Communist” organization, and that they were seeking both
> production and monetary control over the Union and the People
> International Organizations promoting the “One World Order” (See: 8
> U.S.C.A. 1101 (40), 50 U.S.C.A. 781 & 783).”
> July 27. “Numerous serious debates were held in Congress, including
> but not limited ¡Kconcerning the International Financial
> and their operations. (See Congressional Record ¡V House, July 27,
> 1976). Representative Ron Paul, Chairman of the House Banking
> Committee, “made numerous references to the true practices of
> the “International” financial institutions, including but not
> to, the conversion of 27,000,000 (27 million) in gold, contributed
> the United States as part of its “quota obligations” , which the
> International Monetary Fund (Governor-Secretary of Treasury) sold
> under some very questionable terms and concessions (See: Public Law
> 94-564, Legislative History, pgs. 5945 & 5946) (See also: The Ron
> Paul Money Book, (1991) by Ron Paul, Plantain Publishing, 837 W.
> Plantation, Clute, Texas 77531).
> The Constitution for the Newstates of America was promoted by Burger
> after resigning as a Supreme Court Justice. ” This Constituton is
> a reiteration of the Communist Doctrines, intents and purposes, and
> clearly established a “Police Power” State, under direction and
> control of a self appointed oligarchy.”
> (Note: Perhaps this last paragraph is how the recent President was
> placed into position.)
> 1977 ¡V October 28. “The passage of Public Law 95-147, 91 Stat. 1227
> declared most banking institutions, including State banks, to be
> under direction and control of the corporate “Governor” of the
> International Monetary Fund (See Public Law 94-564, Legislative
> History, pg. 5942, United States Government Manual, 1990/91, pgs.
> 481). The Act further states that:
> “(2) Section 10(a) of the Gold Reserve Act of 1934 (31 U.S.C. 822a
> is amended by striking out the phrase `stabilizing the exchange
> of the dollar’¡K”
> “c. The joint resolution entitled `Joint resolution to assure
> value to the coins and currencies of the United States’, approved
> June 5, 1933 (31 U.S.C. 463) shall not apply to obligations issued
> or after the date of enactment of this section.”
> 1979 ¡V “The Office of Personnel Management (U.S. Federal
> is under direction of the Secretary General of the United Nations.”
> Etc.
> (Ref: 1979 Edition of 22 U.S.C.A. 287, The United Nations, at pg.
> 248, Executive Order No. 10422.”)
> 1980 ¡V January 17. A Constitution: “Constitution of The United
> Nations Industrial Development Organization” was confirmed by the
> President (James Carter) and Senate “with a view to assisting in the
> establishment of a new international economic order”. “The high
> rhetoric is obviously of “Communist” origin and intents.”
> “This was augmented by (Public Law 101-167) 103 Stat. 1195, which
> discloses massive appropriations of re hypothecated debt for the
> general welfare and common defense of other Foreign Powers,
> including “Communist” countries or satellites, International control
> of natural and human resources, etc.etc. A “Resource” is a claim
> of “property” and when related to people constitutes “slavery.”
> 1985 ¡V “A permanent state of “Emergency” was instituted, formed and
> erected within the Union through the contrivances, fraud and avarice
> of the International Financial Institutions, Organizations,
> Corporations and Associations, including the Federal Reserve,
> their “fiscal and depository agent” (See: 22 U.S.C.A. 286d). “This
> has lead to such “Emergency” legislation as the Public Debt Limit-
> Balance Budget and Emergency Deficit Control Act of 1985″, Public
> 99-177, etc.
> 1991 ¡V September 11. President George Bush (Sr.) in his public
> address (See: Weekly Compilation of Presidential Documents)
> admitted “Interdependence” (See also: Public Law 94-564, Legislative
> History, pg. 5950, ” One World Order” (See: Extension of Remarks,
> January 19, 1976, Marjorie S. Holt, 8 U.S.C.A. 1101 (40)),
> affiliation and collusion with the Soviet Union Oligarchy (50
> U.S.C.A. 781), direction by the U.N. (22 U.S.C.A. 611) etc.
> The I.R.S./Internal Revenue Service “is under the direction of the
> Divison of “Human Resources” of the United Nations and the
> Commissioner (INTERNATIONAL) , by the “Office of Personal
> (1979 Edition of 22 U.S.C.A. 287, The United Nations, at pg. 248,
> Executive Order No. 10422). The I.R.S. “is also a member in a one
> hundred fifty (150) nation pact called the “international Criminal
> Police Organization” found at 22 U.S.C.A. 263a.
> The Office of the U.S. Attorney General and associates “are
> soliciting and collecting information for Foreign Principals. (See:
> The United States Government Manual 1990-91, pg. 385; also see, The
> Ron Paul Money Book, supra. Pgs. 250-251) and “Memorandum &
> Agreement” between the Secretary of Treasury/Corporate Governor
> of “The Fund” and “The Bank” and the Office of the U.S. Attorney
> General.
> The Office of Personnel Management “is under direction of the
> Secretary General of the United Nations.)
> 1993 ¡V U.S. President William Clinton apologized to the people for
> the wrongful acts upon Queen Liliuokalani, and the Kingdom of
> A disclaimer was added.
Research shows Premeditation by the U.S. to assume Hawaii in aged books, news articles, archives, libraries, etc..
1995 – Research shows Premeditation by the U.S. to assume Hawaii in aged books, news articles, archives, libraries, etc..
> 1996 ¡V Affidavit/Lien No. 96-177455 (281 pages) filed at the Bureau
> of Conveyances, Honolulu, Hawaii documenting FRAUD, CRIMINAL ISSUES,
> made by one of Kamehameha’s descendants, Amelia Kuulei Gora.
Research shows Premeditation by the U.S. to assume Hawaii in aged books, news articles, archives, libraries, etc..
> 2001 ¡V Oppositions against the Akaka Bill made by Hawaiians/kanaka
> maoli.
> Note: The Akaka Bill is intended to wipe clean all the claims of
> Hawaiian lands from the time of the Great Mahele/Land Division in
> 1848 by a Monarchial government.
> Akaka has also been found to be one of the missionaries/ mercenaries
> descendants from the United States who moves to defraud all
> Hawaiians/kanaka maoli without Jurisdiction.
> Furthermore, imprisonment is intended for researchers. Similarly,
> since 1991, members of the bar who presents oppositions to the
> treasonous issues to a Grand Jury under the Constitution of the
> United States of America (1787) ARREST is possible with a claim of
> obstruction based on Amendment V, C.R.S. 18-11-203, “which defines
> and prescribes punishment for “Seditious Associations” , which is
> applicable to the other constitutions, and the intents and professed
> purposed of their Organizations, Corporations and Associations.
Research shows Premeditation by the U.S. to assume Hawaii in aged books, news articles, archives, libraries, etc..
September 11, 2001 – 9/11 Twin Towers – A Conspiracy targeting the Middle East:  Saddam Hussein of Iraq did question the U.S. about Hawaii.
 8:58 Added to queue

9/11 Truth in 9 Minutes

Comparison videos of known high-rise steel structure fires of the Parque Central Tower Fire, Mandarin Hotel Fire, Windsor Tower Fire with the 
by Cincinnati911Truth | 1 year ago | 19,625 views
 5:11 Added to queue

9/11/01 – CNN News Coverage 1st 5 Minutes

PLEASE READ BEFORE POSTING: 1. I no longer have these videos saved for personal download, sorry. 2. I have posted these videos as a testament to 
by emscrazy001 | 3 years ago | 893,334 views
 10:08 Added to queue

Ten Minute Vid of Bush in Classroom on 9/11

This is film of the president for the five minutes previous to his being “informed” of the “attack” on the World Trade Center and for the five 
by smileycoyote | 3 years ago | 63,750 views
> Oppositions and other issues documented on the Internet at
> forums.delphiforums .com (Great Brittain).
Research shows Premeditation by the U.S. to assume Hawaii in aged books, news articles, archives, libraries, etc..
> 2002 – Oppositions against the Akaka Bill maintained by Kamehameha
> descendants.
> Oppositions and other issues documented on the Internet at
> (United States). Issues also documented at Medical
> Journal on topic of Mummies (Great Britain).
Research shows Premeditation by the U.S. to assume Hawaii in aged books, news articles, archives, libraries, etc..
> 2003 – Oppositions against the Akaka Bill maintained by Kamehameha
> descendants, Royal Persons not subject to the laws. Jurisdiction is
> NOT GRANTED to the U.S. Courts in Hawaii. Rents and Leases are due.
Research shows Premeditation by the U.S. to assume Hawaii in aged books, news articles, archives, libraries, etc..
2004 -  Oppositions against the Akaka Bill maintained by Kamehameha
> descendants.
> Oppositions and other issues documented on the Internet at
> (United States). Issues also documented at Medical
> Journal on topic of Mummies (Great Britain).
Research shows Premeditation by the U.S. to assume Hawaii in aged books, news articles, archives, libraries, etc..
> 2005 – Oppositions against the Akaka Bill maintained by Kamehameha
> descendants, Royal Persons not subject to the laws. Jurisdiction is
> NOT GRANTED to the U.S. Courts in Hawaii. Rents and Leases are due.
Research shows Premeditation by the U.S. to assume Hawaii in aged books, news articles, archives, libraries, etc..
> 2006 – Oppositions against the Akaka Bill maintained by Kamehameha
> descendants.
> Oppositions and other issues documented on the Internet at
> (United States). Issues also documented at Medical
> Journal on topic of Mummies (Great Britain).
Research shows Premeditation by the U.S. to assume Hawaii in aged books, news articles, archives, libraries, etc..
> 2007 – Oppositions against the Akaka Bill maintained by Kamehameha
> descendants, Royal Persons not subject to the laws. Jurisdiction is
> NOT GRANTED to the U.S. Courts in Hawaii. Rents and Leases are due.
Research shows Premeditation by the U.S. to assume Hawaii in aged books, news articles, archives, libraries, etc..
> 2008 – Oppositions against the Akaka Bill maintained by Kamehameha
> descendants.
> Oppositions and other issues documented on the Internet at
> (United States). Issues also documented at Medical
> Journal on topic of Mummies (Great Britain).
Research shows Premeditation by the U.S. to assume Hawaii in aged books, news articles, archives, libraries, etc..
> 2009 – Oppositions against the Akaka Bill maintained by Kamehameha
> descendants, Royal Persons not subject to the laws. Jurisdiction is
> NOT GRANTED to the U.S. Courts in Hawaii. Rents and Leases are due.
Research shows Premeditation by the U.S. to assume Hawaii in aged books, news articles, archives, libraries, etc..
2010  – Oppositions against the Akaka Bill maintained by Kamehameha
> descendants.
> Oppositions and other issues documented on the Internet at
> (United States). Issues also documented at Medical
> Journal on topic of Mummies (Great Britain).
Research shows Premeditation by the U.S. to assume Hawaii in aged books, news articles, archives, libraries, etc..
> Summary
> The United States based on fraud, criminal deviance, criminal
> malfeasance with a history of plundering against innocents, and
> acting as arm of the Vatican is currently operating on a second
> Constitution which is unknown to most Americans.
> The permanent state of “emergency” has led up to the claims of
> slavery, the United States President being selected by a group of
> individuals without regard to the citizenry.
> The United States President furthermore operates on Congress
> granted right on more than 470 issues which recognizably becomes a
> role of Communist dictatorship, foreign, conspiracy matters unknown
> to the average American citizen.
> Hawaii’s Queen Liliuokalani maintained that the United States was in
> BREACH of the Law of Nations.
> The historical facts and details uncover some of the issues that all
> people face in Hawaii, Abroad and the United States.
> Most of the Innocents today will cease to exist, unless American
> citizens impeach the current President, or the United Nations
> dismantle or disband. The reasons include reasons of FRAUD, DECEIT
> affecting each nations citizens, and all of humankind.
> Calamity, mass killings of INNOCENTS, pain, suffering, disease,
> contamination, destruction of our ancient societies must be
> prevented. The destruction of our lands, soils, water, air due to
> (S) must be prevented.
> Greed motivated individuals, entities, organizations, including the
> current President of the United States running on a second
> Constitution and leading young uneducated soldiers, mostly
> cannot be allowed to maintain and perpetuate FRAUD against his own
> American Citizens/Slaves and all Nations.
> May God Bless INNOCENTS always. Aloha.
> References: “The United States Is Bankrupt Now ¡V Documented
> Re: Senate Report No. 93-549, Etc. by John B. Nelson, Legal
> Scholar
> The UNITED STATES by Amelia Kuulei Gora, one of
> Kamehameha’s Descendants (2001) and 20 other books
> THE MASTERS OF CAPITAL by John Moody (1919) Yale
> University
> Sources and Its Application by Thomas James Norton (1943)
> America’s Future Inc.
Bankrupt U.S., England, and the Morgan bankers (supported by the International bankers) did move to support the dethronement of Queen Liliuokalani in 1893.
The moves to Annex Hawaii to the United States was discussed in many aged articles from the period of Kamehameha III – Kauikeouli, etc.
In 1845, the U.S. claimed to have made a public recognition, but the reality is that many nations knew about the Hawaiian Islands, and Russia for example recognized the Hawaiian Islands as the Hawaiian archipelago in 1818.
Queen Liliuokalani did temporarily yield to the U.S. President only.  Cleveland had just won the election, U.S. President Benjamin Harrison, a bankrupt American Civil War General, and his bankrupt bank owner Vice President Morton who was an expert in international money transfers lost the election.
It was on record that President Cleveland returned Hawaii to Queen Liliuokalani.  See and our Queen and 40,000 subjects and supporters were lied to, as well as many of their descendants today.
> After Queen Liliuokalani died in 1917, it appears that Wars were
fought for the booty, the prize Hawaii, and other independent, non-
warring, non-violent nations such as Hawaii.
> Since the U.S. came after Hawaii, England went after Aetearoa/New
Zealand, and Germany went for Samoa, the three (3) nations plus
France or four (4) nations were in a precarious position with the
> Hawaii, Aetearoa/New Zealand, and Samoa were known as the Pacific
Empire since the time of Kamehameha who died in 1819.
> Hawaii was anti-slavery versus the U.S., England, etals. and
appears to have passed the first laws against slavery in 1852. The copy cats
U.S. followed suit with nearly the same wording in 1865 or 13 years
> German Jews were the ones who gave the U.S. loans as documented
in King David Kalakaua’s papers. The loans were made with a
expectation of 10% interest.
> Queen Liliuokalani documented issues of conspiracies, piracies,
etc. and most importantly documented the fact that the U.S. (etals.)
breached the law of nations.
> The Path to Hell
> Criminal deviants, including those affiliated with
clubs/groups/ “wanna be’s” adhered to each other with intentions of
assuming wealth from others – terrorist activities documented since
the Masons/Freemasons, missionaries/ mercenaries arrived.
> The articles above “Washington Place”, “Your Masonic Empire
Amerikkka!”, and “Plundering Upon Innocents – III” are part of the
evidence showing problematic people/ nations affecting Hawaii and the
World today.
> Not covered are the facts that the military also has
Masons/Freemasons activities on bases.
> So, that means that out of 191 nations/countries in the World
with the U.S. having 161 countries inhabited with bases with direct
ties to Masons/Freemasons, the U.S. is certainly a bully/ a strongarm
of those who have conspired to take over the World, exterminate
the ‘needless/useless eaters’, etc. as covered in articles about One
World Order/ New World Order since the time of King George and
perpetuated by his descendants/ heirs today, supported and financed by
the International bankers/the Bank of England/Morgan Bankers, etc.
> The Masons/Freemasons also appear to be those heading various
corporations such as the EXXON formerly Standard Oil Company
operating as an umbrella corporation over all other Masons/Freemasons
who reap the wealth off of hard workers, the “slaves” who they have
plans to exterminate.
> Take back your governments everyone! Remove “lawmakers” who
appear to be “lawbreakers” , etc.
Our friendly, neutral, non-violent nation are regrouping, and maintaining our lands, assets, etc.
Our little nation in the Pacific Ocean maintained neutrality since Kauikeouli/Kamehameha III’s period thru Queen Liliuokalani’s period and still today.  Our ancestors/we did no wrong.
The original international organization of the 1845 period under the Law of Nations return is one of the areas that also needs to be brought back with a meeting place in our Hawaiian archipelago.
Many of our Royal families exist and issues remain.
Continued Opposition to the Akaka Bill pushed by documented descendant of treasonous person Thomas Akaka working in Washington D.C. named Daniel Akaka continues his ancestors criminal, treasonous activities.
Rents and leases of $500 trillion dollars per year in gold coins, retroactive to 1893 remains due from the PIRATES OF THE PACIFIC:  Charles Reed Bishop and Friends, and the PIRATES OF THE WORLD – U.S., England, and the Morgan Bankers (includes International bankers).  Together they are now dubbed the PARASITES IN PARADISE..
> Share the knowledge, inform and remain informed.
> aloha.

Hawai’i No Ka Oi

************ ********* ********* ********* ********* ********* ********* ****
************ ********* *****
> Exhibit A
Yahoo! News
  1. Obama related to Limbaugh? Palin?
    Maybe Rush Limbaugh should think about having Barack Obama over for Thanksgiving dinner. First we found out in 2007 that Democrat Barack Obama was distantly related toRepublican Dick Cheney, and now is saying he’s 10th-cousins of right-wingers Limbaugh and Sarah Palin.
    amNewYork – 42 minutes ago
IMPORTANT NOTE:  German Jews LOANED America monies and America was known as the "Land of 10%" --- in reason to believe that all Nations who gave LOANS to America were turned on, WARRED with/POUNDED, etc.
The True Landowners Exists vs. the State of Hawaii, based on Premeditation, Criminal Activities, Piracy(ies), Parasites promoting OHA/Office of Hawaiian Affairs to help themselves to the Interests/Land Interest of those who have signed up with them.....In other words, VALIDATION OF CRIMINAL ACTIVITIES THRU DECEIT/DECEPTION OF THOSE WHO KNOW VERY LITTLE ABOUT WHAT HAPPENED TO THE Hawaiian Kingdom, Remain UNDEREDUCATED......and the State of Hawaii ENGAGES in assuming Interest in Hawaiian Lands through the UCC Bonds Program, etc..........
....Try asking Mahealani Ventura Oliver, Mahealani Asing Kahau, et. als. who did assist kanaka maoli/HAWAIIAN PRISONERS in the past......the Prisoners were given an EARLY RELEASE providing they signed their INTERESTS, etc. to the State of Hawaii, etc.
Kanaka Maoli remain under stress, duress, usurpation, coercion by the occupiers known as the State of Hawaii, the Pirates, Racketeers, Mafia, PARASITES IN THE PACIFIC!
p.s.  The State of Hawaii is trying to expunge liens on the Crown Lands placed there by the Kamehameha's descendants/heirs.....and being heard in Court.........know that the State of Hawaii lacks jurisdiction and are moving to maintain criminal malfeasance against the Royal Families existing in 1893 and their descendants existing today......Royal Families are not subject to the laws, etc.  These are also international issues as well...Maka Ala everyone!/Wake Up and Smell the Coffee, the Roses, the Depleted Uranium, the Monsanto Dirt, Toxins Commissioned to be Created at the University of Hawaii at Manoa, the unwelcomed in the Hawaiian Islands or the PARASITES IN PARADISE which awaits the tremendous amount of toxins, disease ridden garbage from the FUKUSHIMA devastation!  '.....everything will be alright....' aloha.
off of Facebook:
Lynette Cruz
Check out the new Executive Order signed by OBAMA......
 Paul Kaneshiro post:
They are at it again!!                       
Have you noticed, your Social  Security check is now referred to as a "federal benefit  payment"?
    I'll be part of the  one percent, to forward this, our government gets away  with way too much in all areas of our lives, while they  live lavishly on their grossly overpaid incomes! KEEP  passing THIS AROUND UNTIL EVERY ONE HAS READ  IT.....
    This was sent to me,  I am forwarding it because it does touch a nerve in  me.
    This is another example of what  Rick Perry called "TREASON in high places" !!! Get angry  and pass this on!
    Remember, not only  did you contribute to Social Security but your employer  did too. It totaled 15% of your income before taxes. If  you averaged only $30K over your working life, that's  close to $220,500.
    If you calculate  the future value of $4,500 per year (yours & your  employer's contribution) at a simple 5% (less than what  the government pays on the money that it borrows), after  49 years of working you'd have  $892,919.98.
    If you took out only 3%  per year, you'd receive $26,787.60 per year and it would  last better than 30 years (until you're 95 if you retire  at age 65) and that's with no interest paid on that final  amount on deposit! If you bought an annuity and it paid 4%  per year, you'd have a lifetime income of $2,976.40 per  month.
    The folks in Washington have pulled  off a bigger Ponzi scheme than Bernie Madhoff ever  had.
    Entitlement my butt, I paid  cash for my social security insurance!!!! Just  because they borrowed the money, doesn't make my benefits  some kind of charity or handout!!
     Congressional benefits ---- free healthcare, outrageous  retirement packages, 67 paid holidays, three weeks paid  vacation, unlimited paid sick days, now that's welfare,  and they have the nerve to call my social security  retirement entitlements?
    We're  "broke" and can't help our own Seniors, Veterans, Orphans,  Homeless.
    In the last months we have  provided aid to Haiti , Chile , and  Turkey . And  now Pakistan  ......home of bin Laden. Literally, BILLIONS of  DOLLARS!!!
    Our retired seniors  living on a 'fixed income' receive no aid nor do they get  any breaks while our government and religious  organizations pour Hundreds of Billions of $$$$$$'s and  Tons of Food to Foreign Countries!
     They call Social Security and Medicare an entitlement even  though most of us have been paying for it all our working  lives and now when it’s time for us to collect, the  government is running out of money. Why did the government borrow  from it in the first place? Imagine if the  *GOVERNMENT* gave 'US' the same support they give to other  countries.
    Sad isn't  it?
    99% of people won't have the  guts to forward this.
    I'm one of the  1% -- I Just  Did.

Aloha kakou he Hawaii au,
While we are so engulfed with Akaka Act 195, OHA Seized Lands, Mufi Rail to Goofi's Land and Ho'opil, the 10,000 leg He'e is hungary. Obama has detonated a bomb against humanity. Like that of Obama New Year Eve gift to the people of the free world, the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), he has followed through to solidify the NDAA Act with the National Defense Prepareness Act (March 16, 2012). Is this part of Avercrombie's, the New Day of Infamy in America?   This bottom line is stating all food is property of the Federal United States. Just as all food and property of the eleven Southern States in 1871 became the Federal Union property due to the "spoils of war" International tradition at the end of the American Civil War. 
But how can Obama do that? He is not Commander in Chief until a National Emergency is declared by Congress? We not at War? And who the hell is the Enemy to justify this National Emergency? The Federal United States of America, Inc. has been in a National Emergency since Lincoln via an Executive Order NO 1 activated 75,000 armed forces to secure the threat of the Union of States (1861), and has been at war with you, 14th Amendment U. S. Citizens who were declared Enemy of State under the 1933 amended act of the 1917 Trading with the Enemy Act.   
No can, you say? Then why the need for an Executive Order, especially in an election year?
But look on the bright side. This may be our last BOHICA, and we will all be bending over together. Finally, to lokahi in unity and kiss our okole aloha!
malama ke kino,
Hawaiian National (1936)  
2 attachments — Download all attachments  
Executive Order -- National Defense Resources Preparedness The White House.mhtExecutive Order -- National Defense Resources Preparedness The White House.mht
996K   View as Text   Download  
Obama seizes control over all food, farms, livestock, farm equipment, fertilizer and food production across America.htm
Obama seizes control over all food, farms, livestock, farm equipment, fertilizer and food production across America.htm
116K   View   Download  


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